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Required Elements:

Required Elements:. Universal Screening : The Universal Screening tool will be skills-based and provide national norms. It will be administered 3 times a year for grades K-8 and is recommended for grades 9-12 (see Component 1.3 of the Implementation Guide).

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Required Elements:

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  1. Required Elements: • Universal Screening: The Universal Screening tool will be skills-based and provide national norms. It will be administered 3 times a year for grades K-8 and is recommended for grades 9-12 (see Component 1.3 of the Implementation Guide). • Tier I: Core instruction will be provided to ALL students using grade-level Common Core State Standards in ELA and Mathematics. • Tier II and Tier III: Tiered interventions will be provided in addition to the core instruction provided at Tier I. Interventions will be research-based and will address a student’s area of deficit. They will be provided within the time frames described in Components 3.2 and 4.2 of the RTI² Manual. • Progress Monitoring: Progress monitoring will occur in the specific area of deficit at the frequency described in Components 3.3 and 4.3 of the RTI² Manual.

  2. Required Elements: • District and School RTI² Teams: District and School RTI² Teams will be established per the guidelines outlined in Component 1.2. School teams will meet every 4.5 weeks at a minimum to make data-based decisions that inform instruction/intervention. • Fidelity of Implementation: Fidelity monitoring will occur as described in Components 2.6, 3.6 and 4.6 of the RTI² Manual and Implementation Guide. • Parent Contact/Communication: Parents will be notified of student progress as described in Component 1.6 of the RTI² Manual and Implementation Guide. • Highly trained personnel: Highly trained personnel will provide interventions. Highly-trained personnel are those who are adequately trained to deliver the selected intervention as intended with fidelity.

  3. Steps to begin RTI² • Where to Begin? • LEAs are at many different stages with implementation of RTI² across the state of Tennessee. Even LEAs that have been using elements of RTI² for a few years may have areas that need to be strengthened to meet the rigors of the RTI² Framework. After working with educators across the state, these questions were created to help districts begin to implement the RTI² Framework and prepare for full implementation in July 2014.

  4. Areas of Deficit • Basic Reading Skills (letters, letter sounds, decode) • Reading Comprehension • Reading fluency • Written expression • Math calculation • Math reasoning (problem solving)

  5. Begin by looking at your universal screener and your universal screening data.

  6. Universal Screening & Progress Monitoring tool Update: • State has written a Request for Proposal (RFP) • The proposal is currently at the Central Procurement Office (CPO) • When sent out, expectation is that vendors will respond • An identified group will rate the vendors products based on specific criteria within the scope of RFP • State will identify Reliable and Valid universal screeners and progress monitoring tools for LEAs.

  7. District & School Teams:

  8. How to meet student need: Reteaching/Remediation/tutoring VS. Intervention Reteaching/Remediation/tutoring Intervention Tier II/III/Special Education Intervention Goal is provide research based interventions aligned to specific skill deficit(s) as identified by a universal screener. Skills Based Assessment: Skills based universal screener aligned to area(s) of deficit Skills based Progress Monitoring specific to area(s) of deficit Formative assessment Tier I-Common Core Standards • Goal is to reteach standards that students are struggling with rather than specific skill deficits. These are your “bubble kids”. Standards Based Assessment: • Benchmark Assessment • Summative Assessment • Formative Assessment

  9. Intervention

  10. Intervention

  11. Are the interventions working? • Want to consider how many students are moving from Tier II to Tier III • Want to consider how many students are moving from Tier III to special education intervention • If determining the move to special education intervention, it must be the most intensive intervention

  12. Core instruction plus Intervention (Tier II, Tier III or Sp.Ed)

  13. Specific Learning Disability definition:

  14. Special Education Intervention for a student with a Specific Learning Disability is: • In addition to core instruction • Core instruction provided by the general education teacher to the extent possible • More Intensive then Tier III. Most intensive intervention • Specific to area of deficit/need • Research based intervention tied to specific area of deficit • Provided by a trained professional on the specific intervention • Progress monitoring student growth • Making data based decisions to determine appropriate interventions and services

  15. Work on the Master Schedule

  16. Tier II should be scheduled into the day to be successful.

  17. Organize the 30 Minute Tier II Period • All “Hands on Deck” atmosphere • No one has planning • Schedule students with skills deficits first for intervention • Schedule students with standards deficits second for remediation • Schedule students in enrichment in areas of interest last

  18. Organize the 30 Minute Tier II Period Priorities based on student needs

  19. Elementary Tier II & Tier III

  20. Departmentalized 6-12 • 45 minute period X 180 days = 8,100 min. • 47 minute period X 180 days = 8,460 min. • 50 minute period X 180 days = 9,000 min. • 85 minute block X 90 days = 7,650 min. • 90 minute block X 90 days = 8,100 min. • 30 minutes of intervention or remediation adds 5,400 minutes of instruction a year

  21. 6-12 Tier II - Block (85 minute blocks/ 5 minute class change/ 4 lunches/8 credit year/ 90 days)

  22. 6-12 Tier II Traditional (6 credit year/ 180 days)

  23. 6-12 Tier II Traditional

  24. 6-12 Tier II Traditional

  25. 6-12 Tier II A/B ( 425 minutes per week / 5 minute class change/ 2 lunches/ 8 credit year/ 90 days)

  26. 6-12 Tier II A/B ( 425 minutes per week / 5 minute class change/ 2 lunches/ 8 credit year/ 180 days)

  27. 6-12 Tier II Hybrid A/B and Traditional (5 minute class change/ 3 lunches/ 6 credit year)

  28. High School Tier III Math & ELA Elective Courses • Based on Component 4 (Tier III) of RTI2manual • Courses are based on an individual student’s area of deficit and not a set of standards • Students can receive ½ credits • Students can take these courses multiple times based on the data • Courses must be taught by a 7-12 certified teacher • Does not replace the 4 required ELA and Math courses to graduate • recommended class size should not exceed a 1:12 ratio

  29. 9-12 Tier III A local school board can pass an "intervention academic elective focus" for students who are extremely behind and will need Tier III over 4 years. This is a local LEA decision and action.

  30. RTI.questions@tn.gov Tie Hodack Tie.Hodack@tn.gov Tammy Shelton Tammy.L.Shelton@tn.gov

  31. Resources • TNCore.org • www.TNSPDG.com • Markshinn.org-Specifically for Secondary • FCRR.org-Tier II Reading Interventions

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