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Nonnegative Shared Subspace Learning and Its Application to Social Media Retrieval. Sunil Kumar Gupta , Dinh Phung , Brett Adams, Tran The Truyen , Svetha Venkatesh Institute for Multi-sensor Processing & Content Analysis (IMPCA) Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia
NonnegativeShared Subspace Learning andIts Application to Social Media Retrieval Sunil Kumar Gupta, DinhPhung, Brett Adams, Tran The Truyen, SvethaVenkatesh Institute for Multi-sensor Processing & Content Analysis (IMPCA) Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia KDD 2010, Washington DC 28th July, 2010
Outline • Introduction • Motivation • Shared Subspace Learning • Social Media Retrieval • Experimental Results • Conclusion
Introduction • Social tags have the potential to improve search,personal organization and have been instrumental in the rising popularity of social sharing sites such as Del.icio.us, Flickr and YouTube. • However, these tags are often very subjective, ambiguous and incomplete [17, 14] due to the lack of constraints during their creation. • The tag quality should be improved for better retrieval performance.
Problem Aim To improve tag-based search performance in social media by transferring knowledge across related auxiliary sources. Motivation • Tags in some tagging systems are cleaner. • Why? Because they are created with controlled vocabulary for different purpose (e.g. object detection) • Can we do “knowledge-transfer” from these cleaner tagging systems to improve search in noisy tagging systems?
Related Works Flickr image and tags LabelMe image and tags hawaii maui hdr tree building person woman tree bench window roof sidewalk road sky cloud Related works • Marlow et al.[17] study user tagging behaviour • Li et al. [14,15] present a method to learn tag relevance • Wang et al. [24] do content based processing and fuse with text-based retrieval results
Text Mining : NMF • NMF aims to factorize a nonnegative data matrix X as • NMF is widely used in text mining applications due to its ability to find part-based and intuitive representation. where and usually,
Nonnegative Shared Subspace Learning (JSNMF) Let us represent the two datasets by X, Y with dimension MxN1 and MxN2 respectively and write the decomposition as : Flickr LabelMe W U V Optimize the cost function
Illustration of NMF and JS-NMF Individual Basis Vectors Common Basis Vector Consider toy datasets X1 (shown in red) and X2 (shown in blue) each having 2 clusters Apply standard NMF to determine 2 basis vectors for each data Treat both data similar by augmenting them together and use NMF with K = 3 Use JSNMF framework with one shared vector
Social Media Retrieval JSNMF based retrieval algorithm Query set (SQ) Project qx on the subspace (qh) Construct query vector qx using vocabulary D and SQ Vocabulary (D) {Retrieved items} Rank the similarities in decreasing order Compute cosine similarity between query vector and the items in the subspace No. of items(N)
Experiments Data collection • We created our dataset by crawling metadata for 50000 images (Flickr), 12000 videos (YouTube ) and used 7000 images (LabelMe). • To download data, we used a variety of concepts • Indoor (‘chair’, ‘computer’, ‘cup’, ‘door’, ‘desk’, ‘microwave’) • Outdoor (‘beach’, ‘boat’, ‘building’, ‘plane’, ‘ship’, ‘sky’, ‘tree’) • Generic (‘book’, ‘car’, ‘pen’, ‘person’, ‘phone’, ‘picture’, ‘window’).
Choice of Shared Subspace Dimensionality (K) • Find the number of the common features (tags in our case) between the two datasets, say Mxy. • Use “the rule of thumb” suggested by [K.V. Mardia et al 1979, Multivariate Analysis] as Figure: Sharing Configuration
Another way to estimate K : supposedly, if subspaces spanned by W, U and V are mutually-orthogonal then However, in our case, W, U and V are only approximately mutually-orthogonal, suggesting that Choice of Shared Subspace Dimensionality (K) Figure: Sharing Configuration
Effect of Shared Subspace Dimensionality (K) No Sharing Full Sharing BASELINES Baseline-I :NMF (No sharing) Baseline-II:JSNMF with full-sharing (Lin et al. [16]) RESULTS SUMMARY
Flickr Retrieval Results P@N, MAP and 11-point interpolated precision-recall results (a) Precision-Scope and MAP results for JSNMF, baseline-I (NMF) and baseline-II (Fully Shared) (b) 11-point interpolated precision recall for JSNMF, baseline-I (NMF) and baseline-II (Fully Shared)
YouTube Retrieval Results P@N, MAP and 11-point interpolated precision-recall results (a) Precision-Scope and MAP results for JSNMF, baseline-I (NMF) and baseline-II (Fully Shared) (b) 11-point interpolated precision recall for JSNMF, baseline-I (NMF) and baseline-II (Fully Shared)
Conclusion • We presented a novel nonnegative shared subspace learning framework. • We demonstrated its application to improve tag-based image and video retrieval in Flickr and YouTube respectively. • We empirically demonstrated that controlled sharing is crucial to avoid any negative knowledge-transfer from auxiliary data sources. • Our JSNMF framework is generic and can be applied widely to carry out flexible knowledge transfer from related data sources.
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