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CARBOOCEAN-IP Marine carbon sources and sinks assessment “Global Change and Ecosystems” (511176) The Norwegian CarboSchool project. CARBOOCEAN. 5 year Integrated Project on marine carbon sources and sinks funded by the EC with 14.5 Million € (FP6)
CARBOOCEAN-IP Marine carbon sources and sinks assessment “Global Change and Ecosystems” (511176) The Norwegian CarboSchool project
CARBOOCEAN • 5 year Integrated Project on marine carbon sources and sinks funded by the EC with 14.5 Million € (FP6) • 35 international partners from 14 countries (Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Iceland, Morocco, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and the USA) • cooperation with 8 research institutes from the US, Canada and Switzerland • coordinated by the University of Bergen through an International Project Office in Norway • http://www.carboocean.org for further information
CARBOOCEAN • aims at an accurate scientific assessment of the marine carbon sources and sinks within space and time • will determine the ocean’s quantitative role for uptake of atmosphericCO2 (fundamental for all realistic prognostic climate simulations) • Aims to reduce the present uncertainties in the quantification of net annual air-sea CO2 fluxes by a factor of 2 for the world ocean and by a factor of 4 for the Atlantic Ocean • with special focus on the Atlantic and Southern Oceans of -200 to +200 years from now
Norwegian CarboSchools project • 25 pupils and science teachers from Bergen Katedral- skole (upper secondary school) on board of the RV Hans Brattstrøm to investigate sea water in Hjeltefjorden (25.08. and 01.09.2006)
Hands-on experiments • RV Hans Brattstrøm is equipped with a plankton net, a water sampler and a sensor for hydrography measurements • Depth, temperature, salinity, and oxygen measurements and investigation of plankton
Pupil’s job • Perform the experiments on their own • Collect all relevant data • Analyse data and write a report • Take pictures of scientific instruments and plankton • Provide two posters for the CARBOOCEAN second annual meeting to give feedback to the scientists and the general public
And the others • 2 scientists/technicians: explain the scientific background, what is measured, and demonstrate experiments • 3 teachers: encourage and guide the students, assist with experiments • 2 journalists: write a newspaper article for ”Bergens Tidende” (BT, Norway) • CARBOOCEAN project office: provide background information, write for the university newspaper, take pictures + film recordings, get feedback from all participants, inform the scientists and encourage further projects
”Bergens Tidende” newspaper articleboth available at http://www.carboocean.org ”Bjerknes Times” article
Time frame • April 2005 establish CarboSchools • May 2005 contact potential Norwegian schools • Aug 2005 present CarboSchools to the teachers at Bergen Katedralskole and discuss cooperation • Dec 2005 invite teachers to BCCR, present research group, research topics, laboratories, and discuss potential school projects • Jan/Feb 2006 translation of the CarboSchool booklet into Norwegian • Spring 2006 further discussions of coop. in rel. to the school curriculum • May 2006 CarboNordic start-up workshop • Aug. 2006 CarboSchools research cruises to Hjeltefjorden • Sep/Oct 2006 students work with the cruise data and write reports • Mar/Apr 2007 Investigate water around Bergen together with pupils from different countries (Denmark, Finland, Germany, Sweden) • May 2007 enter water data into a Nordic/international web site to map “The sea in front of our door”, a cooperation with upper secondary schools abroad
Advantages/what made it a success? - highly motivated teachers - curious students - new national upper secondary school curriculum which acknowledge scientific projects - different aspects of a science projects; e.g. chemistry, mathematics, physics, biology, language, international cooperation, etc. - motivated scientists/technicians • Disadvantages/what could be improved? - more motivated scientists - acknowledge the school cooperation preformed by fellow scientist as a valuable part of their scientific work - economic support for simple instruments, travel, etc. • Tips - try to get in contact with schools in the neighbourhood (to make it more convenient) - start simple - get ideas from others who are cooperating with schools and use the web