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Our organization is rendering Safety Net Installation Service. This service is completed at low prices. This service is handled by professionals who have affluent industry practice and skill.<br>
Safety Nets S E R V I C E & I N S T A L L A T I O N 0800 474746 / 0800 W W W . S H R I N K - W R A P . C O . N Z
Safety Nets Ourprofessionalserviceandqualityproducts addresstheBestPracticeGuidelinesfor ‘Working onRoofs’ aspreparedbytheLabourGroupofthe MinistryofBusiness, InnovationandEmployment (MBIE) nowWorksafeNZ, inconjunctionwiththe RoofingAssociationofNewZealand. AtSafety-Netweareabletoensurethatallofyour SafetyNetrequirementsaremet, withnexttono inconveniencetoyourconstructionschedule, atan unbeatableprice. Theincreasingdemandforourservicesandour proventrackrecordaswellasourimpressivelistof continualcustomersistestamenttoourexcellent workethicandprofessionalism. WWW.SHRINK-WRAP.CO.NZ 0800474746 / 0800