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Learn about the European Union's initiatives and legislation promoting sustainable production, Circular Economy Action Plan, Industrial Emission Directive, Eco-design, and more.<br>
EU policies on Sustainable Production and Products Pierre HENRY European Commission, DG Environment Unit Sustainable Production, Products & Consumption Circular Economy Action Plan Closing the loop Highlights 2015-2018
Many EU policies and legislation Main environmental legislations affecting production and products • Industrial Emission Directive • Wastelegislation on packaging, electrical and electronicequipment • Ecodesign and Energy labelling of energy-relatedproducts • Chemicalslegislation, incl. labelling, registration, authorisation
Many EU policies and legislation Main policy initiatives and actions plans • SustainableConsumption and Production and SustainableIndustrial Policy (2008) • Roadmap to a Resource-efficient Europe (2011) • Eco-innovation action plan (2011) • CircularEconomy action plan (2015) AEuropean Green Deal wasannounced in the Commission President-electpolitical guidelines
Many EU policies and legislation Voluntary instruments • Environmental Management and Audit Scheme • EU Ecolabelscheme • Product Environmental Footprint and Organisation Environmental Footprintmethods • Environmental Technology Verification scheme
IED aims to achieve a high level of protection of human health and the environment taken as a whole by reducing harmful industrial emissions across the EU in particular through application of Best Available Techniques (BAT) More than 50,000 installations in Europe Wide variety of industrial or agro-industrial activities Applies to the largest industrial installations IED is the main EU instrument regulating pollutant emissions from industrial installations. Scope: 1. Energy industries 4. Chemical industries 2. Metal industries 5. Waste management 3. Mineral industries 6. Other – e.g. Intensive livestock farming
IED scope - environmental issues emissions to land emissions to water emissions to air waste prevention and recovery energy & water use prevention and control of accidents vibration odour noise heat
All installations must have a permit Permits requirements based on use of Best Available Techniques (BAT) BAT reference documents BREFs BAT conclusions and their obligations Possible derogations Minimum emission standards Reporting obligations Monitoring, compliance and inspection regimes Access to information and access to justice IED how it works:
1st Circular Economy Action Plan 4+1 key areas 5 priority sectors 54 actions
Final package on CircularEconomyadopted 4 March 2019 • Report on the implementation of the Circular Economy Action Plan • Staff working document with details and references for the 54 actions that were listed in the action plan • SWD on Sustainable Products in a Circular Economy • SWD on the Assessment of the voluntary pledges under Annex III of the Strategy on Plastics • Summary Report of the Public Consultation on the main issues identified in the Commission's Communication on the interface between chemical, product and waste legislation • Report on Horizon 2020 R&I projects supporting the transition to a Circular Economy • Publication with Insights from research and innovation to inform policy and funding decisions • Report on Improving access to finance for circular economy project • Guidance and promotion of best practices in the mining waste management plans
Recycling and use of recycled materials is steadily growing only 12% of material resources used came from recycled products and recovered materials, Vast areas for improvementVast areas for improvement Impacts Employment in CE related activities: • 4 million workers • 2012-2016: +6% Repair, reuse, recycling: • €147 billion value added • €17,5 billion investments Recycling and use of recycled materials = steadily growing Recycledmaterials = 12% of rawmaterialdemand More info
Eco-design Working Plan 2016-2019 Embed circularity in the design of new products and the materials they are made of Deal with current and future materials which are not circular Ecodesign Working Plan 2016-2019 • Durability • Reparability • Recyclability
Protecting consumers New Deal for Consumers Proposed 11 April 2018 Objective: To ensure that all European consumers fully benefit from their rights under Union law Complementing the EU Circular Economy Action Plan Stronger enforcement and better opportunities for individual redress against unfair commercial practices Deterring misleadingenvironmental claims or planned obsolescence practices
Empowering consumers to make thoughtful choices Helping public authorities to choose sustainable products and services
30877 EU Ecolabel & EMAS 72,797 products and services available on the market (March 2019) • 3,866 organisations • registered
The new rules will make the EU a global leader in recycling: • By 2030, at least 70 % of all packaging waste in each EU country should be recycled • By 2035, all EU countries should recycle at least 65 % and landfill less than 10 % of municipal waste • There are also recycling targets for specific packaging materials: • Paper and cardboard: 85 % • Ferrous metals: 80 % • Aluminium: 60 % • Glass: 75 % • Plastic: 55 % • Wood: 30 %
Obstacles Examples of proposed actions • Analysis interface between Chemicals, Products and Waste legislation Insufficient information • Consider REACH restrictions • Take steps to develop a specific decision-making framework Presence of substances of concern • Publish guidance on waste classification Difficulties in application of waste classification rules- impact on recycling • Study on Member States' implementation of end-of-waste provisions Uncertainties about how materials cease to be waste AdoptedJanuary 2018
Plastics Strategy All plastic packaging will be reusable or recyclable (by 2030) Boost the market for recycled plastics Actions on single-use plastics and microplastics Strategic Research Innovation Agenda for Plastics (2018) Support to multilateral initiatives on plastics
Directive on single-use plastics and fishing gear Different measures for each item taking into account: - consumer behaviour/needs - opportunities for businesses Adopted by EP: March 2019 Council’s vote: April 2019
Proposal for a Directive on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment items with available sustainable alternatives promote less harmful alternatives:market bans prevention measures: design requirements, consumption reduction, consumer information items with no clear alternatives better waste management: separate collection, extended producer responsibility + clean-up
Action Plan on financing sustainable growth • Reorient capital flows towards a more sustainable economy • Mainstream sustainability in risk management • Foster transparency and long-termism Actions • Better integrate sustainability in ratings and market research • Clarify institutional investors' and asset managers' duties • Incorporate sustainability in prudential requirements • Establish an EU classification system for sustainable activities • Create standards and labels for green financial products • Foster investment in sustainable projects • Incorporate sustainability in providing investment advice • Develop sustainability (low-carbon) benchmarks • Strengthen sustainability disclosure and accounting rule-making • Foster sustainable corporate governance and attenuate short-termism in capital markets 23
EU ETV The EU ETV is a voluntary scheme dedicated to small and medium enterprises It consists in a third-party validation of the performance of innovative environmental technologies to: • help manufacturers prove the reliability of their claims, taking into account innovative features • help technology purchasers compare technologies and identify innovations that suit their needs • facilitate the market uptake of innovative environmental technologies • contribute to the implementation of the EU policies Market driven Policy driven
ETV pilot programme2013-2017 Pilot programme set up with 7 Member States as an inspection schemeusing a commonprotocol (GVP), implemented by 14 accredited Verification Bodies Active in 3 technology areas: Water treatment and monitoring Energy technologies Materials, waste and resources
Examples of verification AQUATRACK – Early Warning System with automatic sampler Aqua-Q AB – VTT – 2017 Bio-based content of a compound composed of vegetablefiber and biopolymer FuturaMat – Rescoll – 2016 Lighting induction system for poultryfarming GreengageLighting – NPL - 2016
Thank you for your attention • http://ec.europa.eu/environment/circular-economy/index_en.htm