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4HPlus Year end: Part 1

4HPlus Year end: Part 1. Groups, Re-enrollment forms, and ES-237. Entering Groups. Groups are used when you need to enter a large number of people without creating separate records for each person. If all participants are 4-H members, there is no need to create a group.

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4HPlus Year end: Part 1

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 4HPlus Year end:Part 1 Groups, Re-enrollment forms, and ES-237

  2. Entering Groups • Groups are used when you need to enter a large number of people without creating separate records for each person. • If all participants are 4-H members, there is no need to create a group. • Worksheets can be printed for 4HPlus to aid in recording youth participation.

  3. 4HPlus Demo

  4. 4HPlus Demo

  5. Copying Re-enrollment Forms • Re-enrollment form templates are available on the 4HPlus On-Line Manual website. • Member forms and Leader form files are downloaded separately. • Member page 3 is optional.

  6. 4HPlus Demo

  7. Printing Re-enrollment Forms • You can print re-enrollment forms for the current year or the next year. • If a member or leader loses their re-enrollment form, you can print a new one. • You can print forms for an individual or a club. • You can choose to print the currently enrolled projects or not. • Duplex form files are available, but with some restrictions.

  8. 4HPlus Demo

  9. Verifying Data in Preparation for ES-237 • 4HPlus includes a utility that reviews every member, leader, club, project, and group record. • The utility looks for blank and invalid values in all required fields. • Any errors that need to be corrected are listed and are clickable.

  10. 4HPlus Demo

  11. Creating and Submitting ES-237 • Process takes only a couple minutes. • All data must be successfully verified and corrected prior to creating ES-237.

  12. 4HPlus Demo

  13. What Happens Next? • After your ES-237 file has been sent, it is imported into the state system. • If everything imports correctly, you will get an email receipt that your data was received and imported. • After you get this email, you can start the process for creating the new enrollment year, which we will discuss in next week’s WisLine Web.

  14. Q & A

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