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Testing Linear Relationship EPI809 Spring 2008

This test assesses the presence of a linear relationship between one X and Y variable using hypotheses and rejection rules. It involves analyzing individual coefficients and testing model portions. The F-test for nested models is employed, and variable selection in model building is discussed, with emphasis on residual analysis for goodness of fit. The SAS codes for detecting multicollinearity are provided along with practical remedies for addressing this issue.

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Testing Linear Relationship EPI809 Spring 2008

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  1. Testing Individual Coefficients EPI809/Spring 2008

  2. Test of Slope Coefficient p • Tests if there is a Linear Relationship Between one X & Y • Involves one single population Slope p • Hypotheses: H0: p = 0 vs. Ha: p 0 EPI809/Spring 2008

  3. Test of Slope Coefficient pTest Statistic EPI809/Spring 2008

  4. Test of Slope Coefficient Rejection Rule • Reject H0 in favor of Ha if t falls in colored area • Reject H0 for Ha if P-value = 2P(T>|t|)<α Reject H Reject H 0 0 α/2 α/2 T=t(n-k-1) 0 t1-α/2(n-k-1) -t1-α/2(n-k-1) EPI809/Spring 2008

  5. Parameter Estimates Parameter Standard Variable DF Estimate Error t Value Pr > |t| Intercept 1 0.06397 0.25986 0.25 0.8214 Food 1 0.20492 0.05882 3.48 0.0399 weight 1 0.28049 0.06860 4.09 0.0264 Individual Coefficients SAS Output ^ P ^ 0 ^ P-value ^ ^ βp/s ^ 1 2 p EPI809/Spring 2008

  6. Testing Model Portions EPI809/Spring 2008

  7. Testing Model Portions 1. Tests the Contribution of a Set of X Variables to the Relationship With Y 2. Null Hypothesis H0: g+1 = ... = k = 0 • Variables in Set Do Not Improve Significantly the Model When All Other Variables Are Included 3. Used in Selecting X Variables or Models EPI809/Spring 2008

  8. Testing Model PortionsNested Models H0: Reduced model (g+1 = ... = k = 0) Ha: Full model EPI809/Spring 2008

  9. F-Test for Nested Models • Numerator Reduction in SSE from additional parameters df = k-g = number of additional parameters • Denominator SSE of full model df=n-(k+1)=error df of full model EPI809/Spring 2008

  10. Selecting Variables in Model Building EPI809/Spring 2008

  11. Model Building with Computer Searches 1. Rule: Use as Few X Variables As Possible 2. Stepwise Regression • Computer Selects X Variable Most Highly Correlated With Y • Continues to Add or Remove Variables Depending on SSE 3. Best Subset Approach • Computer Examines All Possible Sets EPI809/Spring 2008

  12. Residual Analysis for goodness of fit EPI809/Spring 2008

  13. Residual (Estimated Errors) Analysis • Graphical Analysis of Residuals • Plot Estimated Errors vs. Xi Values (or pred.) • Plot Histogram or Stem-&-Leaf of Residuals • Purposes • Examine Functional Form (Linear vs. Non-Linear Model) • Evaluate Violations of Assumptions (to insure validity of the statistic tests on β’s) EPI809/Spring 2008

  14. We recall Linear Regression Assumptions • Mean of Distribution of Error Is 0 • Distribution of Error Has Constant Variance • Distribution of Error is Normal • Errors Are Independent EPI809/Spring 2008

  15. Residual Plot for Functional Form Nonlinear pattern Correct Specification EPI809/Spring 2008

  16. Residual Plot for Equal Variance Unequal Variance Correct Specification Fan-shaped.Standardized residuals used typically (residual divided by standard error of prediction) EPI809/Spring 2008

  17. Residual Plot for Independence Not Independent Correct Specification EPI809/Spring 2008

  18. Residuals Diagnostics in SAS symbol v=dot h=2 c=green; PROCREG data=Cow; model milk = food weight; plot residual.*predicted. /cHREF=red cframe=ligr; run; EPI809/Spring 2008

  19. EPI809/Spring 2008

  20. Check for Outlying Observations and Influence analysis symbol v=dot h=2 c=green; procreg data=cow; model milk = food weight/influence; plot rstudent.*obs. / vref=-22 cvref=blue lvref=2 HREF=0 to 7 by 1 cHREF=red cframe=ligr; run; EPI809/Spring 2008

  21. EPI809/Spring 2008

  22. Influence analysis of each obs. The REG Procedure Model: MODEL1 Dependent Variable: Milk Output Statistics Hat Diag Cov -----------DFBETAS----------- Obs Residual RStudent H Ratio DFFITS Intercept Food weight 1 0.1701 0.8283 0.5473 3.0770 0.9108 0.8436 -0.5503 0.0565 2 0.0527 0.2040 0.4552 5.8235 0.1865 -0.0632 -0.0215 0.1145 3 0.0408 0.1688 0.5271 6.8398 0.1782 0.1530 0.0335 -0.1211 4 -0.0520 -0.2266 0.5678 7.2379 -0.2597 -0.0164 0.1767 -0.2170 5 -0.4155 -4.0459 0.2260 0.0056 -2.1863 -0.9217 -1.0080 1.0753 6 0.2039 1.4531 0.6766 1.2013 2.1019 -0.5540 1.7420 -0.9265 EPI809/Spring 2008

  23. Multicollinearity 1. High Correlation Between X Variables 2. Coefficients Measure Combined Effect 3. Leads to Unstable Coefficients Depending on X Variables in Model 4. Always Exists 5. Example: Using Both Age & Height of children as indep. Var. in Same Model EPI809/Spring 2008

  24. Detecting Multicollinearity 1. Examine Correlation Matrix • Correlations Between Pairs of X Variables Are More than With Y Variable 2. Examine Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) • If VIFj > 5 (or 10 according to most references), Multicollinearity Exists 3. Few Remedies • Obtain New Sample Data • Eliminate One Correlated X Variable EPI809/Spring 2008

  25. SAS CODES :VET EXAMPLE PROC CORR data=vet; VAR milk food weight; run; EPI809/Spring 2008

  26. Pearson Correlation Coefficients, N = 6 Prob > |r| under H0: Rho=0 Milk Food weight Milk 1.00000 0.90932 0.93117 0.0120 0.0069 Food 0.90932 1.00000 0.74118 0.0120 0.0918 weight 0.93117 0.74118 1.00000 0.0069 0.0918 Correlation Matrix SAS Computer Output All 1’s rY1 r12 rY2 EPI809/Spring 2008

  27. Variance Inflation Factors SAS CODES /* VIF measures the inflation in the variances of the parameter estimates due to collinearity that exists among the regressors or (dependent) variables */ PROCREG data=Cow; model milk = food weight/VIF; run; EPI809/Spring 2008

  28. Parameter Estimates Parameter Standard Variance Variable DF Estimate Error t Value Pr > |t| Inflation Intercept 1 0.06397 0.25986 0.25 0.8214 0 Food 1 0.20492 0.05882 3.48 0.0399 2.21898 weight 1 0.28049 0.06860 4.09 0.0264 2.21898 Variance Inflation Factors Computer Output VIF1 5 EPI809/Spring 2008

  29. Types of Regression Models viewed from the explanatory variables standpoint EPI809/Spring 2008

  30. EPI809/Spring 2008

  31. Regression Models based on a Single Quantitative Explanatory Variable EPI809/Spring 2008

  32. Types of Regression Models EPI809/Spring 2008

  33. First-Order Model With 1 Independent Variable EPI809/Spring 2008

  34. First-Order Model With 1 Independent Variable • 1. Relationship Between 1 Dependent & 1 Independent Variable Is Linear EPI809/Spring 2008

  35. First-Order Model With 1 Independent Variable 1. Relationship Between 1 Dependent & 1 Independent Variable Is Linear 2. Used When Expected Rate of Change in Y Per Unit Change in X Is Stable EPI809/Spring 2008

  36. First-Order Model Relationships 1 > 0 1 < 0 Y Y X X 1 1 EPI809/Spring 2008

  37. First-Order Model Worksheet Run regression with Y, X1 EPI809/Spring 2008

  38. Types of Regression Models EPI809/Spring 2008

  39. Second-Order Model With 1 Independent Variable 1. Relationship Between 1 Dependent & 1 Independent Variables Is a Quadratic Function 2. Useful 1St Model If Non-Linear Relationship Suspected EPI809/Spring 2008

  40. Second-Order Model With 1 Independent Variable 1. Relationship Between 1 Dependent & 1 Independent Variables Is a Quadratic Function 2. Useful 1St Model If Non-Linear Relationship Suspected 3. Model Curvilinear effect Linear effect EPI809/Spring 2008

  41. Second-Order Model Relationships 2 > 0 2 > 0 2 < 0 2 < 0 EPI809/Spring 2008

  42. Second-Order Model Worksheet Create X12 column. Run regression with Y, X1, X12. EPI809/Spring 2008

  43. Types of Regression Models EPI809/Spring 2008

  44. Third-Order Model With 1 Independent Variable 1. Relationship Between 1 Dependent & 1 Independent Variable Has a ‘Wave’ 2. Used If 1 Reversal in Curvature EPI809/Spring 2008

  45. Third-Order Model With 1 Independent Variable 1. Relationship Between 1 Dependent & 1 Independent Variable Has a ‘Wave’ 2. Used If 1 Reversal in Curvature 3. Model Curvilinear effects Linear effect EPI809/Spring 2008

  46. Third-Order Model Relationships 3 > 0 3 < 0 EPI809/Spring 2008

  47. Third-Order Model Worksheet Multiply X1by X1 to get X12. Multiply X1by X1 by X1 to get X13. Run regression with Y, X1, X12, X13. EPI809/Spring 2008

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