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See next page for more information. The Macmillan Lymphoedema Project for Scotland needs your help during Lymphoedema Awareness Week Save the Date: Saturday 15 th September 2012
The Macmillan Lymphoedema Project for Scotland needs your help during Lymphoedema Awareness Week Save the Date: Saturday 15th September 2012 We are currently developing a Top Tips for Self Care Guide for people living with lymphoedema. In order to make sure the Guide gives information that is useful to everyone we are holding an event to get your input and capture your ideas. We hope that the day will provide an opportunity for you to meet and chat with other people in a friendly, comfortable and non-clinical setting. Although we cannot pay for your travel, refreshments and lunch will be provided free of charge. On the day people will be asked to sit in small groups to discuss each of the sections in the Guide and we will capture your thoughts. A few weeks after the Event the Top Tips Guide that you have helped to produce will be made available to everyone. If you live with lymphoedema and feel that you would like further details of this event please contact Amanda Platt, Project Manager - Email: Amanda.platt@ltcas.org.uk or Telephone: 0141 404 0231. Alternatively, information and an application form will be posted in the projects section of the LTCAS website: http://www.ltcas.org.uk/what-we-do/macmillan-lymphoedema-project-scotland/.