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Conflict Resolution

Conflict can have a serious effect on workplace productivity. It is the responsibility of both managers to understand the causes and effects of conflict. This module outlines the effective methods of resolving conflict.

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Conflict Resolution

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  1. The Next Level Academy Understanding Conflict Management In the workplace

  2. Module Overview 1. Help you understand conflict management in the workplace 2. Understanding what conflict is. 3. Understanding the causes of conflict. 4. The different Stages of conflict development. 5. How to resolve conflict in the workplace This course is designed to :

  3. What is conflict? A state of disharmony between incompatible persons, ideas, or interests; a clash. A difference of wants, needs or expectations.

  4. Conflict Causes in the Workplace Types of issues that result in conflict: Opposing positions, competitive tensions, power struggles, ego, pride, jealousy, performance discrepancies, compensation issues, someone having a bad day….

  5. 1. Communication. Conflict arises due to - lack of information, poor information, no information or misinformation. OR good information was received but you didn’t know what to do with it. All the above = communication problem = conflict opportunity. COMMUNICATION which is Clear Concise Accurate Timely …. will REDUCE conflict in the workplace.

  6. 2. Emotions. • Conflict arises due to us letting emotions drive our decisions ie we let emotional superiority override achieving the mission. Can success lead to greater emotional instability? • Career success often generates a range of emotional conflicts that affect the person and job performance. Conflicts range from questioning the value and worth of the price you pay along the path to success as well as, feeling constrained by long hours, work that often lacks meaning, office politics that can suck you in, and frustration with management practices.

  7. 3. Conflicting Resources. We all need access to certain resources – whether these are office supplies, help from colleagues, or even a meeting room – to do our jobs well. When more than one person or group needs access to a particular resource, conflict can occur.

  8. 4. Conflicting Styles. Everyone works differently, according to his or her individual needs and personality. For instance, some people love the thrill of getting things done at the last minute, while others need the structure of strict deadlines to perform. However, when working styles clash, conflict can often occur.

  9. 5. Conflicting Perceptions. All of us see the world through our own lens, and differences in perceptions of events can cause conflict. Perceptions relating to different cultures – UAE advantage!

  10. 6. Conflicting Goals. Sometimes we have conflicting goals in our work. For instance, one of our managers might tell us that speed is most important goal with customers. Another manager might say that in-depth, high-quality service is the top priority. How do you reconcile the 2! Whenever you set goals for your team members, make sure that those goals don't conflict with other goals set for that person, or set for other people.

  11. 7. Conflicting Pressures. We often have to depend on our colleagues to get our work done. However, what happens when you need a report from your colleague by noon, and he's already preparing a different report for someone else by that same deadline? Conflicting pressures are similar to conflicting goals; the only difference is that conflicting pressures usually involve urgent tasks, while conflicting goals typically involve projects with longer timelines.

  12. 8. Conflicting Roles. Sometimes we have to perform a task that's outside our normal role or responsibilities. If this causes us to step into someone else's "territory," then conflict and power struggles can occur. The same can happen in reverse - sometimes we may feel that a particular task should be completed by someone else. Conflicting roles are similar to conflicting perceptions. After all, one team member may view a task as his or her responsibility or territory. But when someone else comes in to take over that task, conflict occurs.

  13. 9. Conflicting Personal Values. Imagine that your boss has just asked you to perform a task that conflicts with your ethical standards. Do you do as your boss asks, or do you refuse? If you refuse, will you lose your boss's trust, or even your job? When our work conflicts with our personal values like this, conflict can quickly arise. Ethical decision making quick test: transparency - am I happy to make my decision public - especially to the people affected by it? effect - have I fully considered the harmful effects of my decision and how to avoid them? fairness - would my decision be considered fair by everyone affected by it (consider all stakeholders)

  14. 10. Unpredictable Policies WWhen rules and policies change at work and you don't communicate that change clearly to your team, confusion and conflict can occur. In addition, if you fail to apply workplace policies consistently with members of your team, the different treatment can also become a source of conflict.

  15. Stages of Conflict Development 1. Emergence “when the conditions for conflict arise and a potential conflict erupts” 2. Escalation “the conflict escalates as both parties perceive the other's intentions (often misunderstood)” 3. Crisis “neither party wants to concede even though neither is poised to win. Often this is when a stalemate occurs” 4. Negotiation “their emotional intensity and attachments reduce and their willingness grows to hear the other party out. Strategies such as compromise and bargaining take place in this stage”. 5. Resolution “when the conflict is in some way resolved. Not always win-win”

  16. The Cost of Conflict When is conflict an asset to an organization? How we deal with conflict and what happens when they aren’t resolved = cost of conflict to a business.

  17. The Cost of Conflict • Unresolved conflict leads to… • Stress, frustration, and anxiety • Loss of sleep • Strained relationships • Grievances • Employee turnover • Loss of productivity • Increased client complaints • Absenteeism • Sabotage • Injury and accidents • Disability claims • Sick leave

  18. The Cost of Conflict How we can handle conflict more effectively: 1.Define acceptable behavior Create a framework for decision making, have defined role profiles, publically announce what will and won’t be tolerated 2. Hit conflict head-on Conflict prevention – be proactive and intervene. Limit damage by addressing it quickly 3. Understanding WIIFM factor Help colleagues achieve their objectives and goals 4. The Importance Factor If its important enough to create conflict, its important enough to resolve. 5. View conflict as an opportunity Potential for teaching/learning. Disagreement = potential growth & development

  19. Conflict Resolution Bottom line…resolution can normally be found with conflicts where there is a sincere desire to do so. Turning the other cheek, compromise, forgiveness, compassion, empathy, finding common ground, being an active listener, service above self, and numerous other approaches will always allow one to be successful in building rapport if the underlying desire is strong enough. However, when all else fails and positional gaps cannot be closed, resolve the issue not by playing favorites, but by doing the right thing.

  20. Conflict-free Environment How can managers create harmony at work and engender a positive atmosphere? Who’s responsible for doing this?

  21. Thank You!

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