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“Social Networking”. 9B Required Module #1. Standards Goals For this Module:. By the end of this module, you should be able to: R2. Determine theme or central idea of a text and analyze in detail its development over the course of the text.
“Social Networking” 9B Required Module #1
Standards Goals For this Module: By the end of this module, you should be able to: • R2. Determine theme or central idea of a text and analyze in detail its development over the course of the text. • R6L. Analyze a particular point of view or cultural experience reflected in a work of literature from outside the United States. • R7L. Analyze the representation of a subject or a key scene in two different artistic mediums, including what is emphasized or absent in each treatment. • R10. By the end of grade 9, read and comprehend literature and literary nonfiction in the grades 9-10 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range. By the end of grade 10, independently and proficiently. • W2. Write informative/expository texts. • W3. Write Narratives • W6. Using technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products, taking advantage of technology’s capacity to link to other information and to display information flexibly and dynamically. • W9 Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. • Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 6 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range or strategies. • S2 Integrate multiple sources of information presented in diverse media or formats evaluating the credibility and accuracy of each source. • S4 Present information, findings, and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and logically
Don’t forget • Title all of your activities, write them down, and keep them in your notebook! You will have to turn them in, just like you’ve done with your first module, in order to receive credit.
Activity 1: Getting Ready to Read Quick write (10 minutes): Take out a sheet and answer the following questions in the form of a quick write. 1) Do you use any form of social networking (Facebook, Twitter, snapchat, etc)? 2) If so, which ones do you use and how often? 3) What are the main reasons you use them? -Discuss the answers as a class.
Activity 2: Semantic Map 1) What are the reasons for using twitter, snapchat, facebook, and instagram? 2) What are the pros and cons associated with social networking? http://www.readingquest.org/edis771/semantic_maps.html
Activity 3: Surveying the Text Prior to reading, look at the title of the article “Is Facebook Making You Mean?” by Lauren Tarshis. Make a prediction: Discussion point: based on the title of the article, do you think the author will have mostly negative or positive things to say about facebook? Elicit both positive and negative student experiences with the site.
Activity 5: First Reading Read the article “Is Facebook Making You Mean?” by Lauren Tarshis. At this point it’s important to do several things based on all the prereading activities: 1) Be sure to think about the predictions you made. 2) Make personal connections based on your own experiences. 3) Recognize the vocabulary and be sure you understand it within the context of the article. 4) If possible, answer any questions you generated prior to activity 1 quick write.
Activity 6: Looking Closely at Language • To better understand the reading, take a look at some of the topic-specific words within the article. Discuss, with a partner, what words would only be used when talking about or engaging in “social networking”. • Discuss your thoughts with the class.
Activity 7: Rereading the Text and Charting the Text • Reread and Chart the text. • Complete the worksheet from Activity 3. • Complete a Rhetorical Precis(include summary paragraph) • Consider Ethos, Pathos and Logos when answering the following questions: • Is the article convincing? Explain. • What claims are included? • Is there an argument that the author purposely leaves out? If so, what? • Does the author appear to have knowledge about the issues that she presents? • Is the author trustworthy? Explain. • Are you affected by any of the stories included in the article? Explain. • Is the author trying to manipulate you? Explain.
Activity 8: Reading Related Texts Divide the class into four groups (Group A, B, C and D): Group A will read, chart, and summarize “Are We Addicted to Facebook? It’s Complicated.” Group B will read, chart, and summarize “How Brazilian protesters are using Twitter.” Group C will read, chart, and summarize “Snapchat: Sexting tool, or the next Instagram?” Group D will read, chart, and summarize “Social Media Has Good and Bad Effects on Kids: Experts.”
Activity 9: Considering the Structure Complete the following for the article you were assigned to read: 1) Draw a line and label where you think the introduction ends. Why did you choose this section as the introduction? 2) Using three different color highlighters, highlight evidence of the following: A. The author’s arguments (yellow) B. The statistics or data given within the article (green) C. Quotes, testimonies from specific people (pink) 3) Draw a line where you think the conclusion begins. Why did you choose this as the conclusion? 4) Go back into the article and highlight and label three interesting parts. In the margin write a reaction or comment (other than what was charted) to this section or passage.
Activity 10: One-Page Report: Poster -Each group member copy a significant quotation from the text, instead of just the one for the whole group. -The presentation should be used as a formative assessment. -Each group will grade their peers presentations by: • Their presentation • Facts • How well they presented it • And knowledge of the topic
Warm Up – practice extracting from sources -choose two passages from any of the articles. There are essentially three strategies for incorporating words and ideas from sources: 1) Direct quotation 2) Paraphrase 3) Summarize -In preparing for the writing assignment, have students practice writing each of these. -Before you begin, define each of the three types and give them a model as an example.
Activity 13:Reading the Assignment • Writing Prompt: “We’ve reached a point of no return with social media outlets and the digital age. Facebook and Myspace offer entertainment value for the younger generation, but have little value for true social skills. In fact, social networking is creating what I call a “great divide” between the digital world and the real world—the one outside our computers—and, as a result, teenagers are losing touch with the real world.” - Based on this how is the definition of social life changing through our society, how are relationships changing with teenagers? Is one world taking over the other? Chose a side and explain why.
Activity 13: Reading the Assignment • Research Prompt: Do social networking sites and apps such as facebook, twitter, snapchat and instagram enhance a young person’s social life or serve as a substitue for real social life? Compose an essay in which you develop your point of view on this topic. Support your position with arguments and examples drawn from your reading, studies, experience or observations.
Activity 14: Summary for sources • Even though students are familiar with the internet, many get distracted or have difficulty when doing research. I’d recommend scheduling time in the library or making sure all students have a netbook in class while you demonstrate how to find and use reliable sources. • Once students have found credible sources they need to write their academic summaries.
Activity 15: Composing a Draft • When students compose the first draft of an essay, it is important that they are responding to the prompt. • Essay Recommendations: 1) State their opinion on the topic in their thesis statement. They must take a stand for or against the issue, and not be “in the middle.” Their thesis sentence must be debatable. Examples: Not debatable: Lots of teenagers listen to hip hop and rap. Debatable: The hip hop and rap teenagers listen to should be monitored for content by their parents. 2) Take your audience into consideration as you write your essay. 3) Choose evidence that supports your thesis statement. Evidence can take the form of facts and statistics, quotations and personal experience. 4) Anticipate opposing points of view. Teach students that in order to convince their audience they must refute the opposing viewpoint by proving it wrong. Remind them to not just tell their side of the argument, but respond to opposing viewpoints. 5) Maintain a reasonable tone. Students need to avoid making rude or sarcastic remarks in their writing. They need to keep a respectful tone, even when responding to the opposing viewpoint. 6) Organize the essay. Go over the essay format and remind them that they should have an introduction that sets up the issue, body paragraphs that provide evidence and support, a counter argument and a conclusion that is a restatement of the thesis.
Activity 16: Organizing the Essay • The three integral parts of the essay are: • An introduction that sets up the issue provides background and a thesis that represents the writer’s opinion. • The body paragraphs should support the thesis with evidence (quotes, facts, statistics, and experiences). • The conclusion should summarize the main points and explain the significance of the argument, and can possibly include a call to action. • Introduction: • A hook to get the reader’s attention • Background information that the audience needs to know • A thesis statement • Body: • Should support thesis statement with topic sentences supported by evidence. • Should include a different point of view and refute the opposing point of view – it should acknowledge their ideas but show how their argument is better. • Conclusion: • The final paragraph should include a restatement of the thesis but adds new insight based on the research, thus indicating the significance of the argument—as in “why does this even matter?”
Activity 17: Revising the Writing Assessment • Once a draft is complete the students now need to double check that the organization and composition of the essays arguments are as effective as possible. Students should understand that revision is a strategic process that will help them make their writing more effective to their audience. • Options for Collaborative Revision: • Work in pairs to decide how you will revise the problems that group members identified. • Working in groups of three or four, have learners read their essays aloud to the other members of the group using any of the AVID systems of verbal peer review. • Have learners consider the following questions as revision guidelines: • Have I responded to the assignment? • What is my purpose for this essay? • What should I keep? Which parts are the most effective? • What should I add? Where do I need more details, examples, and other evidence to support my point? • What could I delete? Do I use irrelevant details? Am I repetitive? • What should I change? Are parts of my essay confusing or contradictory? Do I need to explain my ideas more fully? • What should I rethink? Is my comparison and contrast clear? Have I provided enough analysis to convince my readers? • How is my tone? • Does my conclusion show the significance of my essay? • Have I used key vocabulary words correctly to accurately represent my ideas on this topic? • Once the peer revision process is complete learners should revise their essay for the first time. They need to understand that writing is a process and the best essays and best ideas are always fine tuned. The draft should then be checked by the teacher for grammar and mechanics issues to make sure that the language is as effective as possible and meets the requirements of ELA 9 Writing Rubric.
Activity 17: Writing a Third Draft • Students should now complete a third draft of the essay based on the feedback they’ve received. After they complete the revision they should check it themselves for the final time. • Advice for before turning in their essay: • Give yourself time away from the essay before reading it a final time and checking for errors. • Read it out loud so you can hear the errors. • Consider focusing on one type or mistake at a time so that you can skim the entire essay more efficiently. • If you’re not sure how something is spelled don’t just rely on spell-check because you might be using the wrong word. Try a dictionary.
Activity 18: Presentation • The research presentation can be completed individually or as a group depending on the focus of the learner’s research and the stance they took towards the issue. They have multiple options for their presentation: • PowerPoint or Prezi on focus question • Video answering focus question • Multimedia / museum-styled exhibit • Content: • Must include one of the approved media formats. • Be organized and creative • Include a written portion (can be drawn from their own research and work). Each student in the group is responsible for their own piece of writing.
Activity 19: Criteria & Scoring • Scoring for the presentation evidence will be via LHS English department rubrics. • Writing- LHS rubrics • Spoken Presentation- rubric
Activity 20: Publish to Weebly website • Part of the process to expand the senior project to create a portfolio of learner growth and reflection is the creation of their website during their freshman year. Uploading their research projects from freshman-senior year will be a true reflection of their learning and development from their time at LHS.