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Learn about Brazil's geology and mining management, actions by Lula's government, and challenges facing small-scale mining. Explore mineral resources, government policies, and initiatives for sustainable development.
Ministério de Minas e Energia Secretaria de Geologia, Mineração e Transformação Mineral Small – Scale Mineral Production in BrazilCURRENT DAYS AND PROJECTION FOR THE FUTURE CASM - Communities and Small - Scale Mining Brasília, 8 de outubro de 2008
Summary I. Brazilian Constitution and government's management on geology and mining II. Actions and Propositions of Lula's government III Actions and Propositions of Lula's government to small scale mining
I. Brazilian Constitution and Government’s Management on Geology and Mining
BRAZILIAN FEDERAL CONSTITUTION - 1988 • Art. 20 – Brazilian State is the owner of the following goods: • IX – mineral resources, including underground • Art. 22 – Brazilian State has exclusive competence to make the laws on: • XII – mining and metallurgy; • XVIII – national geological, cartographic • and statistics systems.
MINISTER OF MINES AND ENERGY Minister Bureau Executive Secretariat Legal Advisory Economic Advisory Secretariat of Planning and Energetic Development Secretariat of Electric Energy Secretariat of Oil, Natural Gas and Renewable fuels Secretariat of Geology, Mining and Mineral Processing AUTARCHIES MIX ENTERPRISES PUBLIC COMPANIES ELETROBRÁS PETROBRAS ANEEL ANP DNPM EPE CBEE CPRM
Department of Political Administration of Geology, Mining and Mineral Processing Department of Geology and Mineral Production Department of Processing and Mineral Tecnology Department of Sustainable Development in the Mining Secretariat of Geology, Mining and Mineral Processing Company of Research and Mineral Resources– CPRM (act as the Geological Survey of Brazil) Public Company responsible for the generation and diffusion of the basic geological and hydrological knowledge of the Country GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF BRAZIL National Department of Mineral Production – DNPM Autarchy manager of the Brazilian Mineral Assets BRAZILIAN BUREAU OF MINES
II. Actions and Policies of Lula's Government
Brazilian Geology Brazilian Ores…
Brazilian World Ranking in Mineral Production Importer /Producer Self Sufficiency External dependence Global Player Exporter Limestone (cement) Chrome Industrial Diamond Titanium Gold Talc Nickel Niobium(1º) Iron (1º) Manganese (1º) Bauxite (2º) Tantalum (2º) Graphite (3º) Amianthus(4º) Dimension Stones Kaolin Magnesite Vermiculite Mica Phosphate Cooper Zinc Diatomite Tungstenium Potassium Sufur Metallurgic Coal Rare Earth Elements
Mining Sinopsis & Metalic and Non Metalic Mineral Transformation US$ billions Fonte: Sinopse M &TM, 2007 , DTTM/SGM/MME External Trade – Mineral Sector (1978 – 2007) US$ Mil Fonte: DNPM, SECEX
GEOLOGIC KNOWLEDGE Retomada dos Levantamentos PLGB integração PLGB: 1995-2002 Pré PLGB 1:500.000 1:250.000 1:100.000 detail 32% 14 % 54,6% 1:500.000 1:250.000 1:100.000
PER CAPITA CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS (2006) (kg/hab) Fonte: Sumário Mineral DNPM, 2007
Mineral Development Strategies • Improving geological and aerogeophysical knowledge • Diversifying and expand mineral production • Adding values to mineral goods • Developing equipment and services • Mining in order to promote local, regional and national sustainable development
BRAZILIAN MINERAL POLICY 2008 PRIORITIES Geology, Mining and Mineral Processing Long Term Policy Plan 2008 – 2028 Improving modernization of Mineral Code and governmental institutions that generate and spreading geological and hydrological knowledge (CPRM), and monitoring the mineral resources of the Country (DNPM); Continuing geological mapping and airborne geophysical survey; STRENGTHENING ACTIONS TO IMPROVE SMALL - SCALE MINING
GEOLOGICAL MAP OF BRAZIL 1:1.000.000 - in SIG • 46 sheets avaliables in CD ROM • Text – book with DVD August, 2005
STATES DIAGNOSTICS PROGRAM Relationship with states for development of Diagnostics and State Gudelines for Public Policy for the Mineral Sector Situação maio 2008
III. Actions and Policies of Lula's Government for Small Scale Mining
IMPORTANCE OF SMALL – SCALE MINING IN BRAZIL Account for about 73% of mining companies. Responsible for about 25% of the total amount of employment in the formal mineral activity. Dominates the production of: Shale, Sand, Gravel, Limestone, Gems, Gypsum, Granite, Bentonite, Calcite, Diamond, Feldspar, Mica, Silex, Talc, Quartz, Cassiterite.
Small – Scale Mining Problems Informality, hidering financial, technical and manangerial support; Precarious mineral processing and treatment, not always providing desiderable recovery; The quality of the final production often does not meet the requirements of the market, hidering the trade; Often damage the health of workers and enviromental factors that could be avoided or minimized.
Small – Scale Mining Problems Insufficiency of geological information; Noutilization of available technologies ; Labor worker without the necessary qualification; Little knowledge of the market; Low level of administrative structure.
National Seminars of Mineral Cooperatives 200520062007Average participants: 300Main Objective: national discussion and organization of mineral cooperatives in order to better define demands and solutions for the problems
National Program on Legalization 100.000 Workers benefited by the Program until 2008 9 municípios RN, PB, (gemas, caulim) São Luis (areia) Serra Pelada (ouro) Apuí (ouro) Tapajós (ouro) Recife (areia) Juína (diamante) 7 municípios nordeste de MG (gemas, feldspato) 9 States 89 Municipalities Coromandel (diamante) 3 municípios na Serra da Canastra (quartzito) Curitiba e 27 municípios do norte (argila) Itariri, Itaquruçú, Igrejinha (ametista), Itaoca (areia) Porto Alegre e 37 municípios (areia)
ARRANJOS PRODUTIVOS LOCAIS DE BASE MINERAL Arrangements Productives of Mineral Base Shale -AP Opal de Pedro II - PI Gems and jewlery - Pará Calcareous and shale – CE Shale-TO Industrial Minerals – RN-PB # Gypsum - PE Quartzite/Shale- GO Dimension Rock - BA Shale – MG Gems and jewlery - MG # Quartzite – MG Pedra Sabão – MG Dimension Rock- ES Calcareous, Talc - PR Dimension Rock- RJ Ceramic - SP Gems and jewlery- RS Ceramic - SC
Capacity building of the ceramic – pottery sector Macapá São Miguel do Guamá Iranduba Belém São Luís Fortaleza Manaus Iranduba Itapecurú Mirim Itaituba Russas Timon # Teresina Assu # Marabá # Campo Maior Limoeiro do Norte Natal Porto Velho Caruaru Recife Palmas # Cacoal # Pimenta Bueno 16 ESTADOS CONTEMPLADOS LOCALIDADE Nº Participantes Teresina/PI 20 Russas/CE 55 Assu/RN 21 Alagoinhas/BA 26 S.Miguel do Guamá/PA 12 Porto Velho/RO 19 Macapá/AP 50 Itapecurú/MA 50 Socorro/SP 28 Foz de Iguaçu/PR 45 Iranduba/AM 56 Goiânia/GO 44 Assu/RN 21 Morro da Fumaça/SC 23 Monte Carmelo /MG 44 Itaituba/PA 27 TOTAL 541 Alagoinhas Salvador local dos 16 cursos/UF PERÍODO 2005- 2006 Mara Rosa Cuiabá Goiânia Anicuns # Nazário # # Anápolis Goiânia Monte Carmelo Colatina Ituiutaba Itauna Belo Horizonte Campo Grande Campos (2) Pres.Prudente Itu Itaboraí Socorro Cornélio Procópio Rio de Janeiro São Paulo Curitiba Foz do Iguaçu S.João Batista previsão de 22 cursos em 13 UF PERÍODO 2007- 2008 Morro da Fumaça Florianópolis Criciúma Porto Alegre Pelotas
Seminars and short techinical training and management in the sector of minerals aggregates for construction.(2005-2006)All Brazilian States1.500 producers of sandNACIONAL PLAN OF AGGREGATES
Quilombolas Inclusion Production through the Mineral Activity Quilombos are indepent territories where the liberty, the social – politicies, economics and culturals dimensionsare significant to the maintenance of their identity. Communities in Brazil: 5.200 SGM WITH SECRETARIA ESPECIAL DE POLÍTICAS DE PROMOÇÃO DA IGUALDADE RACIAL - SEPIR
O Setor Mineral Campos Verdes – GO / 2007 Plan of Implementation Agenda 21, Rio + 10 Paragraph 46 Mining, the minerals and metals are important for the economic and social development of many countries. Mineral is essencial for the modern life. Project: Diagnosis of the Mineral Sector as a subsidy to the deployment of Agenda 21 Mineral Municipalities: Nova Era (MG), Coromandel (MG), Campos Verdes (GO), Tenente Ananias (RN), Pimenta Bueno (RO), Vila Pavão (ES) AGENDA 21 MINERAL IN LARGE MINERAL MUNICIPALITIES: Ouro Preto, Mariana, Arcos, Congonhas, Itabira, Paracatu, Corumbá
NATIONAL PROGRAM OF MINERAL EXTENSION ACTIVITY Objective: Consolidate actions to promote and support the small – scale mining Bases of national action: PORMIN is a tool for spreading information and capacity building. MINERAL TELECENTERS are physical structure for extension activities Coordination: SGM, DNPM, CPRM
Mineral Telecenters and Centers of Digital Inclusion 27 TELECENTERS AT THE MUNICIPALITIES Pedro II Santana do Cariri Manicoré Canaã dos carajás Currais Novos Humaitá Nova Palmeira Boa Vista Monte Santo, Palmas Viitória da Conquista Juína Itambé Cristalina Teófilo Otoni, Araçuaí, Coronel Murta, Salinas Corinto, Joaquim Felício Chopinzinho Coromandel, Monte Carmelo Guapiara Ametista do Sul 27 Centers of Digital Inclusion in the Municipalities (Final fase of implementation) Edital to new 19 Telecenters Morro da Fumaça
USEFUL LINKS http://www.mme.gov.br Ministry of Mines and Energy http://www.cprm.gov.br Brazilian Geological Survey http://www.dnpm.gov.br National Department of Mineral Production THANK YOU