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FACS TEacher

FACS TEacher. Riley House And Chandler Christopher. Training and Education . Requirements . Education . High school courses: chemistry, other sciences, English and other communication classes. College preparatory classes for this degree are advised. Education. College.

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FACS TEacher

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  1. FACS TEacher Riley House And Chandler Christopher

  2. Training and Education Requirements

  3. Education • High school courses: chemistry, other sciences, English and other communication classes • College preparatory classes for this degree are advised.

  4. Education College • All schools require a teaching certificate. • Minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree in Family and Consumer Science Education to teach in grades 6-12 • 118 total course hours for a degree • Some of these classes include: Themes in Literature and Culture, Social/Behavioral Sciences, Tennessee History, Basic Design, House Furnishing, Textiles, and The Contemporary Family • A degree in this field entails taking a range of classes in different subjects.

  5. Prospects for future

  6. Outlook • Replacements of teachers leaving the field • There will be more qualified teachers than positions. • The best opportunities lie in college-level and adult education or those specialized in working with the disabled.

  7. salary range

  8. Average income • Salary depends on: education, experience, size of the school, and amount of work • American Federation of Teachers claims starting salary for a Bachelor’s Degree is around $46,000 a year • College level teachersmedian income is around $51,000

  9. The Teaching Nitty-Gritty

  10. Curriculum Facs Teaching Includes: Money management Grooming Consumer awareness Child Development • How to manage a home • Topics include nutrition, menu planning and food preparation • Clothing care and construction

  11. Works Cited • MTSU Course Catalog: http://catalog.mtsu.edu/preview_program.php?catoid=5&poid=1001&hl=famikly+and+consumer+sciences&returnto=search • Family and Consumer Science Teacher: http://careers.stateuniversity.com/pages/346/Family-Consumer-Science-Teacher.html

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