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Same-Sex Marriage. By Andrea Hansen. Introduction. There are many arguments against same-sex m arriage.. It’s unnatural. What about tradition? The Bible says its wrong. However…. Purpose. I will be discussing the following arguments refuting
Same-Sex Marriage By Andrea Hansen
Introduction There are many arguments against same-sex marriage.. • It’s unnatural. • What about tradition? • The Bible says its wrong. However….
Purpose • I will be discussing the following arguments refuting Gay Marriage Rights and pointing out the faults in these arguments: • Homosexuality is a sin according to most religions. • Gay marriage weakens the definition and idea of traditional marriage. • Children raised by same-sex parents cannot have a stable home or a normal life. • I will show you that there is another side; the right side.
History • “Gay Americans have been calling for the right to marry, or at least to create more formalized relationships since the 1960’s” (Masci, 2008). • Over the last 15 years, gay marriage rights have been a hot topic of debate. • In Hawaii in 1993 the state’s Supreme Court “ruled that an existing law banning same-sex marriage would be unconstitutional unless the state government could show that it had a compelling reason for discriminating against gay and lesbian couples” (Masci, 2008). • Did not immediately result in legalization of same-sex marriage
History (cont’d) • Beginning in the late 1990’s, other states followed suit • In 1999, Vermont Supreme Court ruled that “gay and lesbian couples are entitled to all of the rights and protections associated with marriage” (Masci, 2008). • Vermont allowed all of the rights of marriage be instated through civil union • 2003- Massachusetts’ highest state court ruled that the constitution guaranteed same-sex couples the right to marry • First legal gay marriage in the U.S.— • (Masci, 2008)
Religious Beliefs • Anti gay marriage groups often argue that allowing gay marriage, which is against the teachings of many churches, is an impediment of religious freedom. • This argument comes from a misunderstanding of the law (Should Same-Sex Marriages be Legalized?,n.d.). • In order to guarantee freedom of belief and religion, governments separate the state from religion. • Laws are designed to allow people to act according to their beliefs. • The First Amendment of the Constitution states that “a person’s religious views or lack thereof must be protected” (Should Same-Sex Marriages be Legalized?,n.d.).
Religious Beliefs (cont’d) • Marriage, for social purposes, is a civil and religious event. • Religious wedding ceremonies unite the couple in the eyes of that religion's deity. • In some ceremonies, the two are celebrated at once, but couples must always undergo a civil marriage in order for the marriage to be considered legal (Masci, 2008). • In legalizing gay marriage states and countries are establishing laws that allow gay civil marriages. • Under the “full faith and credit” clause of the Constitution, “if one state makes a law, other states must recognize it” (Should Same-Sex Marriages be Legalized?, n.d.).
Tradition • What is the true definition of marriage? • Haven’t we changed the definition of family and love, the foundations of marriage, already? • It is now acceptable, for the most part, in “traditionally” married families to include.. • A working mom and a stay at home dad • Adopted children • Children produced through artificial insemination • Bi-racial children • Interracial marriage
Tradition (cont’d) • You must ask yourself these questions… • Are all of those families discussed considered traditional? • Does the only determinant of tradition lie in the sex of the partners? • People against same-sex marriage often argue that the traditional marriage and traditional family need to be protected. • From what? • “There is no governmental definition of marriage codified in the Constitution”(Munro, 2010).
Stability • People who oppose same-sex marriage contend that marriage between a man and a woman is “the bedrock of a healthy society because it leads to stable families and ultimately, to children who grow up to be productive adults” (Masci, 2008). • There is a serious problem with this logic. • The percentage of “traditional” marriages that end in divorce is staggering. • Are divorced families left out of this concept of stability?
Summary • I have just discussed three arguments against same-sex marriage and the faults in these arguments. • These three arguments include: • Homosexuality is a sin, and therefore, same-sex marriage is a sin. • Same-sex marriage radically redefines the traditional definition of marriage, weakening it in the process. • Same-sex marriages create a family unit that is unstable. • The realities of these arguments are… • They are closed-minded. • They are false.
Conclusion • Love is the only condition marriage should have; not tradition, not religion and certainly not sexual orientation. • Marriage is a commitment that says, “I love you so much that I want to live the rest of my life with you. I want to share ups and downs, forsake all others, and be together until death do us part” (Balanced Politics Website, n.d.). • Is it fair to only allow so-called “traditional” couples to pledge that commitment? I think not. • Same-sex partners should be allowed by the legal system to marry.
Conclusion It is the right thing to do!
References Masci, D. An Overview of the Same-Sex Marriage Debate. (April 1, 2008). Retrieved from Pew Forum Website on September 17, 2010: http://pewforum.org/Gay-Marriage-and-Homosexuality/An-Overview-of the-Same-Sex-Marriage-Debate.aspx Munro, N. (July 2, 2010). Marriage: For Love Or Kids?. National Journal, p.NA.Retrieved September 22, 2010, from Academic OneFile via Gale:http://find.galegroup.com.proxy.msbcollege.edu/gtx/start.do?prodId=AONE&userGroupName=mnapcl Should Same-Sex Marriages be Legalized? (n.d.). Retrieved from Balanced Politics Website on September 17, 2010: http://www.balancedpolitics.org/same_sex_marriages.htm
References Cover Images http://www.tshirtforthat.com http://www.sodahead.com Women in White Wedding Dresses Image http://blog.mlive.com First Gay Marriage Image http://www.boston.com/news/specials/gay_marriage/ Lesbian Symbol Image http://www.printfection.com
References Man and Woman Marriage Image http://spartansusscraper.blogspot.com Gay Symbol Image http://www.shutterstock.com Two Men Exchanging Rings Image http://www.corbisimages.com/Enlargement/42-19732474.html Two Men with Just Married Signs Image http://glbtlaw.wordpress.com