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BEHH. Brent Ealing Harrow Hillingdon Clinical Commissioning Groups. BEHH. Brent Ealing Harrow Hillingdon Clinical Commissioning Groups. CCG Structures 05 th November 2012. Awaiting matching results Competitive process Vacant, not advertised Vacant, advertised
BEHH Brent Ealing Harrow Hillingdon Clinical Commissioning Groups BEHH Brent Ealing Harrow Hillingdon Clinical Commissioning Groups CCG Structures 05th November 2012 Awaiting matching results Competitive process Vacant, not advertised Vacant, advertised Matched and filled Interviewed and filled
Introduction • The following slides represent the latest draft CCG structures for the four CCGs in Outer NW London. • The structures here are likely to be supported by additional non-recurrent project resource to support investment programmes (Brent) and financial turnaround (Ealing, Harrow and Hillingdon) BEHH Brent Ealing Harrow Hillingdon Clinical Commissioning Groups 2
Outer Director level structure CCG Chair** Brent CCG Chair** Ealing CCG Chair** Harrow CCG Chair** Hillingdon *CCG local teams (reporting into the COO) Accountable Officer Business Manager 1 x Band 7 **Lay Members – 2/3 per CCG (reporting into Chairs) Corporate Support 2 x Band 5 COO Brent* COO Ealing* COO Harrow* COO Hillingdon* Director of Strategy and Service Transformation Chief Finance Officer Director of Delivery & Performance Director of Quality & Safety Head of Governance Awaiting matching results Competitive process Vacant, not advertised Vacant, advertised Matched and filled Interviewed and filled 1. Secondary care clinician on Board not shown above. Shared role across the 8 CCGs Support structures to the shared roles are shown on slides 6 - 7 Brent Ealing Harrow Hillingdon Clinical Commissioning Groups BEHH 3
Operating model for teams working across CCGs The Director and support posts working across the four CCGs are designed to ensure high calibre teams are recruited to support all four CCGs. The operating model will be developed to ensure that these functions operate in support of all four CCGs as follows: Brent CCG local team Hillingdon CCG local Team Ealing CCG local team Harrow CCG local team Director of Delivery & Performance Head of Governance Director of Quality & Safety CFO CSS BEHH Brent Ealing Harrow Hillingdon Clinical Commissioning Groups 4
Teams working across the 4 CCGs (1/2) Accountable Officer VSM Head of Governance (8c/d) Director of Quality and Safety VSM Director of Delivery and Performance VSM CFO VSM Advert closed Deputy Director – Delivery and Performance 1 x 8d Risk and Information Governance Manager (1x7) Complaints & Governance Manager1x7 Head of Quality and Safety 1 x 8b 1 position vacant Deputy CFO Financial Management & business advice 4 x 9 Deputy CFO Financial governance 1 x 9 RA agent 1 x 6 Head of Delivery and Performance 2x8b Financial and Business Advisor 1 x 8d Financial, Governance and Business Advisors 3 x 8b Awaiting matching results Competitive process Vacant, not advertised Vacant, advertised Matched and filled Interviewed and filled Adverts closed Strategy Programme Administrator 1x7 Governance support officer 1 x 5 Business Manager 1 x 8a Secondary Care Member Brent Ealing Harrow Hillingdon Clinical Commissioning Groups BEHH 5
Teams working across the 4 CCGs (2/2) Awaiting matching results Competitive process Vacant, not advertised Vacant, advertised Matched and filled Interviewed and filled Director of Quality And Safety VSM Advert closed Head of Continuing Health Care Commissioning and Patients 8c Continuing Care and Complex Placements Harrow Hillingdon Ealing Brent Continuing Care & Complex Patients Manager 8B Continuing Care & Complex Patients Manager 8b Continuing Care & Complex Patients Manager 8b Continuing Care & Complex Patients Manager 8b Admin 4 Placements Manager - 7 Placements Manager - 7 Admin 4 Admin 4 Placements Manager - 7 Admin 4 Placements Manager 7 Ealing Nursing Assessment Hillingdon Nurse Assessment team Brent Ealing Harrow Hillingdon Clinical Commissioning Groups Brent & Harrow Nursing Assessments Team BEHH 6
Nursing Assessment Teams Brent & Harrow Nursing Assessments Team Hillingdon Nurse Assessment team Ealing Nursing Assessment Lead Clinical Nurse 8b Lead Continuing Care Nurse 6 Senior Clinical Nurse Specialist/ SHA Lead 8a Generic Nurse Assessor 7 Senior Continuing Care Nurse 7 Continuing Care Nurse 6 Generic Nurse Assessor 7 L&D Nurse Assessors 7 Continuing Care Nurse 7 Generic Nurse Assessor 7 Generic Nurse Assessor 7 Generic Nurse Assessor 7
Brent CCG structure CCG Chair VSM COO (VSM) CCG Corporate Support Manager (6) Advert closed Advert closed Advert closed Admin Support to CCG team x 2 (5) Safeguarding Assistant COO – North, Mental Health, Self Care (8d) Deputy COO Acute and QIPP (9) Assistant COO – South and Out of Hospital (8d) See page 10 CCG Manager Kingsbury and MH/LD/Carers (8b) CCG Manager Wembley and Self Care (8b) Prescribing team (7 wte) CCG Manager Kilburn and Urgent Care (8b) CCG Manager Willesden and Children/ Maternity (8b) CCG Manager Harness and PPGs/Comms Engagement (8b) See page 9 Advert closing date 07/11 Lift and Shift Advert closing date 07/11 Advert closing date 07/11 Locality Support Manager Harness (5) Locality Support Manager Wembley (5) Locality Support Manager Kingsbury (5) Locality Support Manager Willesden (5) Locality Support Manager Kilburn (5) Awaiting matching results Competitive process Vacant, not advertised Vacant, advertised Matched and filled Interviewed and filled Brent Ealing Harrow Hillingdon Clinical Commissioning Groups BEHH 8 8
Brent Structure - Prescribing Awaiting matching results Competitive process Vacant, not advertised Vacant, advertised Matched and filled Interviewed and filled Deputy COO (8d) Head of Prescribing(8c) SeniorPrescribingAnalyst sharedwith Harrow (7) Senior LocalityPrescribing Advisor (8b) LocalityPrescribing Advisor (8a) LocalityPrescribing Advisor (8a) LocalityPrescribing Advisor (8a) Analyst sharedwith Harrow (5) Brent Ealing Harrow Hillingdon Clinical Commissioning Groups BEHH 9
Brent Structure - Safeguarding COO VSM Deputy COO(8d) Day to day management Designated Doctor Children’s Safeguarding Designated Nurse Adult Safeguarding (Band 8b New Post) Designated Nurse Children’s Safeguarding (Band 8b) Administrator (Band 4) CDOP Co-ordinator (Band 6) Primary Care Named Nurse (Band 7) Awaiting matching results Competitive process Vacant, not advertised Vacant, advertised Matched and filled Interviewed and filled 10
CCG Chair Dr Mohini Palmer VSM Ealing Structure Awaiting matching results Competitive process Vacant, not advertised Vacant, advertised Matched and filled Interviewed and filled COO Jo Murfitt VSM Children’s Safeguarding Designated Nurse (8b) Corporate Support Manager (6) Supports: Chair. COO and OOH Lead Corporate Support (band 4) X2 Out of Hospital Lead (8d) PPE /Communications Lead (8a) RFS Team Advert closed And LBE Directors of Adult and Children’s Services Service Transformation Lead (Planning and Performance) (8c) Integrated Commissioning Lead (8c) Safeguarding includes commissioned designated Doctor Post, designated paediatrician for unexpected child death and designated GP lead Service Transformation Delivery Manager Usha Prema (8b) Service Transformation Delivery Manager Zoe Richards (8b) Service Transformation Delivery Manager Ian Jackson (8b) Service Transformation Delivery Manager (8b) Service Transformation Delivery Manager (8b) Service Transformation Delivery Manager (8b) Service Transformation Delivery Manager (8b) Service Planning Manager (8b) Advert closed Corporate Support (5) Advert closed Service Planning Support (7) Advert closed
Harrow CCG structure CCG ChairVSM PA to CCB Chair and COO (6) Harrow CCG Support Officer (4) COO (VSM) Prescribing Advisors (4.4 WTE) See next page Deputy COO Transformation of Planned care and unscheduled care (9) Commissioning Support Officer (6) Head of MH, LD and Carers (8b) Stakeholder Engagement Officer (5) Safeguarding Designated Doctor (0.6WTE)* Safeguarding Designated Nurse (8c) Head of Primary and Planned Care (8b) Head of Unscheduled Care (8c) Awaiting matching results Competitive process Vacant, not advertised Vacant, advertised Matched and filled Interviewed and filled Transformation & commissioning manager (8a) Transformation & Commissioning Manager Planned and Primary Care (8a) Transformation& Commissioning Manager Unscheduled Care (8a) Brent Ealing Harrow Hillingdon Clinical Commissioning Groups BEHH NB: Safeguarding Designated Doctor is a consultant post currently procured as part of NWLHT Block SLA. *Safeguarding Designated Doctor is a consultant post currently procured as part of NWLHT Block SLA. 12
Harrow CCG structure - prescribing CCG Chair Awaiting matching results Competitive process Vacant, not advertised Vacant, advertised Matched and filled Interviewed and filled CCG prescribing leads Clinical (pharmaceutical) Accountability to CSU Chief Pharmacist Management Accountability to COO (VSM) Lead Prescribing Advisor (8b) 0.75 WTE Prescribing Advisor (8a) 1 WTE Prescribing Advisor (8a) 0.8 WTE Prescribing Advisor (8a) 0.8 WTE Prescribing Advisor (8a)0.8 WTE Brent Ealing Harrow Hillingdon Clinical Commissioning Groups BEHH NB: Funding for Lead Prescribing Advisor and 3.4 WTE Prescribing Advisors to be within the total 4.4 WTE Band 8a funding allocation 13
Hillingdon CCG structure CCG ChairVSM COO VSM Corporate Support Manager (6) Administrator(4) Advert closing date: 14/11 Senior Commissioning Manager / Safeguarding Lead Adult (8b) Senior Commissioning Manager (8b) Senior Commissioning Manager (8b) Senior Commissioning Manager (8b) Administrator(4) • Prescribing Team • Band 8b 0.8 WTE • Band 8a 1 WTE • Band 7 1.7 WTE • Band 6 1.2 WTE Children’s Safeguarding Designated Nurse (8b) Commissioning Manager (7) 1 WTE Commissioning Manager (7) 1 WTE Awaiting matching results Competitive process Vacant, not advertised Vacant, advertised Matched and filled Interviewed and filled Brent Ealing Harrow Hillingdon Clinical Commissioning Groups BEHH 14