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Help fight against a flawed corporate plan threatening the sciences at Sussex University. Stand up for excellence in education and preserve academic principles for a sustainable future. Will you be the voice that makes a difference?

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  1. Senators! I am speaking to you from US Because my offer to help you by continuing research at Sussex was turned down

  2. I am Using Internet technology I also offered to pioneer this for global education Outreach from Sussex

  3. But first a little story There was an academic… Enron Economics

  4. You’re Being asked to vote On Corporate Plan Not an academic one It will cripple all the chemical sciences, biochemistry, chemical biology, medicine etc not just the physical sciences

  5. The plan is fatally flawed Only a modicum of scientific understanding needed

  6. Crick Watson Franklin Wilkins C60 Astrophys chemical physics Organic Chemistry John Maynard Smith Trained as an aeronautical engineer

  7. The physical sciences are the bedrock of modern materials science, chemistry and low energy physics as well as materials engineering and the nanosciences and biological chemistry. On these disciplines rests our only hope for the creation of the advances needed for a sustainable future

  8. The creators of this plan do not understand the first thing about the Sciences They are not prepared to listen And Frankly my dear Senators They don’t give a damn

  9. Admissions always weak I know - I did it in the 70s Could have 50 this year

  10. With no help No encouragement Just demoralising innuendo Youngsters who turned it round Lets applaud them They dun great What a foul punch to the stomach for them

  11. The Spin “A university is not a Museum to celebrate past successes”

  12. What should a good VC be Chief Gardener Balance the Garden Certainly - Not let its most valuable And delicate flowers wither

  13. The Administration’s statement on relevance of 2000 RAE is truly reprehensible To Undermine the prestige of its faculty and its students in this way is despicable Is this the action of a responsible and trustworthy administration

  14. It is truly Ironic that This “corporate” (Sic) plan is called investment in excellence When dis-investment in excellence has led to the chemistry problem Key physical scientists were not lost They were not encouraged to stay

  15. Pivotal moment Physics Next? Exeter now in Minor league It’s Now a College of arts Not a University Is Sussex going drop down go willingly

  16. What has chemistry done to deserve this outrageous treatment It is certainly not responsible financial problem Just the opposite

  17. Chem > International Prestige Chemistry at Sussex internationally revered brand name It took 40 years to create By every one of the faculty Not just the 10 FRS & 3 NLs Sussex ads

  18. Now suddenly we hear they are not important But why then are FRSs and NLs the primary accolades mentioned in Present Sussex advertising

  19. Are you really going to let a great team of young people pay for the financial blunders of a bunch of overpaid administrators

  20. Are you going to let Administrators Ride rough shod over you

  21. Prospectives UG letters Exeter pulled this underhanded trick I did not think Sussex would stoop so low Are you senators going to stand for such disdain for your opinions?

  22. Are you going to vote for a corporate plan by an administration with this track record Go to Brighton Races ask the bookies would they back this horse

  23. Senior Administrators job Go out and get the funds To make sure excellence is maintained And create new centers of excellence

  24. What has happened Funds have vanished excellence has been discouraged And a center of excellence Is about to be wiped out

  25. If you make a stand now The whole worldwide Academic community not just the UK one will applaud the you If not Sussex will be just another pathetic little nail in the UK academic coffin

  26. Is Sussex going to continue the sad story typical of modern UK universities and allow the Administrators to tighten their grip even more.

  27. The required qualification now is essentially that of the salesman no knowledge of the product line a talent for making meaningless promises, spinning specious advantages offering great savings which never materialise

  28. This is the moment for which Sussex was born Flagship of 60s New Universities Now Today in this fleeting moment It has a chance it must grasp To be The Flagship for the re-assertion of academic principles in the UK University system of the 21st Century

  29. Not just a battle for Chemistry at Sussex It’s a battle for all Sciences at Sussex A Battle for the academic principles that Sussex had when it was created

  30. This is a battle for all faculties as the loss will affect you all Also A battle for a Renaissance of academic principles in UK Universities

  31. Someone has to stop the barbarians in their tracks It could be Sussex It is up to you

  32. Why are we here Partly Reorganisation

  33. Petronius apochryphal Every time we got our act together it seems we would be reorganised I was to learn later in life that we tend to meet any new situation by reorganising And a wonderful method it is too for creating the illusion of progress while producing confusion, inefficiency and demoralisation

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