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Federal Personal Property Disposal: A Green Government Program

Federal Personal Property Disposal: A Green Government Program. David Robbins Dr. Karen Warrior Director Director Office of Personal Property Management Southeast Sunbelt Region Property Division May 2010. re⋅cy⋅cle

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Federal Personal Property Disposal: A Green Government Program

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  1. Federal Personal Property Disposal: A Green Government Program David Robbins Dr. Karen WarriorDirector DirectorOffice of Personal Property Management Southeast Sunbelt Region Property DivisionMay 2010

  2. re⋅cy⋅cle  riˈsaɪ kəl/ [ree-sahy-kuh l] verb, -cled, -cling,noun –verb (used with object) 1.to treat or process (used or waste materials) so as to make suitable for reuse: recycling paper to save trees. 2.to alter or adapt for new use without changing the essential form or nature of: The old factory is being recycled as a theater. 3.to use again in the original form or with minimal alteration: The governor recycled some speeches from his early days. 4.to cause to pass through a cycle again: to recycle laundry through a washing machine. –verb (used without object) 5.to pass through a cycle again; repeat a process from the beginning. 6.to undergo reuse or renewal; be subject to or suitable for further use, activity, etc.: The industry will recycle and become profitable once more. –noun 7.the act or process of recycling. From Dictionary.com

  3. Reuse is Recycling... • Utilization is Reuse…… • Donation is Reuse…… • Computers for Learning is Reuse……. • Sales offers property for Reuse…..

  4. Key Requirements 102-36.220 requires that…generally, all excess property is to be reported to GSA 102-36.35 requires that…“all executive agenciesmust,to the maximum extent practicable, fill requirements for personal property by using existing agency property or by obtaining excess property from other Federal agencies in lieu of new procurements” Reuse is Recycling...

  5. Agency: Internal Screening/Redistribution • Agency property responsibilities • Property custodians • NUO’s • Follow internal procedures first • Once internal procedures are complete, an agency can report property to GSA • GSA offers AAMS to support internal screening/redistribution

  6. Reporting Property • Notification to GSA of available excess property • Report to GSAXcess® • On-line • Batch • SF 120 Reference 41 CFR 102-36.210 through .240

  7. Must All Excess Property Be Reported to GSA? • Yes, except • Direct Transfer Property • Abandonment/Destruction Property • Nonappropriated Fund Property • Foreign Excess Property • Scrap (except aircraft) • Perishables Reference 41 CFR 102-36.220

  8. Must All Excess Property Be Reported to GSA? • Yes, except (cont.) • Trading Stamps and Bonus Goods • Hazardous Waste • Controlled Substances • Nuclear Regulatory Commission – controlled material • Property Dangerous to Public Health and Safety • Classified or Property Sensitive for Reasons of National Security Reference 41 CFR 102-36.220

  9. What are the Condition Codes for Disposal?

  10. Can I Get Excess Government Equipment?

  11. Excess: Screening & Federal Transfers • Property in GSAXcess® is available for screening by and transfer to: • Federal agencies • Their contractors, cooperatives and grantees • Senate and House of Representatives • DC Government • Mixed-ownership Government corporations • Agency property personnel must have access to GSAXcess® • Via NUO or APO Reference 41 CFR 102-36.60

  12. Excess: Screening & Federal Transfers • Search available property • On-line • Physical screening • “Screening” period normally 21 calendar days • Submit request via GSAXcess® Reference 41 CFR 102-36.90 through .140

  13. Golden Rules of Acquiring Excess Property… • There must be an authorized need for the property • You must not acquire excess personal property with the intent to sell or trade for other assets

  14. Federal Surplus Property Donation Program • At the completion of screening for Federal use, property not transferred is declared surplus • Donation program extends useful life of property in which we, as taxpayers, have already expended funds to acquire • Property is donated from GSA through State Agencies for Surplus Property

  15. Federal Surplus Property Donation Program • Participants in the Surplus Donation Program include • State and local public agencies • Nonprofit educational and public health institutions • Nonprofit and public programs for the elderly • Educational activities of special interest to the Department of Defense • Public airports Reference 41 CFR 102-37

  16. Computers for Learning • Promote and process transfers of excess computers for pre-K to grade 12 education • Authorities: • Executive Order 12999 • Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980 (15 USC 3710i) • Eligible recipients are schools and non-profit educational activities • Outside “normal” disposal process and authorities

  17. What if the Property is not Transferred or Donated????

  18. Sales • Property not donated becomes eligible for sales • Agencies must sell via an approved Sales Center or have waiver • GSA Auctions® Sales Center • Multiple sales methods/multiple commodities, nationwide • Internet auctions via GSA Auctions® • Live auctions • Sealed bid sales • GSA sales provide national exposure, state-of-the-art elements, competitive bidding, and maximum returns Reference 41 CFR 102-38

  19. And, What if You Can Not Transfer, Donate Nor Sell the Property? You may Abandon/Destroy property that has no commercial value or that the estimated cost of care and handling would exceed the expected proceeds from its sale. Reference 41 CFR 102-36.305 through .330

  20. But Remember… • You must not A&D property in a manner that is dangerous to public health or safety. • If an entity wants to buy the property, you must implement sales procedures. • GSA acquisition centers have contractors to assist agencies with compliant ultimate disposal, when that is the only remaining option for disposal

  21. Property Disposal Summary • There are four main phases of the Federal disposal process • Internal • Excess • Surplus • Sales • There is specific terminology • Excess • Surplus • Report • Screen • Select • There are systems supporting the program • GSAXcess® • GSA Auctions® Reuse is Recycling...

  22. GSA Property Management Mission Statement • To provide the services, expertise, and systems that will ensure the timely, effective, and efficient disposition of the Federal government’s excess and surplus personal property assets, yielding the greatest return on investment to the taxpayer Reuse offers the greatest return on investment to the taxpayer

  23. Reuse is Recycling... • Utilization is Reuse…… • Donation is Reuse…… • Computers for Learning is Reuse……. • Sales offers property for Reuse…..

  24. Questions/Contact David Robbins Director Office of Personal Property Management david.robbins@gsa.gov 703-605-5609 Dr. Karen Warrior Director Southeast Sunbelt Region Property Division karen.warrior@gsa.gov 404-332-3323

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