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Outline. Infrastructure for Cavity and Cryomodule Fabrication, Processing and TestingPresent US InfrastructureComponents of the SRF facilityCavity Fabrication through IndustryCavity ProcessingVertical Test FacilityHorizontal Test FacilityCryomodule Assembly FacilityCryomodule Testing Facili
1. Fermilab SRF Program and FNAL/ANL SRF Infrastructure Shekhar Mishra
2. Outline Infrastructure for Cavity and Cryomodule Fabrication, Processing and Testing
Present US Infrastructure
Components of the SRF facility
Cavity Fabrication through Industry
Cavity Processing
Vertical Test Facility
Horizontal Test Facility
Cryomodule Assembly Facility
Cryomodule Testing Facility (with and Without beam)
3. Present: US SRF Infrastructure Limited cavity fabrication capability in US industry
One US company (AES) fabricating SRF cavity
Developing three new companies (Niowave, Roark and PAVAC)
Cavity Processing and Vertical Testing R&D Facility
Jlab (~30 FY07, ~40 FY08, ~40 FY09) cycles/yr
ANL/FNAL ( ~40 FY09 and beyond) cycles/yr
Cornell ~12 cycles/yr
VTS @FNAL ~50 cycles/yr (FY09)
Significant fraction of this capacity is used to support R&D Program
Process development
Single cell Processing
Horizontal Test Stand
FNAL ~24 cavities/yr
Cavity Dressing and Cryomodule Assembly
FNAL 2-4/yr (FY07) (These facilities are very important for our R&D. These have a single line of processing and no Redundancy in the system.)(These facilities are very important for our R&D. These have a single line of processing and no Redundancy in the system.)
4. Cavity and Cryomodule
5. Scope: US Laboratories Capacity
6. Fermilab SRF Infrastructure Cavity Fabrication
Increased cavity fabrication R&D and training US industry
2nd Eddy Current Scanner
Optical Inspection Device
Automated Cavity Tuning
100+ Cavity/yr ( by FY09)
Cavity Processing Facility (Pre-Production Facility, existing technology with industry, modular and redundancy)
200+ Cycles/yr (by FY12)
Vertical Testing
Additional 125+ Cavity/yr (by FY12)
Horizontal Test Stand
Additional 48 Test/yr (Maximum US Capacity needed)
Cryomodule Assembly
1 per month
Material R&D
7. Cavity Processing Facility The term “process” defines the complete procedure that transforms a fabricated cavity into a fully qualified cavity at a specified operating gradient and quality factor (for ILC: 35MV/m and 0.5-1.0e10). It includes the following operations:
Cavity processing
Cavity tuning
Vertical testing
Cavity Processing Facility (CPF)
Receive, QC and store fabricated cavities
Perform internal and external chemical processing
Perform high pressure rinsing
Perform high and low temperature cavity bakes
Tune cavities for fundamental frequency and field flatness
Prepare cavity for vertical test
Receive vertically tested cavities
Install helium vessels (dress cavities)
Prepare dressed cavities for horizontal testing
Receive cavities from HTS and send to string assembly facility (CAF)
8. Cavity Processing Facility At ANL/Fermilab A New Cavity Surface Processing Facility to Support:
ILC S0/S1 goals
Fermilab’s proposed Project X (~40 Beta=1.0 cryomodules in 3 years)
Initial capability: 100 processes per year (~30 cavities)
Building size sufficient for eventual upgrade to 400 processes/yr.
Multiple lines of processing equipment, including clean rooms
12-20,000 square foot building required
FY09: Identify existing FNAL/ANL building and refurbish; facility design
FY10: Begin Construction
Procure long lead time items: EP and BCP cabinets, clean rooms
Build/install: HPR, UPW and scrubber systems
FY11: Complete installation and commission facility
FY12: Begin upgrades for 400 processes/yr.
9. Proposed CPF Layout
11. ANL/FNAL cavity processing facility New High-pressure rinse system
12. Alternative: An Off-Site CPF A contract could be written for the design, construction, and operation of an off-site facility located very near FNAL.
Facility would be financed by DOE funds and owned by government, but operated by industry
Operation by an experienced electro-polishing industrial firm using their manpower
Significantly reduces the need for large quantities of nasty chemicals on FNAL site
Fermilab/ANL has started some initial work with ABLE Electro-polishing company in Chicago.
13. Off-Site CPF Scope of Work
14. FNAL Vertical Cavity Test Facility Design
Existing 125W@ 2K Cryogenic plant; 1.5K minimum
RF system in collaboration with JLab
250 W available at cavity
Radiation and magnetic shielding
< 5 mrem in an hour immediately outside the shielding <0.25 mrem/hr in normal working areas
<10 mG
Thermometry for quench location
Capable of testing ~50 Cavities/yr
One Vertical Test Stand (VTS1) commissioned 7/2007
17 cavity test cycles in FY08 (ILC 1- & 9-cell, SSR1)
Evolutionary upgrades
9-cell Thermometry
2 cavities at a time
Cryogenic system & infrastructure upgrades
Plan for two additional VTS cryostats
Ultimate capacity ~ 250 cavity tests/yr
17. VCTF Upgrade Scope
18. Horizontal Test Stand - 1 Horizontal Test Stand was fabricated in FY07-08
Vacuum vessel (mini-cryomodule)
1.8 K cryogenic plant/distribution
Clean vacuum systems for cavity/coupler
High-power (at least ~300 kW) pulsed RF (klystron/modulator), LLRF control system
Cavity diagnostics
X-ray detectors
Dark current detectors (Faraday cups)
DAQ and controls system
Horizontal Test Stand - 1 is operational with 3.9 GHz cavity at MDB
The maximum capacity of this test stand is ~24 cavities/yr
In the Spring of 09 it will start testing 1.3 GHz cavity.
The commissioning of the HTS will happen with AES cavity followed by high gradient cavities.
Cavity processed and tested at Jlab/Cornel/ANL/FNAL
Tuner from INFN, Coupler from SLAC
Cavity Dressing at Fermilab
20. Proposed: Horizontal Test Stand - 2 We proposed to build a second Horizontal Test Stand at Fermilab and install it next to HTS-1.
to supplement and increase throughput of current HTS
Main difference: cryostat will house 2 cavities
Cool and power 2 ILC/PX cavities at once
Test bench for driving multiple cavities from 1 klystron
Ability to test two cavities as a string
Cool and power cavity + BPM or magnet
Allow for flexibility in cavity/coupler designs
21. HTS1 and 2 in MDB
22. Cavity Dressing and Cryomodule Assembly Facility CAF is an upgraded version of the infrastructure in DESY Hall 3 for cryomodule assembly:
Cavity String Assembly
Cold Mass Assembly
Vacuum Vessel Assembly
Final Assembly
Cryomodule Assembly Facility (CAF) at Fermilab consists of 2 buildings: CAF-MP9 and CAF-ICB.
The ultimate throughput of this infrastructure will be to assemble 1 cryomodule per month.
23. CAF-MP9 CAF-MP9 houses the string assembly clean rooms, the rail for string assembly under the clean room extending to the cold mass assembly area and the cold mass assembly fixture adjacent to the clean room.
24. CAF-ICB CAF-ICB houses the Vacuum Vessel Assembly area
and Final Assembly area including the Big Bertha
25. CAF-MP9
26. CAF-MP9 Infrastructure Cavity String Assembly Clean Room
A large (~250 square-meter) clean room was specified and procured in FY05 and installed in FY06 at Fermilab.
The cavity string assembly clean rooms infrastructure consists of:
Class 1000 ante clean room area:
Preparation of the dressed cavities for transportation into the assembly clean room.
Class 100 area
Parts and Fixtures preparation for assembly
Class 10 assembly clean room area:
Where the cavities vacuum is vented to interconnect them with bellows.
27. CAF-MP9 Infrastructure (cont.) Other infrastructure:
String Assembly Fixtures
Vacuum / Ultra Pure Gas Flow Equipment/ Hardware
Ultrasonic Cleaner
Ultra pure DI water
Cavity Handling Cart / Fixtures
Cold Mass Assembly Fixture
29. Cryomodule Transport • Module weight: ~8000kg, Girder Weight: ~2250 kg, 5 cross members: ~1000 kg each
• Fixture to transport completed Cryomodule from CAF-ICB to the ILCTA-NML
• Ten helical cable isolators (or shock absorbers) were used to protect the cavities from
extreme acceleration
• Max. expected shock load during the transport of CM1 to NML is less than 0.25 g
31. Cryomodule and RF Unit Test ILCTA_NML will test 2 Cryomodule with beam in the present building configuration.
Hooks will be in place for ILC beam test later if desired.
DESY Cryomodule CM1 is ready.
We are preparing the safety and other necessary document to start cool down at ILCTA_NML at Fermilab.
A 10 MW Klystron is under test at SLAC. (US-Japan Collaboration)
Modulator (Fermiab) and RF distributions (SLAC) are under fabrication and test.
Proposed Plan
Cool down the Capture cavity 2 and CM1 in CY09.
RF power FY09 using the 5 MW Klystron
High Gradient CM2 should be deliver to ILCTA_NML by end of CY09
32. New Phase-1 Layout of ILCTA_NML
33. CM1 getting Ready for Test
34. Current Picture of NML
35. Cryomodule Test Stand Fermilab plans to build a Cryomodule test stand to test all the elliptical cavity cryomodule.
Cryomodule Test Stand will be used to
Test all cryomodule assemblies
Mechanical checks
Alignment of tubes, flanges, etc.
Leak checks of all volumes
Conditioning of main RF-couplers
Cryo load measurement, Q and Eacc
SC magnet power test
Dark current measurements
36. XFEL Module R&D Test Stand
37. DESY CMTB -- view from end
38. Summary The Main Linac Cavity and Cryomodule R&D program and Infrastructure development would
Contribute toward the critical SRF R&D
Build a minimal facility needed for Project-X at Fermilab
Train people in SRF at Fermilab
Get the US industry involved from the initial phases for the possible participation in ILC.