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Disciples of Jesus: Lessons from Matthew 10

Explore the calling of the Twelve Apostles by Jesus, their transformation, and the challenges they faced as disciples.

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Disciples of Jesus: Lessons from Matthew 10

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  1. Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

  2. The Messiah’s Disciples Matthew 10 Jesus was teaching, proclaiming the gospel, and healing every kind of disease and sickness (Matthew 9:35) Jesus had compassion upon the multitudes (Matthew 9:36) Jesus calls on his disciples to recognize the need & pray (Matthew 9:37)

  3. Calling the Twelve Matthew 10:1-4 After a night of prayer, Jesus called 12 men to be apostles out of a larger group of disciples (Luke 6:12) An apostle is someone sent with the authority of the sender A disciple is a "student" who attaches himself to a teacher in order to learn from & become like him / her.

  4. Calling the Twelve Matthew 10:1-4 Jesus gives His Apostles the authority to work the same kinds of miracles as He did (Matthew 10:1) Jesus chose ordinary men who had normal strengths and weaknesses (1 Corinthians 1:26-29).

  5. The Twelve Simon was a bold, brash, boastful, impatient and occasionally fearful Simon became bold, humble Peter Andrew was inquisitive with a simple faith and characterized by humility, openness and lack of prejudice

  6. The Twelve James & John were brothers characterized as being passionate, zealous, aggressive and somewhat vengeful James became the first apostolic martyr John became the “beloved apostle”

  7. The Twelve Philip was a diligent student with a practical, analytical mind, but lacking in spiritual discernment Bartholomew (Nathanael) was a truth seeker, but somewhat prejudice & pessimistic, but not hypocritical

  8. The Twelve Thomas was pessimistic (doubting) but overcame that by commitment to truth and loyalty Matthew (Levi) had been a tax collector (& therefore considered to be a traitor to his nation)

  9. The Twelve Little is recorded on Earth about James the son of Alphaeus, Thaddaeus (Judas) and Simon Zealot Judas Iscariot was covetous and controlled by self desire God used Judas as a vessel of wrath (Romans 9:22)

  10. The Twelve God will accomplish extra-ordinary things using ordinary people who will serve Him

  11. Instructions for Ministry Matthew 10:5-15 A Focused Ministry (10:5,6) No one can do everything there is to do. Narrow your focus A Clear Message (10:7) Don’t mix the gospel with secondary issues, error or heresy

  12. Instructions for Ministry Matthew 10:5-15 A Life of Ministry (10:8) All that you are and have is from God, freely share with others A Trusting Heart (10:9 Learned to trust God to provide for your needs (Matthew 6:33)

  13. Instructions for Ministry A Concentration on Those Who Respond (10:11-13) We are to make disciples (Matthew 28:18-20) A Departure from Those Who Do Not Listen (10:14-15) Move on when they clearly reject the gospel

  14. Warnings Matthew 10:16-23 Wolves in Religion(10:17) False religions, cults & false Christianity have always persecuted believers Wolves in Government(10:18-20) Governments persecute those who have a higher allegiance to Jesus

  15. Warnings Matthew 10:16-23 Wolves in the Family(10:21) Strong hatred for God can cause family members to turn on believers Wolves in Society(10:22) Hatred for Christians occurs in every race, class and nationality

  16. Warnings Matthew 10:16-23 Perseverance does not save, but those who are saved will persevere The Defense & Hope(10:23) We are not to stay in the midst of persecution if it is possible to leave

  17. Encouragement For Ministry Matthew 10:24-33 Confidence in the Purpose of Life(10:24-25) The purpose of a Christian’s life is to become like Jesus Confidence in Being Used by the Lord(10:26,27) Our Lord’s message will be heard despite opposition

  18. Encouragement For Ministry Matthew 10:24-33 Confidence in the Midst of Persecution(10:28) Neither men nor Satan can harm our souls. Do not fear them Confidence in God's Intimate Care for Us(10:29,30) God cares for you more than mundane things

  19. Encouragement For Ministry Matthew 10:24-33 Confidence When We Stand Before God(10:32-33) What we believe we demonstrate by word & deed Continued failure to confess Christ reveals a false disciple

  20. A True Disciple’s Value of Christ Matthew 10:34-39 More than Family (10:34-37) Opposition may range from ridicule to estrangement to martyrdom Love for Jesus is greater than the threats & danger Continued failure to confess shows a false faith

  21. A True Disciple’s Value of Christ Matthew 10:34-39 More than Themselves (10:38-39) The cross refers to death Becoming a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1) “He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” – Jim Elliot

  22. A True Disciple’s Value of Christ Matthew 10:34-39 Rewards (10:40-42) Service done to God's people in Jesus' name is service to Him & will be rewarded

  23. Conclusions The claim to be a follower of Jesus is proved by one’s life Christians will fail, but they are characterized by the marks of a disciple When they do fail they will also repent and strive to be like Jesus Christ

  24. Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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