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School Success. Prepping for Class and Assessments. Be Disciplined.
School Success Prepping for Class and Assessments
Be Disciplined • Let's be honest, studying isn't as much fun as other things in life. In fact, for most teens it ranks near the bottom of the list. But, like most things in life, it is a discipline that will serve you well later in life no matter what life brings you. • Knowing HOW to study and knowing WHAT to study are two basic aspects to successful studying.
What to Study • Study big concepts and supporting details and examples. • In my class this is easy. All of the big concepts are listed as proficiencies. You get this list at the beginning of the year so that there are no surprises.
How to Study (Active Study) • Study needs to be more than just listening in class and reading at home, to learn in any subject. Once you get use to it, it will MAKE SCHOOL EASIER and that is the whole idea. • Think of new applications for what you learn. • Identify examples of what you learn. • Think of ways to use the information in other courses.
Preparing to Study • Find a good place to study. This means a desk with nothing on it except what you need for the task you are going to work on. Move everything out of the way. You want to concentrate on one thing: studying. • Have a regular time and place for studying. • Plan out what to study and how long. • Plan out stretch breaks. • Plan for a snack. Studying requires energy!
Use Assignment Notebook/Planner Have a solid flat surface for writing Eliminate distractions Working computer (optional) Wear your glasses Use good lighting Have a sturdy chair Have the right books Have enough supplies Have a clock Maintain good health Be Prepared to Study
Taking Notes in Class • In my class we always start the unit with an outline of what will be covered in that unit. This is the minimum notes that should be taken in my class. • During lectures it would be good to write what is being discussed and pictures and examples I put on the board. • Remember, neatness doesn't count, but being legible does. If you can't read it when you get home it's worthless. • Organize notes taken in class and given outline as part of your study routine.
Copying Notes Over • Recopy your notes again at home. Of course you should study your class notes at home; but just (re-)reading them is too passive. Perhaps type them up instead of rewriting them. • Studying must be active. It is all too easy when just reading passively to have your mind wander or even to fall asleep. • The main idea behind re-writing your "raw" class notes (besides making them more legible and organized) is that the very act of copying them is one of the best ways of studying them! • Further study of your class notes can then be done from these "cooked" ones that are neater, more legible, more organized, and more complete. • This may include taking your notes from class and re-writing them into the chapter outline from the beginning of the unit.
Order of Study • Study Hard Subjects First & Study in a Quiet Place - Each night (or day) when studying or doing your homework, do those subjects first for which you need to be alert and energetic. Leave the easier, or more fun, subjects to later. Work that requires activity, (making a model, or doing an experiment) should be left till after the seated work, (bookwork, reading, answering questions). • Exception to this rule: Some people who are mildly or more ADD (myself included) need absolute silence to study. Because absolute silence does not exist on this planet, much less in the average household, quiet music can be put on. The music can then be filtered out by the brain creating silence. Quiet, instrumental music is usually best.
Active Reading • Read Actively, Not Passively - Don't just read the text straight through without thinking about what you're reading. The best technique for active reading is to keep a notebook. Copy important passages -word for word- into your notebook. This notebook will be part of your daily study tool, where you can take several minutes each day and review everything you have learned in that unit. If the class has a cumulative final looking through the notebook will be much easier that trying to re-read the entire book again. Outlining volumes of information is a good technique also. • Read notes or text out load and record yourself. Play back the recording and take notes.
When to Read • Read Before and After Class - Ideally, you should read (a) text at least twice. Read it (perhaps quickly) before the class in which it will be discussed, so that you are familiar with its contents. Then (re-)read it after class using the slower active reading method. If time permits, you can cut corners by only reading it- slowly and actively! -after class. • Review posted notes from teachers prior to attending the class. This may give you insight to the topic and provide you the opportunity to participate more in class. Rereading the posted notes after class will solidify more of the new material.
Working at Home • Do Your Homework - Do your homework and do it on time. Putting off doing your homework till the last minute is both a bad habit, and one of the worst ways to learn the material. • Do Your Practice Work - Do your practice work and do it on time, not sitting in the hall in the morning or at lunch when distractions can occur. • Do Your Project Work - In my class the project work is given out in a packet. The packet will contain the background information, design brief, specifications and limitations. Look over the work and get started on it immediately! Next look over the rubric and see if there is anything that would be time or material intensive (such as a model, a poster or a video presentation) and start planning what you are going to do and when, this includes asking your parent's to get the materials with time enough for you to complete it on time.