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Plant reproduction

Plant reproduction. Sexual reproduction. Flowers. a re the reproductive organs of plants . They have male parts and female parts . Stamens ( male part ). The anther is located at the top, where pollen is produced . It’s a microscopic powder made up of small grains.

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Plant reproduction

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Plantreproduction

  2. Sexual reproduction

  3. Flowers • are thereproductiveorgans of plants. • Theyhavemaleparts and femaleparts.

  4. Stamens(malepart) • Theantherislocated at the top, wherepollenisproduced. It’s a microscopicpowdermade up of smallgrains

  5. Pistil(femalepart) • It’s a stigma, whichreceivesthepollen, thestyle and theovary. (contains ovules- becomeseeds) Stament and pistilare protectedbycorolla and calyx Corolla Calyx

  6. Pollination • It’sthe transfer of pollenfromthestamenttotheovary. Itcan bewithinthesameplantorbetweenplants of thesametype

  7. Pollination • Insects are attractedbyaromaticflowers. • Thepollengrainssticktotheinsect • Unattractiveflowers. Thewindblowsthispollentothestigmas of otherflowers Insectpollination Windpollination

  8. Asexual reproduction

  9. Someplants can reproduce withoutflowersorseeds. They use parts of themselvesto reproduce

  10. They can be: • Tubers • Rhizomes • Stolons • Cuttings • Grafting They are useful in agriculture

  11. Drawthisflower in yournotebook

  12. Label Petal /Corolla Ovary Stigma Anther Style Receptacle

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