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Historical listing of anti-abortion motions

Historical listing of anti-abortion motions . March 14, 1996 - Reform MP Garry Breitkreuz (Yorkton-Melville, Saskatchewan) calls for national referendum on tax-funding for abortions. . Anti-choice.

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Historical listing of anti-abortion motions

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  1. Historical listing of anti-abortion motions • March 14, 1996 - Reform MP Garry Breitkreuz (Yorkton-Melville, Saskatchewan) calls for national referendum on tax-funding for abortions.

  2. Anti-choice • October 29, 1996 - Reform leader Preston Manning calls for national referendum to place a ban on abortion in the Constitution.

  3. Anti-choice • November 20, 1997 - Breitkreuz reintroduces private member’s motion M-268 calling for a binding national referendum on government funding for "medically unnecessary" abortions.

  4. Anti-choice • April 18, 2002 - Breitkreuz introduces motion M-392 asking the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights to examine the current definition of “human being” in the Criminal Code to see if the law needs to be amended to provide protection to fetuses and to designate a fetus/embryo as a human being.

  5. Anti-choice • October 30, 2002 - MP Maurice Vellacott (Saskatoon-Wanuskewin) reintroduces his conscience clause legislation for debate, for health care workers who refuse to take part in procedures such as abortion

  6. Anti-choice • September 30, 2003 – • Breitkreuz introduces motion M-83, asking the justice committee to examine whether abortions are medically necessary as defined by the Canada Health Act • Breitkreuz got over 10,000 Canadians to sign petitions supporting this motion, which was defeated Oct. 2.

  7. October 23, 2003 - Breitkreuz introduces motion M-482 asking Parliament for a Woman’s Right to Know Act, which would "guarantee women are fully informed of all the risks before deciding to abort their baby”

  8. March 11, 2004 - Breitkreuz introduces motion M-560 calling on the government to create a new criminal code offence for the "murder of an unborn child" when a third party murders a pregnant woman.

  9. Between 2009-2010, these MPs introduced petitions asking Parliament to pass legislation recognizing life beings at conception: • David Sweet (Conservative) • Stephen Woodworth (Conservative) • Bev Shipley (Conservative) • Gord Brown (Conservative) • Dean Allison (Conservative) • Leon Benoit (Conservative) • James Lunney (Conservative) • Mark Warawa (Conservative) • Pierre Lemieux (Conservative) • Rick Casson (Conservative) • Rod Bruinooge (Conservative) • Maurice Vellacott (Conservative) • David Anderson (Conservative) • Laurie Hawn (Conservative) • Harold Albrecht (Conservative)

  10. Conservative MP Brad Trost introduced a petition in November, 2009 calling on the government to cut funding to the International Planned Parenthood Foundation.

  11. May 25, 2002 - MP Jason Kenney speaks at the Alberta Pro-Life Conference in Edmonton and says most abortions are not medically necessary and should not be funded.

  12. May 30, 2004 - Conservative Rob Merrifield says in an interview with the Globe and Mail that that women considering abortion should be required to seek counselling first.

  13. June 2004– Conservative Cheryl Gallant draws a parallel between abortion and the beheading of an American man working in Iraq.

  14. March 2005 - the Conservative Party adopts a resolution at their convention (by a vote of 55% to 45%) that "a Conservative government will not initiate or support any legislation to regulate abortion.”

  15. Anti-choice agenda • C-510 An Act to amend the Criminal Code (coercion), aka Roxanne’s Law • April 14, 2010 • This bill amends the Criminal Code to make it an offence for someone to coerce or attempt to coerce a female to have an abortion. • Introduced by Conservative MP Rod Bruinooge

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