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REQUIRED ELEMENTS. Standards are the centerpiece of a strong academic program. They are your roadmap and provide the what as teachers build curriculum, instruction, and assessments.
Standardsare the centerpiece of a strong academic program. They are your roadmap and provide the what as teachers build curriculum, instruction, and assessments. Lesson Plansbring the standards and benchmarks to life - identifies how certain content and skills will be taught.
ABLE Lesson Plan Policy ABLE instructors must plan lessons and produce lesson plans. This helps focus the learning process on student goals and needs articulated in the students’ ILPs. Lesson plans can take many forms. They may be produced for individual students or classes. At a minimum a lesson plan includes: • Expected outcomes of the activity • Ohio standards and benchmarks being addressed • Activities, materials and resources that will be used to teach the process and content being addressed • Methods and/or materials that will be used to assess learning gains • An estimated timeline for completing the instruction Ohio Performance Accountability System (OPAS) Manual http://www.uso.edu/network/workforce/able/reference/accountability/OPAS_Manual.pdf
Student Goals This is where you state the reason for the lesson. Why is the lesson important to the students? The Benchmarks define the content used to make decisions about instruction. Time Frame Materials Benchmarks Standard Instructional Activities Curricular Resources Lesson Plan Explain how you will know if the students have achieved the lesson’s objective. How will we show we know it? Outcomesare the end results of the lesson. What do you want the students to be able to do as a result of instruction? Assessment Evidence Outcomes
When developing a lesson plan template, remember that the primary elements are required while the secondary elements may be added to enhance the planning process. Primary Elements • Outcomes • Standards/Benchmarks • Assessment/Evidence • Instructional Activities • Curricular Resources • Time frame • Materials Secondary Elements • Title • Student Goals • Prior Knowledge • Date • EFL (educational functioning level) • Teacher Reflection/ Lesson Evaluation • Next Steps • Purposeful/Transparent • Contextual • Building Expertise • Technology Integration • Adaptations