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Social Media and Your College Application. How To Make Your Profile Work For You!
Social Media and Your College Application How To Make Your Profile Work For You! A 2012 Kaplan survey revealed that 87% of college admissions officers use Facebook to help them recruit students. This doesn't mean that 87% of officers are prying into your profile to get dirt on you, but they are using social media to connect with students and share information. Facebook is an excellent medium for keeping applicants informed of college events and admissions announcements. From http://collegeapps.about.com/od/theartofgettingaccepted/ss/bad-facebook-
Interesting Articles/Videos • http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/social-media-hurt-college-bid/story?id=17520370#.Udr3ZODrOVh • http://www.petersons.com/college-search/social-media-college-admissions.aspx • http://nation.time.com/2012/11/15/when-colleges-look-up-applicants-on-facebook-the-unspoken-new-admissions-test/ • http://www.kaptest.com/College/Getting-into-College/Getting-into-College/10-ways-to-manage-your-social-media-footprint.html
What to NOT have on your profiles… • Nearly every college campus in the country has an underage drinking problem. So that photo of you with a beer in hand on your 18th birthday? Get rid of it. Colleges have their hands full trying to deal with drinking problems on campus, so why would they want to admit students who provide photo evidence of their underage drinking? • Also, do you have your birth date posted on Facebook? Obviously lots of underage students drink, but you're showing really poor judgment if you document illegal behavior in such a concrete way.
What to NOT have on your profiles… • Even more problematic than photos of underage drinking are photos of illegal drug use. So that picture of you with a joint, bong or hookah?--put it in the trash bin. Any photo that looks like someone is lighting up a doobie, dropping acid or tripping on shrooms should be no part of your web image. • Even if you aren't actually doing drugs, colleges are likely to be concerned if they see pictures of you with friends who are. Also, if that hookah or rolled cigarette holds nothing but tobacco, or it's powdered sugar you're snorting, the person who views the photo is likely to draw a different conclusion. • No college is going to admit a student who they think is a drug user. A college doesn't want the liability, and they don't want a campus culture of drug use.
What to NOT have on your profiles… • There's nothing illegal about giving someone the bird or doing something obscene with a couple fingers and your tongue. But is this really the image of yourself that you think will get you into college? The photo may be funny to you and your close friends, but it could very well be offensive to the admissions officer who is investigating your online image. • If in doubt, imagine your sweet great aunt looking at the photo. Would she approve?
What to NOT have on your profiles… • It may have been exciting when you strolled onto private property, fished in a no-fishing area, drove 100 mph, or climbed the tower for those high-tension powerlines. At the same time, if you post photo evidence of such behavior you're showing remarkably bad judgment. • Some college admissions officers will be unimpressed by your disregard for the law. More will be unimpressed by your decision to photo-document the law breaking.
What to NOT have on your profiles… • Beer pong and other drinking games are remarkably popular on college campuses. This doesn't mean that the admissions officers want to enroll students who illustrate that their primary source of amusement involves alcohol. • And don't be fooled -- those big red party cups may not say "beer" on them, but anyone who works at a college has a pretty good idea about what's being consumed.
What to NOT have on your profiles… • Facebook is likely to remove any pictures that show nudity, but you should still think twice about showing pictures with lots of skin. If you went a little crazy during spring break or at Mardi Gras, or if you have some pictures of you sporting the latest micro-bikini or glued-on Speedo briefs, photos of all that skin are a bad idea when you're applying to college. Also, not everyone wants to see the tattoo on your left buttock. You never know what the comfort level is of the person who is evaluating your application.
What to NOT have on your profiles… • It's easy to learn a lot about students' prejudices from their facebook accounts. If you belong to a group called "I hate ____________," think about unjoining if the object of hatred is any group of people. Nearly all colleges are trying to create a diverse and tolerant campus community. If you're advertising your hatred of people based on their age, weight, race, religion, gender or sexual orientation, a college is likely to take a pass on your application. Any photos that reveal prejudices should obviously be removed. • On the flip side, you should freely advertise your hatred of cancer, pollution, torture and poverty.
What to NOT have on your profiles… • Remember that the people investigating your online image will not understand your inside jokes or ironic tone, nor will they know the context of your photos. Photo albums titled "I Hate Babies," "My School is Full of Losers," or "My Brother is a Moron" can easily strike the wrong chord with a stranger who stumbles across them. The admissions folks would rather see a student who reveals a generosity of spirit, not a cutting and dismissive personality.
What to NOT have on your profiles… • This topic is a bit fuzzier than something like illegal behavior. However, if your favorite pastime involves clubbing baby seals to death in northern Canada, hunting whales for "research" purposes on a Japanese ship, marketing fur coats, or even advocating for a particular side of a hot-button political issue, you should think carefully about posting photos of your activities. I won't say you shouldn't post such photos, but they can have consequences. • Ideally the people reading your application are open-minded and will value your passions even when quite different from their own. Admissions officers are human, however, and their own biases can easily enter the process when they are confronted with something that is highly controversial or provocative. • Make sure you are being deliberate and thoughtful when you present images related to controversial issues.
What to NOT have on your profiles… • A photo showing a peck on the cheek isn't anything to worry about, but not all admissions officers are going to appreciate pictures of you groping and grinding with your significant other. • If the photo shows behavior that you wouldn't want your parents or minister to see, you probably don't want a college admissions office to see it either.
What to NOT have on your profiles… • Identity theft is rampant these days, and the news is also filled with stories of people who have been victimized by online stalkers. As a result, you're showing bad judgment (and endangering yourself) if your Facebook account gives others explicit information about where they can find you. If you want your friends to have your address and phone number, give it to them. But not everyone trolling the internet is your friend. Colleges won't be impressed by your naivete if you present lots of personal information online.
What to NOT have on your profiles… • Talk to anyone who works in Student Affairs at a college, and they'll tell you the worst part of the job is that late night trip to the emergency room with a student who has passed out from excessive drinking. From a college's perspective, there's nothing funny about it. Your friends may get a chuckle out of that picture of you hugging the porcelain throne, but a college official is going to think about the students who have died from alcohol poisoning, been raped while passed out, or choked to death on their own vomit. • Your application could easily end up on the rejection pile if a college admissions officer comes across a photo that shows you or your friends passed out, puking, or staring into space in glassy-eyed wonder.
What to NOT have on your profiles… Talking badly about teachers/classes/classmates/schools Posting negatively about the college you’re applying to or about how you’d rather go to a rival college (Yep. That happened.) Profanity Jokes/Pranks that other people might not think are funny Friends hacking your profile Consider who you follow/are friends with and what that says about you
What TO HAVE on your profiles… • Think about those awards you've won. The medal doesn't need to be gold -- silver, bronze, or brass-coated plastic will also give the folks looking at your pictures the clear sense that you've accomplished something noteworthy. So if you were on the medals podium after that equestrian match or you got a yellow ribbon for best apple pie at the county fair, upload those pictures to your Facebook profile. • This isn't the type of photo you'd want to send to a college -- that would seem painfully self-congratulating -- but the impression is quite different if an admissions officer stumbles across the photo in your Facebook photo album. • Your college applications and future resume will have a space for listing honors and awards. Your Facebook photo gallery can work to reinforce your accomplishments.
What TO HAVE on your profiles… • Every once in a while, Mom or the school photographer captures an amazing image of you shooting the winning basket, stretching into the end-zone, or just clearing the high jump bar. Use these photos to strengthen your Facebook image. Colleges and future employers will respond positively to someone who has physical as well as intellectual talents. Think about what it means to be an accomplished athlete: • You are disciplined • You are focused • You have perseverance • You listen to coaches • You are fit • And, of course, you are a potential recruit for the college team • Don't post so many sports pictures of yourself that you look narcissistic, but a few shots of your athletic accomplishments will certainly make you look good. • Also, don't shy away from those other sports pictures. You know, the ones where you fell off your horse, tripped over the hurdle, or did a face-plant in the mud on the baseball diamond. These pictures show other positive features of your personality -- your humility, your sense of humor, and your maturity in being able to embrace your gaffs.
What TO HAVE on your profiles… • Part of being a well-rounded student is having a worldview that reaches further than your hometown. If you've traveled across the U.S. or visited other countries, put some of those travel pictures in your Facebook profile. • Read the mission statements of colleges, and you'll often see an emphasis on global awareness. Colleges want their graduates to be useful global citizens who recognize the interconnectedness of all the nations and cultures on our little earth. • Use your Facebook photos to show that you will be arriving at college with a certain level of appreciation for different people and places.
What TO HAVE on your profiles… • If you have artistic talent but aren't applying to colleges with portfolio admissions processes, you don't have many options for showing off your accomplishments to admissions officers. A Facebook photo gallery can add an artistic dimension to your application. Take flattering photos of your work, and invite admissions officers to peruse them in a Facebook gallery. • Even if you are applying to college for a field totally unrelated to art, your artistic skills will be attractive to a college. They show that you are a person with multiple talents, and your creative abilities will probably find many outlets in college -- designing posters, webpages, theatre sets, social venues, and so on. Also, creative students tend to have strong critical thinking abilities. So even if you plan on being an electrical engineer or sociologist, show off your creative side.
What TO HAVE on your profiles… • Most of us have those embarrassing photos from the junior prom or cousin Suzy's wedding. You know, the one where you're blushing purple or struggling to pin on that stupid corsage. Nevertheless, those formal pictures add a positive dimension to the image that you can convey through your Facebook photos. For one, they show that you clean up nicely and don't always wear cargo shorts and grubby t-shirts. Dressing well, after all, is often an important part of professional success. • Also, all those admissions officers are real people who went to their own proms and family weddings. Those formal pictures will create a small connection between you and the person reviewing your application.
What TO HAVE on your profiles… • Are you a member of the band, choir, or orchestra? Did you start your own rock group? Do you play guitar on street corners? Did you learn how to play the didgeridoo while on student exchange in Australia? If so, post in Facebook those pictures of you performing. • Music, in whatever form, is an attractive extracurricular activity to colleges. Music (like sports) takes practice, diligence, and focus. Also, if you play in an ensemble, you need to have good teamwork skills. And we shouldn't forget that music skills and math skills often go hand-in-hand, so your musical ability is a positive indicator for certain academic abilities.
What TO HAVE on your profiles… • Community service and volunteer work have become an important part of applications to the country's most selective colleges. If you raise money for local charities, help out with Habitat for Humanity, take care of pets at the local shelter, or serve food at a soup kitchen, make sure colleges know about your involvement. • A photo of you racing for the cure or painting the local church can bring to life that list of activities on your application. This type of picture shows that you think about people other than yourself, a character trait that every college values.
What TO HAVE on your profiles… • Theater is another extracurricular activity that colleges love. Think about all that's involved in performing in a play: • understanding and memorizing your lines • enduring long hours of practice • keeping your concentration and focus • working well with a group • speaking clearly and forcefully • keeping your nerve in front of an audience • Every one of these skills has value in a college setting. Students who can focus, practice, collaborate, and speak clearly in front of a crowd are students who will succeed in college and in their future careers. • So, if you had a role in a theatrical performance at your school, post those pictures in Facebook. Your involvement in theater is a clear plus, and your costume may also get a smile from the admissions officers.
What TO HAVE on your profiles… • That photo of you scoring the winning touchdown or nailing a perfect dive is impressive. Also impressive, however, is the assist you made in volleyball, your perfect synchronization on the cheerleading squad, and the clock-like precision of your crew team. Keep in mind that a college campus filled with nothing but superstars would be a pretty annoying place to live and learn. • Those photos of you participating on a team show to college admissions officers that you know how to place the group before the individual. And it should be a rather obvious point that colleges want to admit students who play well with others.
What TO HAVE on your profiles… • Have you taught summer camp? Do you read to young kids after school? Have you had any role that involves teaching or mentoring younger kids? If so, try to capture your activities in your Facebook photo gallery. • Leadership ability is a quality that all colleges look for in applicants, and your work as a mentor or teacher reveals an admirable type of leadership. Extrapolating from your work in high school, admissions officers might picture you as a college peer leader, writing center tutor, residential advisor, or lab assistant. • The purpose of your extracurricular activities in high school isn't simply to fill up space on your college application. College admissions officers will be looking for meaningful activities that will bring value to their campus community. Your work as a mentor does just that.
What TO HAVE on your profiles… • To continue with the leadership theme, are you captain of a team or club? Did you lead your debate team or Model U.N. team to victory? Did you head up a fundraiser at your school or church? Did your organize a political group in your community? Were you section leader in the marching band? • If you've had any leadership role in high school (and try to think about leadership in broad terms), try to include a few photos in your Facebook profile. Your leadership skills will have great value in college and in your future career. College admissions officers want to know about your accomplishments on this front.
What TO HAVE on your profiles… • If you're a nature lover, let your Facebook photos illustrate your passion. Your fondness for the great outdoors will be attractive to colleges on multiple levels. Many colleges have outing clubs, ski clubs, hiking groups, and other student organizations. Colleges would much rather enroll students who take part in these healthy activities than students who spend their days slumped in front of computers and televisions. • Also, colleges will be glad to find students with interest in the environment. Sustainability is a big issue on most college campuses, and many schools are working hard to lessen their environmental impact. If your love of the outdoors translates into a desire to preserve our environment, make sure colleges know this.
What TO HAVE on your profiles… • If your idea of fun is building a computer from a bucket of sand, three lemons, a coat hanger, duck tape and a copy of Great Expectations, colleges want to know this. Not everyone is an award-winning flautist or champion softball player. Achievement in math and science is remarkably impressive, so be sure to flaunt your geekiness • Flesh out your Facebook photo album with those pictures of the battle-bot competition, the model rocket launch, and the Mathletes championship. A healthy college community has musicians, artist, athletes, teachers, and scientists. Whatever your passion is, use Facebook to illustrate it.
What TO HAVE on your profiles… • Chances are you have hundreds of these photos -- swimming at the lake with sis, Thanksgiving dinner with the extended family, the summer camping trip with your cousins, posing with your brother at his graduation...Now it is true that an album with 1,300 of these pictures will try the patience of anyone, especially a college admissions officer who doesn't really know you. However, a few carefully chosen family photos can serve a valuable function. For one, students with healthy family relationships have a valuable support network as they make the transition to college. • Also, that picture of you hugging your brother (rather than giving him a black eye) suggests that you might just be able to get along with a roommate (rather than giving him a black eye). Colleges would much rather enroll students who can manage interpersonal relationships than students who are withdrawn, pouty, and morose.
What TO HAVE on your profiles… • Our final good Facebook photo shows you at a game supporting your school team or cheering on your classmates in a competition. Perhaps you are wearing a school jacket. It's possible you painted your face purple. You might just be looking a bit giddy and goofy with your friends. I think I see a kazoo in the lower right corner of your photo. • This is school spirit at its best, and it's a good image for college admissions officers to see. Colleges want to enroll students who are spirited, and they want students who will be loyal to the school. They want students who will attend games and competitions and cheer on their peers. A healthy campus is full of this kind of energy, so be sure to capture your school spirit in your Facebook photos.
What TO HAVE on your profiles… Link to a great article about colleges you’re applying to Like/Friend/Follow the colleges you’re most interested in Positive groups/organizations Pictures of you on the campus (if you’ve visited) Church/Community Service events
To Hide or Not To Hide • Pros/Cons of hiding under a fake/misspelled name • Privacy settings • Take control of tagging photos/posts