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Match the English proverbs with the Russian equivalents: 1 Neither fish nor flesh

Match the English proverbs with the Russian equivalents: 1 Neither fish nor flesh 2 He wouldn’t hurt a fly. 3 Не will never set the Thames on fire. 4 A little body often harbours a great soul. 5 He who is born a fool is never cured 6 Не that is ill to himself will be good to nobody.

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Match the English proverbs with the Russian equivalents: 1 Neither fish nor flesh

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  1. Match the English proverbs with the Russian equivalents: • 1 Neither fish nor flesh • 2 He wouldn’t hurt a fly. • 3 Не will never set the Thames on fire. • 4 A little body often harbours a great soul. • 5 He who is born a fool is never cured • 6 Не that is ill to himself will be good to nobody. • 7 He that is full of himself is very empty. • 8 A honey tongue, a heart of gall. (gall-желчь)a)Русский эквивалент: Мал золотник, да дорог. Мала искра, да великий пламень родит. Мал соловей, да голосом велик. • b)Русский эквивалент: И мухи не обидит. С ним ни каши сварить, ни воды замутить. • c)Русский эквивалент: Пуст тот, кто сам собой полон. • d) Досл.перевод: Кто рожден дураком, никогда не поумнеет. • e)Досл.перевод: Он никогда не подожжет Темзу. Русский эквивалент: Он пороху не выдумает, велосипед не изобретет. Не семи пядей во лбу. Он с неба звезд не хватает. • f)Русский эквивалент: Ни рыба, ни мясо. Ни то, ни се, ни туда и ни сюда. • g)Русский эквивалент: На языке мед, а под языком лед. Волк в овечьей шкуре. Глядит овцой, а пахнет волком. • i)Русский эквивалент: Для начала полюби себя, чтоб люди полюбили тебя. От того, кто себя не любит, и людям толку неб удет.

  2. character


  4. eccentric gifted Romantic TALENTED INVENTIVE enthusiastic Creative FUN_LOVING curious

  5. Romantic sensitive Reckless emotional aggressive passionate Easy-going excitable

  6. chatty cheerful Co-operative Quick-witted sociable enthusiastic likeable optimistic

  7. serious logical reserved practical brainy realistic firm reasonable

  8. suspicious cold decisive independent negative Hard-working prudent critical

  9. there are 4 ruling elements In astrology Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn People born under the signs of this element are usually calm, determined and easy-going. They are very strong personalities.

  10. Air Signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius People born under the signs of this element are usually alert and intelligent. They have a good sense of humour

  11. Fire Signs: Leo, Saggittarius and Aries People born under the signs of this element are usually forceful, ambitious and impatient. They are individuals.

  12. Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces People born under the signs of this element are patient, considerate and cool. They are sometimes shy

  13. personality magical characteristics appearance expressions confident connection relationship accurately identical


  15. It is believed that a face can tell much about a character.

  16. You must look into people as well as at them.

  17. Read the text and choose the right temperament. • 1. ______________ are very kind. People of this temperament • can be shy and dependent. They prefer stability and don’t • like any changes. They are relaxed and curious. They can • be good administrators and diplomats. • 2. ______________ enjoy parties and new friends. They are • creative and have a lot of plans. They can be friendly and • serious. These people don’t like following tasks, that’s • why they are often late, people of this temperament are • forgetfuland sometimes a little sarcastic. Often when • they find a new hobby, interest is lost quickly if this hobby • is not fun. • 3. ______________ are thoughtful, often very kind and • highly creative. They like poetry and art. Also they often • want to do everything better than other people. They are • independent. • 4. ______________ are doers. People of this temperament • have a lot of ambition, energy and passion. They can • make people obey them, especially phlegmatic. Many • great militaryand political figures are people of this • type. • Sanguine; b) Choleric; c) Melancholic; d) Phlegmatic

  18. weight His hair Some distinguish-ing beauty mark height The sign he was born His physical description How he sounds His tempera-ment How he talks How to describe a character His hobbies How he walks and sits his attitudes towards life His tastes love In music belief politics In clothes marriage

  19. Homework: to describe your character or any character you like (your friend, your relative)

  20. THANK YOU FOR THE LESSON you are welcome ГОУ ЦО 1454

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