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Studies in Colossians. The Structure of the Book. 1v1-2 Introduction 1v3-14 Paul’s Prayer 1v15-23 The Supremacy of Christ 1v24-2v5 Paul’s Labour for the Church 2v6-7 The Danger of Seductive Teaching 2v8-15 Know Your Enemy – Part 1 2v16-19 Know Your Enemy – Part 2
Studies in Colossians Presentation 01
The Structure of the Book 1v1-2 Introduction 1v3-14 Paul’s Prayer 1v15-23 The Supremacy of Christ 1v24-2v5 Paul’s Labour for the Church 2v6-7 The Danger of Seductive Teaching 2v8-15 Know Your Enemy – Part 1 2v16-19 Know Your Enemy – Part 2 2v20-23 New Teacher’s Bondage 3v1-17 Sanctification 3v18-4v1 Christian Households 4v2-6 Further Instructions 4v7-18 Personal Greetings Presentation 01
Introduction Chapter 1v1-2 Presentation 01
Introduction This is one of Paul's most powerful and attractive letters! It was written to a church which Paul did not plant. cf Acts 19.8-10. Epaphras ,who came into contact with Paul at Ephesus, went on to plant churches in Laodicea, Hierapolis and Colossae. His efforts were clearly successful cf 1.8. Hierapolis Ephesus Laocidea Athens Collosae Mediterranean Sea Presentation 01
Introduction But there were disturbing features in the church at Colossae which Epaphras would have described to Paul. These caused Paul to write this letter. Paul wrote to reassure the Colossians that the gospel they had heard was the authentic gospel and consequently the faith which it generated was genuine. This reassurance was necessary because some ‘new teachers’ had come into the church and begun to teach them that they were incomplete Christians. They were made to feel like a jig-saw with a piece missing and that they were in need of something extra. Presentation 01
Introduction Paul in v1 offers his credentials. He is “An apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God”. Paul uses the Greek word ‘thelemetos,’ which points to the ‘sovereign will and appointment of God’. In other words he was not made an apostle by the will of other men or by a decision of his own. The word ‘apostle’ from the Greek ‘apostolos’ means ‘a sent one’. The 12 apostles wrote and spoke in Christ’s stead. Cf Jn.16.12-14. Paul also mentions Timothy, his travelling companion and young protégé. Why? If in the future he was sent as Paul’s messenger then his credentials would have gone before him. Presentation 01
Introduction Paul describes the recipients of the letter as ‘holy and faithful’ and in this way he encourages his readers. Encouragement was particularly necessary in the light of what the false teachers were saying to the church. They seem to have suggested among other things that these qualities were deficient in the lives of the believers. The word ‘grace’, while commonly used in the C1st, has a heightened sense when applied to Christians. The best that that they could wish for another person, was that God would be gracious to them. Grace is God’s undeserved favour! Presentation 01
Introduction The word ‘peace’ alsohad a deeper significance for Christians. Only the Christian can truly be at peace because Jesus, by his death, has made that peace a reality. Eph.2.14-18 They are reminded that God is their Father - a wonderful new relationship has been established as a result of Christ’s death! Jn. 20.17 Presentation 01
The Colossian Heresy There has been much debate concerning the nature of the Colossian heresy. Young converts were in danger from false teaching within the church. Danger often arises when leaders teach, with zeal and conviction, but who reveal a spirituality that owes more to the spirit of the age than to the teaching of Christ cf 2.8. The problem at Colossae is thought by some to be ‘incipient Gnosticism’; teaching that would greatly threaten the church in the C2nd. But in its early stages it was not so much a movement as a mood. The best way to identify its erroneous influence is to list the problems that Paul identified. Similar problems exist in some parts of the church today. Presentation 01
The Colossian Heresy Spiritual Fullness: The emphasis on ‘fullness’ [2.10 ]is pervasive in this letter. False teachers claimed that they could complete or perfect the simple and elementary faith to which Epaphras had introduced them. False teachers often say. "What you have is a good foundation but it needs some polishing. You need to come to our finishing school”. Today some charismatic teachers state that unless you speak with tongues you can have no assurance of having received the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Clearly, we are not so very far away from the N.T. and its problems. Presentation 01
The Colossian Heresy Spiritual Freedom: The false teachers also may have claimed to be uniquely qualified to offer deliverance from some kind of bondage. Paul repeatedly reminds his readers that deliverance is already theirs in Christ cf 1:13, 2:15. Paul is at his most startling, when he accuses These so called ‘preachers of liberty' of actually trying to take captive believers and bring them into what would turn out to be a new form of slavery 2:8,18 Presentation 01
The Colossian Heresy Special Insight: Thirdly, the false teachers claimed to have a unique insight into the operation of the powers of evil. As such they offered to provide special protection from them. Again, Paul designates Christ as the only one who has authority over such powers cf. 2.10, 15. His triumph over them is one in which all who are in Christians share. The letter to the Colossians attacks the idea of a two tier spirituality where believers are being encouraged to aspire to join a more spiritually elite group. Presentation 01
The Colossian Heresy Rigorous asceticism : Fourthly, these new teachers were known for their impressive asceticism. Fasting seems not simply to have been highly commended but commanded as obligatory. For Paul fasting was a personal and voluntary thing. At the same time he points out that those who demanded such a rigorous lifestyle of other believers had themselves a poor record in combating self-indulgence 2.18-23 Presentation 01
The Colossian Heresy Deeper Knowledge: Fifthly, these teachers offered a further initiation into a deeper knowledge of God and a greater experience of his power. cf2.8-15. This appeal is very attractive to those who want to know God better. But here is the catch - in order to discover this knowledge one needs to be initiated into this inner group of believers. In contrast, Paul sets out the approach that new converts are to follow, distinguishing between what is already ours in Christ as part of our present experience, and what we must yet seek 1.9-14. Presentation 01
The Colossian Heresy Spiritual Superiority: Sixthly, these teachers seem to have flaunted their ‘spiritual superiority’ and were clearly critical of ‘ordinary’ believers. And their offer to equip believers for spectacular spiritual advance was seen by Paul as a step back into the shadows 2.16-17. Paul is rightly concerned that the ‘hope’ of the believers was being undermined. Presentation 01
The Colossian Heresy Spiritually Divisive: Finally, these teachers were sadly divisive in the influence they exerted. Disruption in the church fellowship was part of the cost of listening to them. It had the effect of tearing the body of Christ apart. There is a sense in which the whole Colossian letter is a plea for Christian unity. Presentation 01
The Colossian Heresy Conclusion: These seven identifying characteristics help us to recognise some of the issues at stake in our study of the epistle. In keeping with the rest of scripture this epistle has a very pertinent and relevant message for the church today! And as we examine it we will discover that the way in which Paul counters heresy is to unpack the glorious all sufficiency of our Lord Jesus Christ. This is always the best antidote to erroneous doctrinal teaching. Presentation 01
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