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Our Shared Vision

Our Shared Vision. Bruce Lieberthal, Vice-President and General Manager. Welcome: MicroMD User Conference 2014. "Some men see things as they are and say why? I dream things that never were and say why not?" ― George Bernard Shaw, Robert F. Kennedy.

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Our Shared Vision

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  1. Our Shared Vision Bruce Lieberthal, Vice-President and General Manager

  2. Welcome: MicroMD User Conference 2014 "Some men see things as they are and say why? I dream things that never were and say why not?" ― George Bernard Shaw, Robert F. Kennedy

  3. Our Parent Company: Henry Schein, Inc. “I'm a success today because I had a friend who believed in me and I didn't have the heart to let him down.” ― Abraham Lincoln

  4. Drivers MicroMD: Laser-focused on What Matters To You Key Initiatives for 2014… • Pervades all we do • Brings us closer • Better products & services • Profitability • Connectivity • Integrated Voice of Customer eSERVICES Customer Service • Quality • Innovation • Industry Requirements • Access • Response • Quality • Flexibility Product "Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude." ― ZigZiglar

  5. Client Experience Project Optimizing Our Approach To You • Improve your satisfaction with us, our products/services • Improve your clinical and business success: Higher revenues, lower costs, stress Focus on “Big Rocks” Product, Client Services, Sales, Marketing/Messaging The single most important thing to remember about any enterprise is that there are no results inside its walls. The result of a business is a satisfied customer." ― Peter Drucker

  6. Client Experience Project: Client Services Access / Quality / Infrastructure Metrics 1 • Visibility to KPIs • Improving quality 2 Phone, Comm. Tech. • Installed 11/2013; • Improves access, flexibility 3 Tighter Processes • Interdepartmental comm. • Escalation Protocols • Etc. "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." ― Albert Einstein

  7. Client Experience Project: Client Services • Modern new telecommunications systems and software Systems • Enables us to understand, adjust to peaks/valleys, team performance • Optimizes call center’s ability to get to you faster • Provides us with RT, other metrics on queue time, abandon rate, first-call close, etc. "There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full." ― Henry Kissinger

  8. Client Experience Project: Client Services "There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full." ― Henry Kissinger

  9. Client Experience Project: Client Services • Tighter, faster communications between support, other departments, external organizations. • Processes to escalate critical issues • Daily review meetings • Team Training, accountability Processes • Sensitize management by mandating: • Visits to customers • Listening to calls • Daily management reviews of all open tickets "Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success." - Henry Ford

  10. Client Experience Project: Technology • Monthly releases to eradicate defects • Deep “scrubbing” of all MicroMD technology Development QA • Focus on user requests, optimizing workflow • eSERVICES, regulatory changes • Development, QA team processes that ensure quality • Certified coder involved in v.10 tests • Streamlined custom reporting/interface processes "For changes to be of any true value, they've got to be lasting and consistent." ― Tony Robbins

  11. Client Experience Project: Technology • Expanding Cloud offerings to ease your upgrades • Self-service Cloud services: Unlock account, PW reset Register at MicroMDCloud.com • Assistance upgrading Hardware/network, when needed IT • Expanded, faster network and IT assistance when you call support. Computers are like Old Testament gods; lots of rules and no mercy. ― Joseph Campbell

  12. MicroMD Cloud-Based PM + EMR Hosting: Keep the Software, Lose the Hassle, Lower Cost • One affordable price / month for software and all services 2 1 3 When MicroMD changes, we just update our servers • 24x7x365 secure, HIPAA-compliant, anytime, anywhere access • Complete disaster recovery Software runs on our servers  alleviates hardware upgrades/maintenance/Set-up/Security Upgrades Hardware Access The day I made that statement, about the inventing the Internet, I was tired because I'd been up all night inventing the Camcorder. ― Al Gore

  13. Client Experience Project: Sales, Finance • Simpler, streamlined pricing, order processes • Single monthly bill • Flexible auto and online payment options Sales • Restructuring of sales team under new management • eSERVICES, bundles optimize your practice • Account management services. "A nickel ain't worth a dime anymore." ― Yogi Berra

  14. Client Experience Project: Sales, Finance Monthly Recurring Charges: One Consolidated Invoice Support Billed Monthly • No need to plan for, pay larger annual amounts • Authorize auto-payment  further reduce workload • MicroMD initiates, processes payments • Reduces number of invoices you review, process and pay • Saves You Money • 1% support discount – CC auto-pay • 2% support discount – ACH auto-pay • Register at: MicroMD.com/Help You don't get paid for the hour. You get paid for the value you bring to the hour. ― Jim Rohn

  15. Client Experience Project: Training • MU Training Program Bundle: Training, services, attestation assistance • ICD-10 Transition Services Training • In-Program (“snippet”) Videos • MicroMD Lounge Tutorials (MicroMD.net) • Flexible Training Services: On-site, Internet, At MicroMD Recently, I was asked if I was going to fire an employee who made a mistake that cost the company $600,000. No, I replied, I just spent $600,000 training him. Why would I want somebody to hire his experience?” ― Thomas Watson, IBM

  16. Client Services: ICD-10 Transition Services • Bottom Line: • We’re ready; Gov’t. is not • v.10 will be held: • Adding features, focus on user requests • Services ready include: • ICD-10-ready PM + EMR software (v.10) • Web + in-person ICD-10 education sessions • PM + EMR software training programs • PM + EMR documentation, video tutorials + self help tools • MicroMD Upgrade Team • MicroMD Transition Guide Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first. — Ronald Reagan

  17. Client Services: ICD-10 Transition Services • Our Recommendations: • DON’T STOP – Stay on your upgrade path • Rework your transition plans with the new date (10/1/15?) in mind • Make sure we have your e-mail address for ICD-10 Operational Communications (Stop by eSERVICES booth) • This User Conference: • Will still provide focus on ICD-10 transition • We’re here to answer your questions and help guide you Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did. ― Newt Gingrich

  18. Client Services: ICD-10 Transition Services • Documents, guides, communications • Training, webinars, 3rd-party tools • Educational Sessions • Best practices for your practice outside of the program • Includes workflow changes, documentation audits and preparation of new protocols) • PM/EMR Live Webinars • In depth look into MicroMD changes to support ICD-10 • How to transition current codes, templates, etc. Spectacular achievement is always preceded by unspectacular preparation. ― Robert H. Schuller

  19. Client Services: ICD-10 Transition Services ICD-10 Transition Guide Step-by-step guidance on ICD-10 milestones to prepare your administrative, billing and clinical staff for the transition with MicroMD. • What to plan for • Timing guidance • Contacts • Resources + tools Will be updated with new ICD-10 deadlines and available on the MicroMD Lounge for clients continuing to work on their transition plans: ICD-10 Resources folder “It's hard for me to get used to these changing times. I can remember when the air was clean and sex was dirty.” ― George Burns

  20. Client Experience Project: Marketing, PM • Regular client surveys • Provides us needed feedback on our products and services Marketing PM • Communications: • Alerts, web updates, regulatory • eSERVICES promotions • Usability and workflow studies and recommendations • Voice of Customer: • MyVoice • Advisory Board • Cross-team meetings • Visiting customers "Don’t try to tell the customer what he wants. If you want to be smart, be smart in the shower. Then get out, go to work and serve the customer!" ― Gene Buckley, Sikorsky Aircraft

  21. Client Experience Project: Marketing, PM Customer Insights + Transparency  Better Solutions 01. MyVoice for MicroMD www.micromd.uservoice.com 02. User Group Meeting 03. Advisory Board Interaction between you and our team Your colleagues advise us on priorities, workflow, Etc. We see our customers as invited guests to a party, and we are the hosts. It's our job every day to make every important aspect of the customer experience a little bit better. ― Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon

  22. Client Experience Project: eSERVICES Cloud-based clinical and business technologies from MicroMD and hand-picked partners. 1 Tightly woven into MicroMD and each other. 3 2 Provide important extended solutions integrated into your workflow improving patient care and profitability. “Just as energy is the basis of life itself, and ideas the source of innovation, so is innovation the vital spark of all human change, improvement and progress” ― Ted Levitt

  23. Client Experience Project: eSERVICES “Never before in history has innovation offered promise of so much to so many in so short a time.” ― Bill Gates

  24. Client Experience Project: eSERVICES There are no dreams too large, no innovation unimaginable and no frontiers beyond our reach. ― John S. Herrington

  25. Client Experience Project: eSERVICES “The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.” ― Stephen Covey

  26. Client Experience Project: eSERVICES We must become the change we want to see. ― Mahatma Ghandi

  27. Client Experience Project: eSERVICES Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower. ― Steve Jobs

  28. Client Experience Project: eSERVICES Claims, Eligibility, ERAs, more… A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. ― John C. Maxwell

  29. Client Experience Project: eSERVICES User Conference Exclusive eSERVICES purchased at this User Conference each come with a: $50 support credit Fine Print: Hardware purchases (scanners, etc. are excluded) “I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.” ― Thomas Edison

  30. June 2014 Client Experience Project: eSERVICES Flexible, Valuable, Customizable Plan Tiers Theme-based packaging of valuable services Much more than just upgrades and support. eSERVICES Bundles • Silver • Gold • Platinum • Diamond • Business Success • Online Success • MU Bundle • Accessories “A lot of times when a package says Open Other End, I purposely open the end where it says that” ― George Carlin

  31. Client Experience Project: eSERVICES 1 2 3 MicroMD + MDeverywhere: A comprehensive PM + EMR + RCM + Credentialing Solution The Solution adds RCM + Credentialing services to MicroMD Drastically lower cost, higher and faster PAID CLAIMS + "Once you say you're going to settle for second, that's what happens to you in life." ― John F. Kennedy

  32. Free Practice Assessment Client Experience Project: eSERVICES Henry Schein MicroMD and MDeverywhere have teamed up to offer MicroMD clients complimentary practice assessment services from MDeverywhere. Visit MDeverywhere Booth 2 to schedule your assessment or get more details. +

  33. Henry Schein MicroMD Management Team Kristen Heffernan Director Product Management and Marketing Heather Ansell National Director of Sales Glen Hall Finance Manager Carrie Ambrose Manager Client Services Heather ClevingerManager Product Management Shawn Kelley Manager IT Services Tina Prestas Manager Product Development and Quality Assurance Steven Klis • Group President, Global Practice Solutions, Henry Schein Corporate (New York) • Henry Schein MicroMD team members throughout the conference center • If there is something that we can do to make your time with us more comfortable, just ask one of us and we’ll be happy to help.

  34. Thank You Exhibitors PLATINUM EXHIBITOR ADDITIONAL EXHIBITORS GOLD EXHIBITOR • AutoRemind • MedicScan by Card Scanning Solutions • dashboardMD • Demandforce • ECP • Trizetto Provider Solutions • MedBank Websites • MDeverywhere • Availity

  35. Thank You Conference Sponsors Thank you for sponsoring the MicroMD Lab Thank you for sponsoring Lunch

  36. Our Time Together… • Thank you again for coming • The MicroMD team is happy and proud to be your partner. • We’re excited to tell you about all that is new… • We hope that you will enjoy our agenda of breakout sessions and learn something that you didn’t know before. • We’re excited to hear about your challenges and how we can evolve our company, products and services to serve you better.

  37. Q & A time ? ”Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you!" ― Dr. Seuss

  38. Special Recognition Bill Davidson

  39. Here from the beginning Bill Davidson started in April 1992 under the former Microsys name. Bill is one of the original employees hired by founder Ajit Kumar. Starting as the first Sales Representative, Bill has also held the positions of ‘Demo Dog’ and the go to person for special upgrades and lead generation. During his 22 year career he has been an integral part of the Sales team.

  40. Bill the Volunteer • During his tenure at Henry Schein Bill has been a volunteer for Henry Schein’s Relay for Life team. With his assistance and that of others over $10,000 was raised in 2013.

  41. We will miss his morning greeting and smile

  42. Appreciating Bill Davidson • From: "Prestas, Tina" <Tina.Prestas@henryschein.com> • Date: April 9, 2014 at 4:53:10 PM EDT • To: "Spinelli, Linda" <Linda.Spinelli@henryschein.com> • Subject:RE: Confidential- Bill Davidson • My Bill story… • If it wasn’t for Bill I would not be a Henry Schein employee.  I was working in sales at Circuit City and had applied for a position at Microsys Computing, Inc.,   back when they did business sales.   Bill came to secret shop me to investigate my sales skills by pretending he was interested in purchasing a camcorder.  Although I did not make that sale, I apparently did a good job impressing him because I was offered the position at Microsys Computing  all those years ago.  I quickly moved from business sales into a software development position, which is what I was going to school for.  I exited the company on a short hiatus and returned to Henry Schein a few years back.  Upon my return I told Bill this story and he chuckled and had completely forgotten this had ever happened.  I want to say thanks Bill for making me a part of this team and I wish him well on this new chapter of his life.

  43. Appreciating Bill Davidson • From:Tasker, Celeste 
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2014 12:54 PM
To: Spinelli, Linda
Subject: Bill story • Bill sold MicroMD to a client of ours. The client said she told that she didn’t need to use her mouse, she could put it in the drawer. When I went to train this client and ask her where her mouse was, she told me it was in her drawer. I asked her to take it out and she said Bill told her to put it in the drawer because she wouldn’t need it. I had to laugh and tell her that a lot of MicroMD functionality was keyboard driven but she still needed her mouse for some tasks. The lady got mad at Bill for telling them that and it has been a joke between he and I for years

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