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Geography. Earth - dictionary. A atmosféra – atmosphere B biosféra - biosphere D dusík – nitrogen džungle - jungle E energie - energy G galaxie - galaxy H hmotnost – weight hydrosféra - hydrosphere hvězda – star J jezero - lake K koryto - trough kyslík – oxygen L
Earth - dictionary A atmosféra – atmosphere B biosféra - biosphere D dusík – nitrogen džungle - jungle E energie - energy G galaxie - galaxy H hmotnost – weight hydrosféra - hydrosphere hvězda – star J jezero - lake K koryto - trough kyslík – oxygen L les - forest louka - meadow M minerál – mineral močál - swamp moře - sea N nepravidelnost O objevit - discover oblak - cloud obloha – sky obvod – perimetr oceán – ocean odliv – low tide osa - axis otáčet se - rotate P pára - steam pevnina – land, mainland planeta – planet plyn – gas podzemí – underground poledník – meridian polokoule - hemispehre povrch - surface pozorovat – observe prales – virgin forest příliv – high tide přírodní katastrofa – natural disaster průmysl - industry R rotace - rotation rovník – equator rovnoběžka – parallel rovnodennost - equinox rychlost - speed S Slunce - sun Sluneční soustava – Solar system slunovrat - solstice sopka – vulcano strom – tree sucho - draught světlo - light T tajga - taiga teplo – warmth tundra – tundra tvar – shape U údolí - valley V vesmír – space vítr - wind vrstva - layer vzdálenost - distance
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth Discussion Where is the Earth? What colour does it have? Why? What parts of the Earth can you name? What kind of climate can people live in? What layers are there in and above the Earth? What are some problems of the Earth? How many people are there on the Earth? Is the number of animal species rising or decreasing? Why? Use the following word in a sentence and comment it CLIMATE __________________________________________ DISASTER __________________________________________ ANIMALS __________________________________________ ATMOSPHERE __________________________________________ WATER __________________________________________ RECYCLING __________________________________________ WASTE __________________________________________ CLOUD __________________________________________ SUN __________________________________________ MOON __________________________________________ History of the Earth How old is your planet? How was it created? Who were the dinosaurs? What happened to them? How long is human history? What are some stages of human development? How was the landscape created? How were mountains created? What was ice-age? Why did some animals die out? How did vulcanoes affect the creation of the Earth? Do you think that the creation of the human kind was a good thing for the Earth?
GG Choose whether the following statements are TRUE of FALSE Astronauts weigh the same on other planets as they do on Earth. Mercury is the planet closest to the sun. The surface of Earth is mostly land. Astronauts have landed on Mars. There are no planets beyond our solar system. The sun is a star. A planet creates its own light. An astronomer explores space with a telescope. The planets in our solar system orbit the moon. Gravity keeps us from flying off into space. A moon is larger than the planet it revolves around. An astronaut goes into space aboard spaceships. Try to find out the correct answer 1. What is the name of the largest ocean on earth? 2. What are the two main metals in the earth’s core? 3. Which is hotter, the center of the earth or surface of the sun? 4. The Great Barrier Reef is found off the coast of which country? 5. What is the name of the deepest location in the world’s oceans? 6. Outside of Antarctica, what is the largest desert in the world? 7. What is the name of the highest mountain on earth? 8. Do stalactites rise from the floor or hang from the ceiling of caves? 9. What is the second most common gas found in the air we breathe? 10. How long does it take the Earth to revolve around the Sun? 11. Why does the Earth have seasons? 12. What is mineralogy and what does a minerologist do? 13. Why isn´t the Moon always full? 14. What is the Solar system? 15. What is the water cycle and how important is temperature in it? 16. What are the 3 most needed things to live on Earth ? 17. What is high and low tide and what affects it? 18. Why is SMOG a problematic thing? 19. What is tropical climate? 20. How were deserts created?
EARTH – links and resources • http://www.google.com/earth/index.html - informace a mapy světa • http://nineplanets.org/earth.html - planety a informace o nich • http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b006mywy - dokumenty o planetě • http://science.nationalgeographic.com/science/space/solar-system/earth/ - informace National Geographic • http://www.space.com/54-earth-history-composition-and-atmosphere.html - údaje a historie o planetě • http://science.nationalgeographic.com/science/space/solar-system/ - solární systém • http://www.space.com/56-our-solar-system-facts-formation-and-discovery.html - informace o planetách • http://science.nationalgeographic.com/science/space/solar-system/sun-article/ - Slunce • http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/astronomy/sun/ - informace, čísla a detaily – Slunce • http://library.thinkquest.org/28327/main/universe/solar_system/planets/earth/interior/layers_of_earth.html - vrstvy Země • http://www.myvocabulary.com/word-list/earth-day-vocabulary/ - slovná zásoba „Země“ • http://travel.nationalgeographic.com/travel/countries/superlative-earth-quiz/ - kvíz o Zemi a další kvízy
Water and hydrosphere - dictionary B bažinatý - swampy břečka - slush D déšť – rain G gejzír- geyser H hurikán - hurricane J jezero - lake jinovatka - frost K kaluž - puddle kanál – canal kapka – drop klikatit se - meander kroupy - hail L led - ice liják – downpour M mokrý – wet mokřina - wetlands monzun – monsoon moře - sea mrholit - drizzle N nádrž - reservoir náledí – black ice námraza - rime navlhlost – dump nepromokavý - impermeable O oceán - ocean odvodnit - drain orosení - condensation P pára - steam pitný - drinkable povodí – basin promočit – drench přeháňka – shower příliv - tide R rampouch - icicle rosa – dew rybník - pond Ř řeka - river říčka - brook S sněhová bouře – blizzard sněhová vločka – snow flake sníh – snow srážky - precipitation studna – well T tajfun - typhoon tok - flow V vařit – boil (ve vodě) vlhký – humid vlhkost – humidity vlna - wave voda – water vodopád – waterfall vypařování – evaporation Z záplava – flood zavlažit - irrigate
http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-139536968/stock-vector-easy-to-edit-vector-illustration-of-water-cycle.html?src=K9KdI5p4a3gRbgJKVQRbwg-1-12http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-139536968/stock-vector-easy-to-edit-vector-illustration-of-water-cycle.html?src=K9KdI5p4a3gRbgJKVQRbwg-1-12 Discussion What forms of water do you know? What is the water cycle? Can you describe the picture? What verbs connected to water do you know? What is drinkable water? What kinds of bodies of water do you know? Which natural disasters are connected to water anyhow? How do people use water? What are some problems of the mankind connected to water? What is water industry? Use these words in sentences DEW RAINBOW TYPHOON OCEAN DROP RIVER STORM BLACK ICE EVAPORATE STEAM FLOW FLOOD LEAK HAIL FOG SURFACE WATER FRESH DRIZZLE
Answer these questions 1. True or false? Sound travels faster through water than air? 2. Water is made up of what two elements? 3. True or false? The Indian Ocean is the biggest ocean on Earth. 4. The solid state of water is known as what? 5. Can the average human survive without water for a few days or a few weeks? 6. True or false? Pure water is tasteless. 7. Nimbus, cumulus and stratus are types of what? 8. Does water cover more or less than 50% of the Earth’s surface? 9. True or false? Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius (212 degrees Fahrenheit). 10. The deepest point in all of the world’s oceans is named what? 11. What is the longest river on Earth? 12. True or false? Ice sinks in water. • Make up a definition • SNOW ______________________________________________ • DAM ______________________________________________ • OCEAN ______________________________________________ • ICEBERG ______________________________________________ • DEW ______________________________________________ • DROP ______________________________________________ Say something about: The biggest oceans... The longest rivers... The biggest Czech dams... Weather in the Czech Republic... Problems that can be caused by water... Situation of rivers in the Czech Republic Floods in the Czech Republic... Water industry in the Czech Republic... The things that you can see underwater... Fishing industry... Whale hunting... Weather on the Poles... Melting of icebergs... The weather in the future... what is your opinion?
Water and hydrosphere - links • http://water.org/ - informace o vodě, charita • http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/water - zprávy o počasí a vodě • http://earth.rice.edu/mtpe/hydro/hydrosphere/hydrosphere_what.html - hydrosféra • http://education.nationalgeographic.com/education/encyclopedia/hydrosphere/?ar_a=1 – hydrosféra – informace a video • http://www.geography4kids.com/files/water_intro.html - voda, informace pro děti • http://www.fcwa.org/story_of_water/html/3forms.htm - formy vody • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_pollution - znečištění vody • http://water.org/water-crisis/water-facts/water/ - fakta o problémech s vodou • http://www.globalissues.org/article/601/water-and-development - spotřeba a problémy vody – další odkazy • http://www.un.org/en/globalissues/water/ - voda jako mezinárodní problém • http://www.nestle-waters.com/media/featuredstories/water-in-natural-disasters - voda v přírodních katastrofách • http://sites.securemgr.com/folder19546/index.cfm?fuseaction=browse&id=3658&pageid=72 – kvalita vody při přírodních katastrofách
Mountains – dictionary B balvan – boulder břeh - bank C cesta - route cestička – path D dobrodružství - adventure F formovat - form H hora – mountain horizont – horizon horolezení – mountain climbing horské pásmo – mountain range hřeben – ridge J jehličnatý les – conifer ježdění na kanoi - canoeing K kámen - stone kaňon – canyon kempování - camping keř – bush kompozice - composition kopec - hill L ledovec – glacier, iceberg les – forest lezení - climbing lov - hunt N náhorní plošina - plateau O okraj - edge P paseka – glade planina – plain podmínky - conditions pohoří – mountains pole - field poplach – alert povrch – surface pozorovst - observe průsmyk – pass předhůří – foothills převýšení - elevation příkrý - steep S sníh - snow sopka - volcano spadnout – fall speleologie - caving sráz – precipice stěna – wall strom - tree svah – slope T terén – terrain tvar - shape tráva - grass U uklouznout – slip V vandrování - backpacking vrchol – summit, peak vulkanický - vulcanic výhled - view Z zábradlí – railing zátočina - meander Ž žebřík - ladder
http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-72007540/stock-photo-happy-couple-riding-bicycles-outside-healthy-lifestyle-fun-concept.html?src=0OzYldfRS9mp6kOl7Y99XQ-1-0http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-72007540/stock-photo-happy-couple-riding-bicycles-outside-healthy-lifestyle-fun-concept.html?src=0OzYldfRS9mp6kOl7Y99XQ-1-0 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-94599454/stock-photo-man-hiking-in-a-mountains.html?src=0OzYldfRS9mp6kOl7Y99XQ-1-5 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-69934384/stock-photo-young-woman-with-backpack-sitting-on-cliff-and-looking-to-a-sky.html?src=0OzYldfRS9mp6kOl7Y99XQ-1-7 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-72142033/stock-photo-pretty-young-woman-on-snowboard.html?src=0OzYldfRS9mp6kOl7Y99XQ-1-8 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-75203665/stock-photo-couple-camping-in-the-wilderness.html?src=0OzYldfRS9mp6kOl7Y99XQ-1-82 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-54750832/stock-photo-male-rock-climber-on-a-granite-wall-with-magnificent-view.html?src=0OzYldfRS9mp6kOl7Y99XQ-2-20 People love outdoor acitivites – look at these pictures, comment them and say whether you like this activity or not and would you like to try it? • Guess the right word • What is a huge mass of water falling down the mountain called? ___________ • We sleep in it when we sleep in the mountains, we carry with it us. __________ • It´s a place from which we can see far away and we enjoy it. ____________ • It helps us to get up the hill, it has chairs and skiers use it too. ___________ • It´s a dark place in the mountain, prehistoric people used to live there. _______ • It´s a thing that helps us with orientation. It tells us where the south is. _______ • It´s huge piece of ice in the mountains. _________ • If you don´t drink enough, you might be ____________. • Find the right anwer and comment it • Where can I find Mount Everest? • Where is Sierra Nevada? • Where are the Dolomites? • Where can I find Mont Blanc? • Where is Mount Aconcagua? • What is Mount Etna famous for? • In which countries can I find the Alps? • Can you say something about Czech mountains?
Have a look at the map below and try to draw the highest mountains and mountain ranges that you know and comment them a little bit. http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-53610733/stock-vector-detailed-high-quality-vector-map-of-the-world.html?src=p-91526105-7 Key 1b 2c 3a 4b 5a 6a 7c 8b • Try to find the correct answer • How high is Mt. Everest, the highest mountain in the world? • a) 9,933 meters b) 8,850 meters c) 6,011 meters • What is the longest mountain range in the world? • a) Himalayas b) Rocky Mountains c) Andes • Which of these mountains is also an active volcano? • a) Popocatépetl b) Mauna Kea c) Pobeda Peak • Which is the highest peak in the Western Hemisphere? • a) Mt. McKinley b) Aconcagua c) Annapurna • Mt. Ararat, long thought to be the traditional resting place of Noah's Ark, is located where? • a) Eastern Turkey b) Northern Afghanistan c) Southern Ethiopia • In which country is Mount Fuji located? • a)Japan b) Peru c) North Korea • In which country is Mt Kilimanjaro located? • a) Zimbabwe b) Australia c) Tanzania • Which of these mountains is the highest mountain in the United States? • a) Mt. Hood b) Mt. McKinley c) Pike´s Peak
Mountains - links • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mountain_formation - formace hor • http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/earth/surface_and_interior/mountain_formation - formace hor - video • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volcano - sopka • http://video.nationalgeographic.com/video/environment/environment-natural-disasters/volcanoes/volcanoes-101/ - sopky – video • http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0001771.html - nejvyšší hory • http://www.mountain-activities.co.uk/ - horské aktivity • http://www.volcanoesalive.com/ - sopky a informace o nich • http://www.ehow.com/how_2090523_survive-mountains.html - jak přežít v horách • http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_world's_tallest_underwater_mountain - hory pod mořem • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mid-ocean_ridge - středooceánský hřbet • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tectonic_plates - tektonické desky • http://www.mountain-forecast.com/ - předpověď počasí různých hor • http://www.yumping.co.uk/adventure-sports-news/what-to-take-when-hiking-in-the-mountains--c660 - co s sebou do hor
Europe – dictionary and phrases A Albánie - Albania Andora - Andorra Arménie – Armenia Azerbajdžán - Azerbaijan B Belgie - Belgium Bělorusko - Belarus Bosna a Hercegogina - Bosnia & Herzegovina Bulgaria - Bulharsko Č Černá Hora - Montenegro Česká Republika - Czech Republic D Dánsko - Denmark E Estonsko - Estonia F Finsko - Finland Francie - France G Grónsko - Iceland Gruzie - Georgia H Holandsko – The Netherlands CH Chorvatsko - Croatia I Irsko - Ireland Itálie - Italy K Kosovo Kypr - Cyprus L Lotyšsko - Latvia Lichnštenjsko - Liechtenstein Litva - Lithuania Lucembursko - Luxembourg M Maďarsko - Hungary Makedonie - Macedonia Malta - Malta Moldavsko - Moldova Monako - Monaco N Německo – Germany Norsko – Norway P Polsko - Poland Portugalsko - Portugal R Rakousko - Austria Rumunsko - Romania Rusko - Russia Ř Řecko - Greece S San Marino - San Marino Srbsko - Serbia Slovensko - Slovakia Slovinsko - Slovenia Š Španělsko – Spain Švédsko – Sweden Švýcarsko - Switzerland T Turecko - Turkey U Ukrajina - Ukraine V Vatikán - Vatican City Velká Británie – Great Britain http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-36131950/stock-vector-colorful-europe-map-with-countries-and-capital-cities.html?src=aDJn3K6bL-L4nmv1hXyICA-1-7
Discussion • Do you like travelling? • Which countries have you been to so far? • Which countries do you think are the nicest in Europe? • Which countries are the hottest? • Which countries are the coldest? • Can you say something about European weather? • Can you same something about European landscape? • Say something about the people who live in Europe? • Is there anything you don´t like about living in Europe? • What kinds of natural resources can be find in Europe? • Which country is your favourite and why? • What is the role of the European Union in Europe? http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-110774108/stock-vector-set-of-push-buttons-with-flags-of-europe-vector-illustration.html?src=gpKqkWXsetk_DYqQyQzgag-1-7 Look at the flags and speak about the countries. What is the capital? How big is it? How many people live there? What kind of problems do these countries face? What is the typical food? Why do tourists go to these countries? What currency do they have? Which of these countries would you like to visit and which not? Why?
http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-107232053/stock-photo-the-eiffel-tower-in-paris-france.html?src=O37OS3l5WAfpC7BZCzQCaA-1-8http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-107232053/stock-photo-the-eiffel-tower-in-paris-france.html?src=O37OS3l5WAfpC7BZCzQCaA-1-8 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-49342249/stock-photo-view-on-westminster-abbey-big-ben-and-london-bridge-from-london-eye.html?src=p-90849980-6 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-119662150/stock-photo-prague-castle-at-sunset-czech-republic.html?src=UtbVnOGgebpsPgSgg7zC4w-1-0 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-92061632/stock-photo-barcelona-spain-december-la-sagrada-familia-the-impressive-cathedral-designed-by-gaudi.html?src=epVgbaMGN9pCeSbRzET3LQ-1-9 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-74345866/stock-photo-the-legendary-coliseum-of-rome.html?src=MQmRfbiMJR80eQbC-GYeQg-1-72 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-109024046/stock-photo-view-of-the-red-square-with-vasilevsky-descent-in-moscow-russia.html?src=-Q5eJf-tMB-iiuQQ08c9wg-1-0 Speak about European capitals and famous places of interest Can you answer these questions? Where are the British Isles and what do you know about them? What is Benelux? What are the longest European rivers? What is the Commonwealth? What is the difference between the United Kingdom and England? Name some of the smallest European countries. What was Yugoslavia? Speak about the Balkan states. Which European countries and the poorest? What can you say about the Loch Ness monster? Where is the border between Europe and Asia? Where is Transylvania and what do people say about it? Where was the world´s biggest nuclear disaster? Which country is the largest? What is Gibraltar? Where is Andorra? What can you say about San Marino? How different is Vatican to other states? Are there any kingdoms in Europe? Speak about them... What do you think about the future of the European Union?
Europe - links • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geography_of_Europe - Evropa • http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/European_Geography.htm - Evropa, země, hlavní města a informace • http://www.toporopa.eu/en/ - testy zaměřené na znalost Evropy • http://www.worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/eulnd.htm - Evropa a její řeky a horstva • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_European_countries_by_population - seznam zemí a počty obyvatel • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_industry_federation - evropské organizace • http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324474004578444233122308980.html - ekonomické noviny a evropské novinky • http://www.brugesgroup.com/eu/european-problems-and-their-non-solutions.html?keyword=11 – problémy Evropy • http://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/index_en.htm - portál o evropské přírodě • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geological_history_of_Europe - utváření Evropy geologicky • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Europe - historie Evropy • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_rivers_of_Europe - seznam evropských řek
Natural disasters – dictionary and phrases A atomová elektrárna – nuclear plant B bahno - mud blesk - lightning bouře - storm E efekt - effect epidemie - epidemy erupce – eruption existence - existence explodovat – explode exploze – explosion H hladomor – famine hrom - thunder hurikán - hurricane CH chemikálie - chemical chránit - protect chvění - shake K katastrofa – disaster klima - climate kontaminace - contamination kouř – smoke kyselý déšť – acid rain L láva - lava lavina – avalanche M masa - mass mrak - cloud N nepředvídatelný – unpredictible nestabilita - instability O oběť – victim odpadky - rubbish oheň – fire ohrožený – endangered ochrana - protection P počasí - weather problém - problem prostředí – environment přelidnění - overpopulation přežít - survive příčina – cause příroda - nature Ř řešení - solution S sesuv půdy - landslide smog - smog sopka – volcano sněhová bouře – snowstorm stupnice - scale sucho – drought svah - slope T tajfun – typhoon terén - terrain tornádo – tornado toxický - toxic trpět – suffer from tsunami – tsunami V varovat – warn vliv – influence vlna - wave vyhubení – extinction výsledek - result Z záchranář - rescuer zachránit – rescue záplava - flood zemětřesení - earthquake zkáza - destruction zničit - destory
Look at the following pictures and discuss the causes and effects of each of the disasters. Talk about the financial costs and human suffering. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-59230399/stock-vector-natural-disasters.html?src=517hKVpwCYE2D9wwWef_jA-1-9 Write the name of the disaster to these statements Level of rivers rises dramatically _______________ The lava flows down the hill _______________ Houses are damaged and roofs fly in the sky _______________ People die under the snow _______________ A big wave comes to the coast and damages houses _______________ Everything shakes, houses fall and traffic colapses _______________ Huge mass of soil moves from one place to another _______________ Everything is extremely dry, plants and animals die _______________ Can you comment these natural disasters? The explosion in Tchernobyl The Tunguska Explosion Haiti earthquake 2010 Indian Ocean Tsunami 2004 Mount Vesuvius
Find the right answer • Tsunami is caused by... • a) high temperatures b) earthquake c) melted icebergs • Snowstorm usually takes place in countries... • a) near the equator b) with low temperatures c) hot weather • Tornado is able to... • a) flood the town b) destroy a house c) burn down a tree • When an avalanche falls on you your problem is... • a) lack of water b) lack of food c) lack of air • The liquid that comes out of the volcano is called... • a) lava b) water c) magnesit • Earthquake is caused by moving of the... • a) river banks b) tectonic plates c) state borders Discussion How can a bushfire start? Who is an arsonist? What is a cyclone? What causes the drought? What kind of damage do floods cause? How high can a tsunami be? Can you name some famous volcanos? Why do so many people die during volcano erruptions? What can be done to prevent natural disasters? Are there ever natural disasters in your country? How can we help victims of a natural disaster? In your opinion, what’s the worst natural disaster? Why did dinosaurs become extinct? Have you ever experienced any kind of natural disaster? Use these words in sentences SNOW WATER MUD DEATH HUNGER ILLNESS VICTIM WITNESS ERRUPTION FLOOD DAMAGE FIRE PROBLEM WARNING ALARM HURRICANE LAVA EXPLOSION
Natural disasters - links • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_disaster - definice přírodní katastrofy • http://environment.nationalgeographic.com/environment/natural-disasters/ - přírodní katastrofy – rozcestník • http://www.factmonster.com/ipka/A0775896.html - přírodní katastrofy - informace pro děti • http://www.realsimple.com/work-life/life-strategies/natural-disaster-00100000073327/index.html - jak se zachovat při přírodní katastrofě • http://www.wikihow.com/Be-Prepared-for-Natural-Disasters - jak se připravit na přírodní katastrofu • http://christianity.about.com/od/practicaltools/tp/disasterrelief.htm - organizace pomáhající postiženým přírodní katastrofou • http://www.disasterium.com/10-worst-natural-disasters-of-all-time/ - největší katastrofy všech časů • http://across.co.nz/WorldsWorstDisasters.html - největší katastrofy (v historii) • http://geography.about.com/od/hazardsanddisasters/a/worstworlddisasters.htm - největší (nejen přírodní) katastrofy světa • http://www.mapreport.com/subtopics/d.html - podrobný rozcestník katastrof včetně map
Asia – dictionary and phrases A Afganistán - Afghanistan B Bahrain - Bahrain Bengladeš - Bangladesh Bhután - Bhutan Brunei - Brunei C Kambodža - Cambodia Č Čína - China F Filipíny - Philippines I Indie - India Indonesie - Indonesia Iran - Iran Irak - Iraq Izrael - Israel J Japonsko - Japan Jemen - Yemen Jordánsko - Jordan K Kazachstán - Kazakhstan Kores (Severní) - Korea North Korea (Jižní) - Korea South Kuvajt - Kuwait Kyrgystán - Kyrgyzstan L Laos - Laos Libanon - Lebanon M Malajsie - Malaysia Maledivy - Maldives Mongolsko - Mongolia Myanmar - Myanmar (Burma) N Nepál - Nepal O Omán - Oman P Pakistán - Pakistan Q Qatar - Qatar R Rusko – Russia S Sauská Arábie - Saudi Arabia Singapur - Singapore Spojené Arabské Emiráty – United Arab Emirates Sri Lanka - Sri Lanka Syrie - Syria T Taiwan - Taiwan Tadžikystán - Tajikistan Thajsko - Thailand Turecko - Turkey Turkmenistán - Turkmenistan U Uzbekystán - Uzbekistan V Vietnam - Vietnam Výchotní Timor – East Timor C císař – emperor E export – export H hladomor - famine I import - import J jezero - lake K kontinent – continent N nemoc - illness M menšina - minority P pobřeží – coastline poloostrov - peninsula populace – population poušť - desert povrch – surface přelidněnost - overpopulation R republika – republic rýže - rice S stát - state V většina – majority vrchol - peak http://www.countries-ofthe-world.com/countries-of-asia.html
Discussion What can you say about Asia? Can you name any Asian countries? Choose one Asian country and speak about it. Can you compare Russia and China? Can you compare Japan and Barma? Can you say something about the climate in Asia? Say something about the economy of Asia. What are the systems of government in Asia? What kinds of religion can be found in Asia? What kind of industry can be found in Asia? Can you comment Asian agriculture? What kind of plants are grown in Asia? What are the places of interest in Asia? Can you remember any Asian rivers? What can you say about India and it´s economical situation? What do you know about Tibet? What do you know about the Persian Gulf? What countries can be found on the Arabian peninsula? Can you compare life in India with the life on the Arabian peninsula? Can you compare religion in India / Japan / Russia / Afganistan? Where can I find these places of interest? What do you know about them? The Taj Mahal The Great Chinese Wall Terracotta variors Hiroshima dome Palm islands in Dubai Siberia Forbidden city (Beijing) Mt. Fuji Three Gorges dam (China) Transsiberian railway Lhasa, Tibet Mongolian steppe
Find the correct answer for these questions Is the Great Wall of China 650, 1,450 or 2,050 miles long? Where did the Gang of Four try to size power in 1976? Which Asian city hosted the 1988 Olympic Games? Who was emperor of Japan during world War II? What is the capital of Saudi Arabia? Of which country is Vientiane the capital? Which sea lies between China and Korea? In which modern country are the ports of Sidon and Tyer? What is the name of the group of 1,196 islands in the North Indian Ocean, none bigger than five square miles? What did Burma change its name to in 1989? By what name was Thailand known until 1939? Which country is bounded by Saudi Arabia, Oman, the Gulf of Aden, and the Red Sea? Which is the largest city in India? Which river runs 1,560 miles to the Bay of Bengal? Which river with a vast delta to the South china Sea rises as the Za Qu in Tibet? • Key: • 1450 miles • China • Seoul • Hirohito • Riyadh • Laos • Yellow sea • Lebanon • Maldives • Myanmar • Siam • Yemen • Calcutta • Ganges • Mekong Plan a tour around Asia Which countries would you stop in? Which countries would you skip? Where would you stay? How would you travel? What would you eat? In which languages would you communicate? Which souvenirs would you buy? What would you pack into your bag? How different do you think is people´s mentality? What means of transport would be different than in the Czech Republic? What kind of problems might arise? What would you do if you lost your luggage / passport? What would you do in the case of natural disaster? What kind of weather would you expect on your journey? What kind of traditions and habits might you explore in the countries?
Asia - links • http://education.nationalgeographic.com/education/encyclopedia/asia/?ar_a=1 – Asie – základní informace • http://www.worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/as.htm - mapa Asie s vyznačením států • http://www.mapsofworld.com/asia/geography.html - Asie - rozcestník, informace o jednotlivých státech • http://www.asiannature.org/ - organizce pro ochranu asijské přírody • http://www.bbc.co.uk/nature/places/Asia - příroda a její krásy • http://www.economywatch.com/world-industries/asia-industry.html - průmysl v Asii • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_Asia - ekonomika v Asii • http://www.economist.com/topics/asian-economy - ekonomické novinky z Asie • http://asianhistory.about.com/od/profilesofasianleaders/u/asianpeople.htm - lidé a jejich historie • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_Asian_religions - náboženství v Asii • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agriculture_in_Central_Asia - zemědělství v Asii • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asian_cuisine - Asijská kuchyně
System of government – dictionary and phrases A anarchismus – anarchism autokratický - autocratic autonomie - autonomy B bezvládí - anarchy C církev – church Č člen – member členství - membership D dědičný – hereditary demokracie – democracy despocie - despotism diktátor – dictator diktatura – dictatorship E emirát - emirate F federace – federation feudalismus - feudalism I identita - identity ideologie - ideology instituce – institution invaze - invasion K kapitalismus - capitalism kominity – community koncept - concept konflikt – conflict konstituční – contitutional konzervativní – conservative král – king královna - queen L liberální - liberal M moc - power monarcha – monarch monarchie - monarchy monopol – monopoly morální - moral N nadvláda – hegemony napadnout - attack národ – nation neutrální - neutral P politický systém – political system pozice - position právní řád – legal system prezident – president protektorát - protectorate přístup - approach R republika – republic revoluce - revolution rozhodnutí - decision S síla – force společnost - society stát – state státní aparát – state apparatus suverénní – sovereigh Š šejk – sheik šlechtic - noble T teritorium – territory třída - class U unie – union ústava - constitution V vláda – government vládnout - rule volby – elections volit – elect vůdce – leader vůdcovství - leadership vztah - relationship Z zájem - interest zákon - law
Discussion Can you name countries that are a republic? Can you name countries that are a kingdom? Can you name countries that have a dictator? What is the difference between a republic and a kingdom? What are the duties of kings and queens? What does a prime minister do? What is a constitution? What kind of government do they have in North Korea? What kind of government do they have in Barma? What kind of government do they have in Cuba? What kind of government do they have in the Great Britain? What kind of government do we have in the Czech Republic? What was slavery? Who is a dictator? Are there any countries with military junta as the government? What is anarchy? Do they have it anywhere? Can you compare American and European ways of ruling the state? Can you compare American and Islamic ways of ruling the state? Does religion influence the system of government? Can you think of some famous fighters for the freedom of their country? Explain these words in English PRESIDENT BUDHA EMPEROR CONSTITUTION LAW PARLIAMENT ELECTIONS INVASION TERRITORY DEMOCRACY MONOPOLY MONARCH HEREDITARY COMMUNISM
Can you find the correct answer? • Which of the following governments is ruled by one person? • autocracy - democracy - theocracy - oligarchy • 2. China's government is an example of: • a democracy - a constitutional monarchy - a theocracy - an oligarchy • 3. In the United States, they have a form of: • direct democracy - representative democracy - theocracy - monarchy • This type of democracy is rarely used because it is difficult for every citizen of a • government to vote on every issue. • presidential democracy - parliamentary democracy -direct democracy - representative democracy • Japan and Portugal are an example of a ________________ because the cultures • and customs of the people are well established and there are few minority groups. • nation - nation-state - territory - state • The government of Iran is an example of theocracy, because its leader's goals are • based on: • religion - the people - the economy - the culture • Watch the country and the system of government and comment it • DICTATORSHIP 1) ANCIENT GREECE • MONARCHY 2) MODERN-DAY SAUDI ARABIA • DIRECT DEMOCRACY 3) MODERN-DAY MEXICO • REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY 4) FIDEL CASTRO´S CUBA • AUTOCRACY 5) ADOLF HITLER´S GERMANY • OLIGARCHY 6) SOMALIA • 7) SOUTH AFRICA IN THE 20TH CENTURY Comment these people and their way of leadership Nelson Mandela 6. Genghis Khan Barrac Obama 7. Cleopatra Adolf Hitler 8. Pol Pot Catherine the Great 9. Josef Stallin Alexander the Great 10. J.F. Kennedy
System of government - links • http://www.macmillandictionary.com/thesaurus-category/british/Systems-of-government-and-types-of-government¨- systémy vlád • http://stutzfamily.com/mrstutz/WorldAffairs/typesofgovt.html - rozdělení způsobů vládnutí • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic - republika • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monarchy - monarchie • http://www.royal.gov.uk/ - oficiální stránky britské monarchie • http://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Despocie - despocie • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dictatorship - diktatura • http://list25.com/25-of-historys-deadliest-dictators/ - 25 nejhorších vládců historie • http://fabuloustraveling.com/the-most-powerful-women-rulers-trough-history-part-1/ - nejvlivnější ženy historie • http://www.toptenz.net/top-10-rulers-in-history.php - nejvlivnější muži historie • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Election - volby • http://www.religioustolerance.org/sla_world.htm - země s otroctvím • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_of_religion_by_country - svoboda náboženství dle jednotlivých zemí • http://www.aneki.com/unstable.html - nejvíce nestabilní země
Australia and Oceania – dictionary and phrases A Austrálie - Australia F Fiji - Fiji K Kiribati - Kiribati M Marshallovi ostrovy - Marshall Islands Mikronesie - Micronesia N Nauru - Nauru Nový Zéland - New Zealand P Palau - Palau Papua Nová Guinea - Papua New Guinea S Samoa - Samoa Šalamounovy ostrovy - Solomon Islands T Tonga - Tonga Tuvalu - Tuvalu V Vanuatu - Vanuatu A atol - atoll D deštný prales – rain forest E erodovat - erode erupce – eruption eukalyptus - eucalyptus H hladina moře – sea level hora – mountain K klokan - kangaroo korálový ostrov – coral island L laguna - lagoon ledovec - glacier N netopýr - bat nízký - low O oceán - ocean ostrov – island P planina – plain plaz - lizard pohoří – mountain range pohyb – movement polovina - half poušť - desert prostředí – environment předek - ancestor převýšení – elevation pták - bird R region – region rostlina - plant rovník - equator S semenoi - seed sopka - volcano T tektonické aktivity – tectonic activities tropický - tropical tučňák - penguin Ú údolí - valley útes – reef V velryba - whale vlhkost – moisture vrchol - peak vysoký – high vývoj – evolution Z zdroj - resource zvíře – animal Ž želva - tortoise
Discussion Where is Austrialia? What can you say about its weather? What can you say about its fauna? What can you say about its flora? Why do tourists go there? What do you know about native people? What do you know about the history of Australia? What is the system of government in Australia? What do you know about the oceans around Australia? What are where is New Zealand? What do you know about it? What do you know about the islands around Australia? What kind of system of government do they have? What traditions and culture can I see on those islands? Can you compare Australia and Europe? What problems does Australia face? Why does Australia have problems with bush fires? Do people in Australia have summer when people in Europe have summer? http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-130354742/stock-photo-uluru.html?src=-1-0 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-61244827/stock-photo-curious-koala.html?src=-1-6 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-41937349/stock-photo-stony-coral-colony-and-soldier-fish-great-barrier-reef-australia.html?src=-1-68 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-104360954/stock-photo--sheep-within-a-mob-turn-to-check-out-the-photographer.html?src=-1-61 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-111266192/stock-photo-sydney-july-sydney-opera-house-view-on-july-in-sydney-australia-the-sydney-opera.html?src=c22ahwDUBOaq5q4-bnNNuA-2-52 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-44112070/stock-photo-katoomba-austrailia-nov-an-unidentified-aboriginal-man-on-nov-in-katoomba.html?src=c22ahwDUBOaq5q4-bnNNuA-2-87 Comment these pictures
Find the correct answer and comment it... If you were going to spend your holiday in Australia which places would you visit and why?
Australia and Oceania - links • http://www.mapsofworld.com/pages/fast-facts/australiaoceania/ - základní informace o Austrálii a Oceánii • http://www.nationsonline.org/oneworld/oceania.htm - informace o jednotlivých zemích • http://www.foreca.cz/Australia_and_Oceania/browse - jednotlivé země a jejich podnebí a počasí • http://www.nationsencyclopedia.com/Asia-and-Oceania/Australia-FLORA-AND-FAUNA.html - fauna a flora Australie a Oceánie • http://www.virtualoceania.net/oceania/photos/fauna.shtml - obrázky fauny • http://www.virtualtourist.com/travel/Australia_and_Oceania/Local_Customs-Australia_and_Oceania-MISC-BR-1.html - tradice v Austrálii a Oceánii • http://www.world-food-and-wine.com/oceania-and-food - informace o jídle a stravování • http://www.countriesquest.com/oceania/australia/land_and_resources/environmental_issues.htm - problémy životního prostředí • http://education.nationalgeographic.com/education/encyclopedia/oceania-resources/?ar_a=1 – přírodní zdroje • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_Oceania - ekonomika Oceánie
Natural resources - dictionary and phrases B bohatství - wealth budoucnost – future C cenný – precious cukrová třtina – sugar cane D diamant - diamond dřevo – wood důl - mine E ekosystém – ecosystem element - element energie - energy existovat – exist F fosilní - fossil G geotermální – geothermal H hodnota - value K kámen - stone konečný – finite konzumace - consuption kvalita – quality kvantita - quantity L les - forest lidstvo – mankind M materiál – material měď – copper minerál - mineral N nevyčerpatelný - inexhaustible O obnovitelnost - renewability organismus - organism P palivo – fuel peníze – money písek - sand plyn - gas pomalý – slow potřeba - need produkt - product přežití – survival původ - origin R recyklovat - recycle ropa – oil ropa - petroleum ruda – ore růst - growth S síra - sulfur složení – composition sluneční svit – sunlight solární – solar stříbro – silver sůl - salt surový - raw U ublížit - harm úbytek - depletion uhlí – coal uran - uranium V vápenec - limestone věda - science voda – water vodík - hydrogen vyčerpatelný – exhaustible vývoj - development vzduch – air Z zachování - conservation země – land zinek - zinc zlato – gold ztráta - loss zvíře - animal Ž životní prostředí – environment
Discussion What kind of natural resources can you name? What are the natural resources used for? Which are the most expencive natural resources? What is depletion of natural resources? What will happen when we have no petroleum? What kinds of energy do you know? Why is gold so expencive? What do you know about diamond mining? Can you comment the way diamonds are being mined? Which states are famous for having much petroleum? What is petroleum used for? Which natural resources can be found in the sea? Are there any natural resources in the forest? Name some renewable resources? Comment these facts Freshwater only makes 2.5% of the total volume of the world's water. Consider that 70% of that freshwater is in the form of ice and permanent snow cover and that we only have access to 200,000km3 of freshwater overall. By 2025, 1.8 billion people will be living in countries or regions with absolute water scarcity. Measured total global oil is 188.8 million tonnes (from proved oil resources at the end of 2010). This is only enough to oil for the next 46.2 years. There is enough gas only for 58.6 years of global production. As China and other developing countries continue to increase their appetite for coal, demand could finally outstrip supply. As it is, we have enough coal to meet 188 years of global production. Discussion Which natural resources does your family use? Which natural resources do you think you would miss the most? Do you recycle? Do you waste natural resources anyhow? Do you use your car every day? What kind of heating do you have in your house? Do you waste food? Do you protect the animals and the land anyhow?
Do you know the answer? • Name a fossil fuel that is in the form of a rock _________________ • Name the fossil fuel that in the gas _________________ • Petroleum is a key material for the production of _________________ • Name a fossil fuel that in a liquid _________________ • The process of searching for new reserves of resources is • called _________________ • Releasing of harmful staff into the environment is called _________________ • The process of turning used material into something new • is called _________________ • Energy from the Sun is called _________________ • Place where electricity is made is called _________________ • Energy produced in atomic fission is called _________________ Name some... Water resources _______________________________________________ Energy resources _______________________________________________ Fossil fuels _______________________________________________ Renewable resources _____________________________________ Nonrenewable resources _____________________________________ Mineral resources _______________________________________________ http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-100703203/stock-vector-green-planet-symbols-ecology-concept.html?src=YnUGn40w87I3j5uu-JTLRw-1-9 What do you see in this picture? Can you comment each picture?
Natural resources - links • http://www.nrdc.org/ - společnost pro ochranu životního prostředí • http://www.eisourcebook.org/561_CollierTheNaturalResourceTrap.html - problémy způsobené nedostatkem zdrojů • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_resources_of_Africa - přírodní zdroje Afriky • http://education.nationalgeographic.com/education/encyclopedia/africa-resources/?ar_a=1 – mapa přírodních zdrojů v Africe • http://education.nationalgeographic.com/education/encyclopedia/europe-resources/?ar_a=1 – přírodní zdroje v Evropě • http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_are_the_most_important_natural_resources_of_Europe - nejdůležitější zdroje Evropy • https://www.commbank.com.au/corporate/industries/natural-resources/metals-mining.html - kovy a jejich těžba • http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_are_some_important_natural_resources_for_Czech_Republic - důležité zdroje v České republice • http://www.landlearnnsw.org.au/production-chains/nrm - nakládání se zdroji • http://www.worldresourcesforum.org/ - budoucnost zdrojů • http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_can_we_help_conserve_natural_resources_that_future_generations_can_also_enjoy_them - jak zachovat zdroje pro další generace
Northern America - dictionary and phrases A autonomie – autonomy D divočina - wilderness dvojjazyčný - bilingual G Grónsko - Greenland H hranice – border hurikán - hurricane hustý - dense I Indián - Indian infrastruktura - infrastucture integrace – integration J jehličnan - conifer jezero - lake K Kanada – Canada kolonie – colony konfederace - confederation kontinent – continent kopec - hill L ledovec – glacier les – forest M menšina - minority N nadmořská výška - altitude národní park – national park neosídlený - unpopulated O obyvatel – inhabitant oceán - ocean orný - arable osídlení – settlement osídlený - pupulated P plaz - reptile pobřeží – coast polopoušť – semi-desert populace – population poušť - desert povodí - basin provincie - province R region – region rovný – flat rozvodí - watershed Ř řeka – river říčka - stream S Sibiř – Siberia sněhové srážky - snowfall sopka - volcano T tát - melt teplota - temperature teritorium – territory tornado - tornado travnaté pláně - grassland tundra - tundra U Údolí smrti – Death valley unie – union Vválka – war většina - majority vztah – relaitonship Z záliv – bay zemědělství - agriculture zeměpisná délka – longitude znečištění - pollution
Discussion What do you know about Canada? What do you know about the USA? What is the weather like in Canada? What is the weather like in the USA? Say something about the system of government in these two countries. Say something about the mountain ranges in these two countries. What are the tourists sights in Canada? What are the touritst sights in the USA? Where is Greenland? What kind of weather can we expect there? Do you know the answer? Is Canada the world´s largest country? How many timezones does Canada have? What are the national colours of Canada? What can I see on the Canadian state? What are the official languages of Canada? What is the highest mountain of Canada? What is the national animal of Canada? How do we call the people living in the Arctic region? Who are the neighbours of the USA? What is the population of the USA? Which industry in the USA is the most profitable? Which natural resources can I find in the Northern America? Can you use these words in sentences? STATUE OF LIBERTY NEW YORK GRAND CANYON NATIVE AMERICANS HURRICANE WASHINGTON OTTAWA LAKE BAY GLACIER
http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-112020332/stock-photo-the-golden-gate-bridge-on-a-monochromatic-background.html?src=fC4s0ScYFIVky1znGdCJwA-1-9http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-112020332/stock-photo-the-golden-gate-bridge-on-a-monochromatic-background.html?src=fC4s0ScYFIVky1znGdCJwA-1-9 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-114982402/stock-photo-waterfall-in-the-kananaskis-region-of-the-canadian-rockies-during-autumn.html?src=fC4s0ScYFIVky1znGdCJwA-1-18 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-124395550/stock-photo-rock-formation-el-cafayate-salta-argentina.html?src=fC4s0ScYFIVky1znGdCJwA-1-79 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-48293584/stock-photo-scenery-in-greenland-with-iceburg.html?src=b_oVNk_k4_a4xttqIBSRow-1-7 Look at these pictures and answer the questions Where was this picture taken? What is a bay? Say something about this town. Name some other American towns and say something about them. How different are American towns to European towns? What dangers do the coastal towns face? What is in the picture? How was this landscape formed? What is wood used for? What is a hot spring? Where can these rivers and forests be found? Do we have similar places in the Czech Republic? What animals can be found in these rivers and forests? Can you comment this landcape? How much does it rain in this place? How was this terrain formed? What is a canyon? How was it formed and how old is it? Say something about the fauna and flora of this place. Name some famous canyons and why do people go there. Where do you think this place is? Say something about the lifestyle of the people living in this place. Comment the weather in this place. What kind of industry can be found there? Why would tourists go there? Which animals can be found there? Explain whether you would like to visit this place.
Northern America - links • http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/web_games.htm - informace pro menší studenty • http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/kids/places/find/united-states-of-america/ - prezentace USA pro žáky • http://www.factmonster.com/us.html - rozcestník informací o USA • http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0873836.html - informace o USA • http://www.lizardpoint.com/fun/geoquiz/usaquiz.html - test místopisu USA • http://www.kidport.com/reflib/worldgeography/canada/canada.htm - Kanada - základní informace • http://www.infoplease.com/country/canada.html - podrobné informace o Kanadě a rozcestník • http://geography.about.com/library/cia/blccanada.htm- Kanada v heslech a číslech • http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/Canadian_Geography.htm - online aktivity a cvičení o Kanadě • http://www.canadiangeographic.ca/ - online časopis o Kanadě • http://www.greenland.com/en/ - oficiální turistiská stránka • http://www.geographia.com/denmark/greenland.html - informace o Grónsku • http://www.geographia.com/denmark/greenland.html - informace a rozcestník, Grónsko
World agriculture - dictionary and phrases FRUIT ananas - pineapple banán - banana borůvky - blueberries broskev – peach citrón - lemon grapefruit - grapefruit hroznové víno - grapes hruška - pear jablko – apple jahoda – strawberry kiwi - kiwi maliny – raspberries mango - mango meloun - melon meruňka – apricot oříšek - nut ostružiny – blackberries pomeranč - orange švestka – plum třešeň - cherry MEAT hovězí – beef jehněčí - lamb kuřecí – chicken ryba – fish telecí - veal vepřové – pork zvěřina – venison VEGETABLES brambora – potato cibule – onion česnek – garlic čočka – lentils fazole – beans hrášek – peas hlávkový salát – lettuce květák – cauliflower kukuřice - corn mrkev - carrot okurka – cucumber paprika - pepper rajské jablko – tomato zelí - cabbage C civilizace – civilization D dobytek - livestock H houba – fungi J jídlo – food M maso O obiloviny – cereal ovoce - fruit P pesticid - pesticide R rostlina – plant S sklizeň - harvest U úroda - crops Z zelenina - vegetables zvíře – animal ANIMALS dary moře – sea food husa – goose chobotnice - octopus jehně - lamb kachna – duck klokan - kangaroo koza – goat králík - rabbit kráva – cow krevery - shrimps krocan - turkey kuře - chicken kůň – horse losos - salmon ovce – sheep prase – pig pštros – emu, ostrich ryba - fish slepice – hen velryba – whale zajíc – hare
Discussion • Do you like gardening? • What is grown in the Czech Republic? • Is there a lot of money in agriculture? • Is it a good business? • What can you say about life of a farmer? • What can you say about Czech agriculture? • How does the EU influence our agriculture? • What is grown in Asia? Comment it. • What is grown in Africa? Comment it. • Is there lack of food in the world? Why? • How does weather influence the agriculture? • What happens when there is no crops in some area? • How does lack of water influence the crops? • What causes the decrease of fish in the oceans? • Do you agree with the use of chemicals in the agriculture? • Why are chemicals used? • What is genetical engineering and how does it influence agriculture? • What are the dangers of using genetical engineering in agriculture? • What is a rain-forest? • What is deforestation? • Does deforestation influence the climate anyhow? • How does agriculture influence ecosystems? • How does draught influence the crops? • How does mass-farming influence the soil? • Does agriculture influence the green-house effect anyhow? • Which animals are the most needed for the world population? • Does the number of animals influence the environment? • What is organic food? • What is sometimes done animals to that they grow faster and get bigger? • Do you always know the origin of the food you eat? • Would you pay money if you knew your food was produced without the use of chemicals? • Do people waste food? • Do supermarkets waste food? • Why are there countries where people have no food and countries where people waste their food? • What problems will arise in the future according to your opinion? • Can you comment the quality of food that you buy? • Why is the quality of food important for you?
Comment these pictures – try to mention words connected to them, explain them and try to find a connection with the Czech Republic http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-101687989/stock-vector-agriculture-and-farming-icons.html?src=6kWmvdwHTXYF3GP5Nkod9w-4-37 Comment these pictures What is the person doing? What does he need for this activitiy? Where is this activity done? Why do people do these activities? Can you name any more acitivites connected with gardening, farming, agriculture? Which means of transport are being used in agriculture? http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-83159053/stock-vector-man-people-gardening-work-watering-plant-flower-cutting-fertilizer-insecticide-grass-pictogram-icon.html?src=6kWmvdwHTXYF3GP5Nkod9w-4-89
World agriculture - links • http://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/agric_e/agric_e.htm - světové zemědělství • http://www.weforum.org/issues/agriculture-and-food-security - světové fórum ohledně světového zemědělství • http://data.worldbank.org/topic/agriculture-and-rural-development - statistiky a data světového zemědělství • http://www.globalagriculture.org/ - světové zemědělství – novinky a problémy • http://worldwildlife.org/ - zprávy ze světa zaměřené na planetu • http://www.un.org/en/sustainablefuture/food.shtml - zemědělství, hrozby a budoucnost • http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/statistics_explained/index.php/The_EU_in_the_world_-_agriculture,_forestry_and_fisheries – statistiky EU v produkci • http://www.fao.org/statistics/en/ - Organizace spojených národů – informace a statistiky • http://uiuc.libguides.com/content.php?pid=4510&sid=28809 – rozcestník zemědělských odkazů a informací • http://realtruth.org/articles/130125-005.html - budoucnost zemědělství • http://monthlyreview.org/press/books/pb1218/ - historie zemědělství
South America - dictionary and phrases N nepravidelný – irregular O ostrov – island otrok - slave P pašovat - smuggle piraňa - piranha pobřeží - coastline podvodní - underwater polokoule – hemisphere poloostrov - peninsula prasklina – fissure příval, přísun - influx pyramina - pyramid původ - origin R rajské jablko – tomato rozmanitý – diverse S sdílet - share Š šíje – isthmus T tapír - tapir U úroda – crops V vlna - wool vývoj - development Z zlatník - goldsmith zóna - zone A Argentina – Argentina B Bolivie – Bolivia Brazílie – Brazil E Ekvádor – Ecuador G Guyana - Guyana CH Chile – Chile K Kolumbie – Columbia P Paraguay – Paraguay Peru – Peru S Surinam – Suriname U Uruguaj – Uruguay V Venezuela – Venezuela A anakonda - anaconda C cín - tin civilizace – civilization D demografie – demography diaspora - diaspora domorodý – indigenous F fazole - beans CH chrám – temple J jeskyně - cave L lama - llama lovec – hunter K kalendář – calendar klan - clan kolonizátor - colonist komunita – community kukuřice - corn kultura – culture http://www.shutterstock.com/cat.mhtml?lang=cs&search_source=search_form&search_tracking_id=gKDBW8JrvdohAMHXLT-wxg&version=llv1&anyorall=all&safesearch=1&searchterm=south+america&search_group=&orient=&search_cat=&searchtermx=&photographer_name=&people_gender=&people_age=&people_ethnicity=&people_number=&commercial_ok=&color=&show_color_wheel=1#id=126106997&src=aPm9kaBoZTS-NLqyVQz4Lg-1-10
Discussion What do you know about South America? Can do the people look like? Can you compare Europe and South America? Can you compare Asia and South America? What kind of landscape can be found in South America? Are there any interesting places in South America? Can you name any countries in South America? What do you know about their economy? What do you know about their industry? What do you know about the food they eat and about their agriculture? What kind of problems do the people in South America face? Are there any natural disasters in South America? Are there any mountains in South America? Can you comment them? What is the jungle? What is the rain forest? What are some problems connected to the rain forests? What kind of animals can be found in South America? Are there any natural resources in South America? What currencies can be found in South Amercia? Are there any interesting traditions, clothes, songs or music found in South America? http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-94279336/stock-photo-mysterious-city-machu-picchu-peru.html?src=aPm9kaBoZTS-NLqyVQz4Lg-1-4 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-119812627/stock-photo-woman-from-amazonia-breastfeeding-seriously-affected-by-strabismus.html?src=aPm9kaBoZTS-NLqyVQz4Lg-1-80 What is in the picture? Would you like to visit this place? What do you know about it? How would you get there? What would you see there? What kind of weather would you expect? Why did people build their cities so high? Would you like to live in a city up in the mountains? What is in the picture? What is the situation of this woman? What kind of problems does she face? Why does she have problems? Can we help these people anyhow? Can you compare the lifestyle of this woman and people in Europe?
What can you see? What do you know about this person? Where is it? What is the symbolism of this picture? Why do people visit this place? What else can you say about this town and the country? What climate is there? Can you think of any other places that people go to because of their religion? http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-73059592/stock-photo-dramatic-aerial-view-of-rio-de-janeiro-and-christ-the-redeemer.html?src=aPm9kaBoZTS-NLqyVQz4Lg-2-68 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-103438367/stock-photo-beef-tacos-mexican-minced-beef-hard-shell-tacos-with-salsa-and-cheese-on-a-colourful-plate.html?src=17pOx-Ze5SJQbdVwP90v7w-1-31 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-118163575/stock-photo-coffee-cherries.html?src=1HGcrq9OaAcLsrV4XSmIDQ-1-45 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-25825087/stock-photo-montevideo-feb-costumed-carnaval-dancers-in-the-annual-national-festival-of-uruguay-on.html?src=znf62k88uAIuqv2le0-xfA-1-37 Do you like food? What kind of food can you see in this picture? How would you prepare it? What kind of igrediences are used for it? Can you name any other meals typical in the South America? Is there any typical drink? Do you think that the people drink beer and go to the McDonald´s in their free time? What kind of plant is there in the picture? Do you like coffee? How much coffee do you drink? How do you like your coffee? Where do you buy your coffee? Do you always buy the same coffee or do you buy new brands? Have you ever had any interesting or special kind of coffee? Where is she? Who is she? What is she wearing? Why is she wearing it? What other activities do people do during this day? What kinds of dances do they dance? Is it safe to go there? Would you like to visit this celebration?
South America - links • http://travel.nationalgeographic.com/travel/continents/south-america/ - Jižní Amerika • http://www.lonelyplanet.com/south-america - Jižní America rozcestník a objednání ubytování • http://gosouthamerica.about.com/ - Jižní America zajímavosti a informace • http://southamericanfood.about.com/ - Jižní Amerika – jídlo • http://southamericanfood.about.com/od/exploresouthamericanfood/Explore_South_American_Food_History_Ingredients_and_Basic_Recipes.htm - Jižní America - recepty, informace a ingedience • http://www.enchantedlearning.com/coloring/southamer.shtml - zvířata v Jižní Americe • http://www.factzoo.com/wild-animal-pictures/south-america - zvířata Jižní Ameriky + zajímavá fakta • http://www.lonelyplanet.com/south-america/sights - zajímavé turistické destinace • http://www.theage.com.au/photogallery/travel/south-americas-top-10-sights-20090811-egpx.html - top 10 nejzajímavějších míst v Jižní Americe • http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/555844/South-America/41837/Industry - průmysl v Jižní Americe
Global problems - dictionary and phrases B bohatství - wealth bohatý - rich boj, nelehkost - struggle budoucnost – future C cena - cost Č čelit - face D dluh - debt E ekosystém - ecosystem eroze - erosion G generace – generation H hladovění – starvation CH chudoba – poverty chudý - poor I ilegální - illegal instituce – institution J jaderný odpad – nuclear waste K konzumnost - consumerism korálový útes – coral reef kořen – root (kořen všeho) krize – crisis L luxus - luxury M migrace - migration militarismus – militarism mrhat - waste N nenávist – hatred nerovnost - inequality ničení – destruction nízkopříjmový – low-income O objevit se - occure ozon – ozone ozonová díra – ozone hole P planeta – planet podvýživa - malnutrition populace – population potřeba – need priorita - priority propast – gap (mezi lidmi, národy, apod.) přístup - access R recese – recession recyklace - recycling regulace – regulation Ř řešení - solution S snížit – decrease sociopolitický - sociopolitical spalování – burning společnost - society spotřeba – consumption struktura - structure T toxický – toxic U údaj - figure úmrtnost – death toll uprchlík – refugee utlačování - oppression V válka – war vyhnout se - avoid vyhynutí - extinction Z zaplavení – flooding zbraň – weapon zemřít - die zisk – profit zmizet - vanish znečištění – pollution zneužití – abuse zvýšit - increase Ž životní prostředí - environment