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Visual Images. “The word image comes from the Latin word imago , which means imitation, copy or likeness. Today, visual images have become powerful influences on how people perceive experience” (2006, Dornan & Finnegan, p. 88). Looking Underneath the Surface.
Visual Images “The word image comes from the Latin word imago, which means imitation, copy or likeness. Today, visual images have become powerful influences on how people perceive experience” (2006, Dornan & Finnegan, p. 88).
Looking Underneath the Surface • Interpreting Visual Images: Go beneath the surface to articulate your understanding of what the images mean. • Goal: Explain the whole image by examining its parts.
Looking Underneath the Surface • Following are the visual images you viewed and described in class. This is the same method you will use for the two visual images you select for your prewrite. • For each image, I have inserted the passage written by the corresponding group.
Visual Image 1 I see a sun setting or a sun rising. The sunlight is obvious because it reflects onto the ocean water. This image is a tangy orange, and it somehow gives off a warm feeling. I can imagine the smell and I can almost hear the ocean waves, It brings peace to me and a sense of tranquility with the touch of the warmth the sun gives. I understand that the image is of how real life event occurs and shows that a day has to begin and it has to end. My favorite part of this image by far is the real feel it has to it.
Visual Image 2 The image shows a volcanic eruption that caused a massive destruction to its surroundings. All the rocks and soil are shattered and the smoke can be clearly seen. The eruption has highlighted the colors of the sky. We can see a greenish sky with blue spectrums around it. The elements of the fire and the eruption show power and strength. But also the colors of the sky define serenity and peace. This image therefore shows that wherever there are bad situations and rough moments, a good one will eventually come.
Visual Image 3 The painting shows a field. The sun is setting, and it looks like it causes the field to have different colors: green, orange, red and yellow and also a little bit of brown. The painting gives a feeling of relaxation. When looking at the painting, it makes a person feel sleepy. All the colors work together, and it communicates a reminder that even if you are having a bad day, little things like this painting can make your day a lot better.
Visual Image 4 It was Post World War II and a cold winter day when the war ended, and it was one of those December blizzards. It was December 4th, 1946 and most families were already reunited after the war. German had surrendered and they were forced to split the country to avoid them getting powerful again. East Berlin, a place with a big struggle but people with a bigger heart. East Berlin is at the peak of its depression and everyone just wants to leave, but you have one strong little solider playing in the snow. This girl is six, hoping that one day her nation will get to become one once again.
I see an image of a woman about to bite into a seven inch long burger from Burger King. In big bold letters it states: “It’ll blow your mind.” The image made me feel as if the burger is too much for me to handle. What made me feel this way is the fact that the burger is so long and the words stated underneath. Also, the woman’s eyes are extra open as if she is wowed or in shock. That also contributes to the feeling. I associate with this image because I eat at Burger King and this advertisement is supposed to drive me to go buy the new seven incher. This image communicates that I should definitely try the new burger. It will blow my mind, according to the commercial and the lady’s facial expression.
Visual Image 6 I see a billboard advertisement for a certain beer that might be for an Hispanic country since they use the word “latina” in the statement. The billboard made me feel confident as a woman due to the fact that latinas are known as hot women. As a man, the advertisement had an impact of desire and need for the beer. The images that work together to create the feeling was the image of the cold beer and the choice of words, “Finally, a cold latina.” I infer from the image that the beer seems refreshing. I believe the image communicates that it’s a beer a group of guys can enjoy when hanging out or to have whenever.
References Sun: Photos of Soul Inspiring Aurora Borealis: ZME Science Autumn Harvest: : http://www.art.com/gallery/id--a40823/patty-baker-posters.htm?rfid=220421 Boston Common at Twilight: (http://www.art.com/products/p10292010-sa-i1148960/childe-hassam-boston-common-at-twilight-1885-86.htm?rfid=220421) Burger King Ad http://www.google.com/imgres?q=burger+king+sexual+connotation+in+commercials&um=1&hl=en&rlz=1R2ADRA_enUS395&biw=1600&bih=696&tbm=isch&tbnid=2-5R7NnbZK02dM:&imgrefurl=http://consumersciencedigest.wordpress.com/&docid=h9gJlhcM-x5jXM&imgurl=http://consumersciencedigest.files.wordpress.com/2011/11/sexsells.jpg&w=388&h=500&ei=CyI8T93jMorO2AXV9LHzBg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=169&vpy=133&dur=878&hovh=255&hovw=198&tx=109&ty=176&sig=104158274739120477718&page=1&tbnh=166&tbnw=137&start=0&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0 Tecate Beer Ad http://www.google.com/imgres?q=tecate+beer+hot+latina+ad&um=1&hl=en&rlz=1R2ADRA_enUS395&biw=1600&bih=696&tbm=isch&tbnid=TkxQGuGxuU9HqM:&imgrefurl=http://adage.com/article/the-big-tent/outrage-tainted-hypocrisy/120245/&docid=6o7OO6I17kRpxM&imgurl=http://gaia.adage.com/images/bin/image/large/ColdBeer_Tecate.jpg%253F1189004665&w=400&h=236&ei=JiM8T-7sLcLs2gWq0ujzBg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=382&vpy=167&dur=691&hovh=172&hovw=292&tx=144&ty=121&sig=104158274739120477718&page=1&tbnh=120&tbnw=203&start=0&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0