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Living bits and things 2012 November 27, 2012 , Bled, Slovenia. The Smart Office IoT application designed in a Living Lab environment Karol Furd í k InterSoft, a.s. , Ko š ice, Slovakia, www.intersoft.sk e-mail: K arol. F urdik@intersoft.sk
Living bits and things 2012November 27, 2012, Bled, Slovenia The Smart Office IoT application designed in a Living Lab environment Karol Furdík InterSoft, a.s., Košice, Slovakia, www.intersoft.sk e-mail: Karol.Furdik@intersoft.sk Technical University of Košice, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Department of Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence, Košice, Slovakia, www.tuke.sk e-mail: Karol.Furdik@tuke.sk 1
Contents • Context of related FP6 & FP7 projects • HYDRA, LinkSmart system, ebbits, ELLIOT • ELLIOT project • Basic facts, EEU extension of the project • Living Lab approach to IoT application development • KSB experience model • The Smart Office application • Living Lab environment designed for the Smart Office pilot • The Smart Office concept: goals, objectives • Installation of the pilot, RWE IT application partner • Living Lab phases, scenarios, KPIs and related KSB aspects • Experiments, data collection and evaluation • Conclusions • Summary of achievements, future work K. Furdík: The Smart Office IoT applicationdesigned in a Living Lab environment Living bits and things 2012, November 27, 2012, Bled, Slovenia 2
Context of FP6 & FP7 projects • FP6 HYDRA • www.hydramiddleware.eu • objective: development of a semantic middleware for IoT applications • FP7 ebbits • www.ebbits-project.eu • objective: enhance LinkSmart and apply it in real business environment • LinkSmart • http://sourceforge.net/projects/linksmart/ • Open Source semantic middleware for IoT • FP7 ELLIOT • www.elliot-project.eu • objective: co-design of IoT applications in a Living Lab K. Furdík: The Smart Office IoT applicationdesigned in a Living Lab environment Living bits and things 2012, November 27, 2012, Bled, Slovenia 3
ELLIOT project - basic facts • ELLIOT: Experiential Living Lab for the Internet Of Things • Framework Programme 7, ICT Call 5 : FP7-ICT-2009-5 • Objective ICT-2009.1.3: Internet of Things and Enterprise environments • Project type: STREP / Collaborative research, Project No: 287560 • Duration: 30 months (September 2010 - February 2013) • Web: www.elliot-project.eu • Coordinator: TXT Polymedia S.p.A., Italy • Partners: 9 + 3 (Italy, Germany, France, UK, Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia) • Aims of the project: • the development of an Internet of Things experimental platform, • to directly involve users (customers, citizens) in co-creating, exploring and experimenting new ideas, concepts and technological artefacts, • to study a potential impact of IoT and the Future Internet in the context of the Open User-Centred Innovation paradigm and of the Living Lab approach. K. Furdík: The Smart Office IoT applicationdesigned in a Living Lab environment Living bits and things 2012, November 27, 2012, Bled, Slovenia 4
Living Lab approach to IoT • Objectives, principles of the approach in ELLIOT: • Explore the potential of user co-creation techniques and tools, such as serious gaming, participative requirements engineering and verification/validation, in the context of IOT. • Study and develop a set of KSB (Knowledge-Social-Business) Experience Models integrating social, intellectual-cognitive, economical, legal and ethical aspects related to the use of IoT technologies and services into a single, “holistic”, meta model. K. Furdík: The Smart Office IoT applicationdesigned in a Living Lab environment Living bits and things 2012, November 27, 2012, Bled, Slovenia 5
ELLIOT-EEU extension • Extension to the Enlarged European Union (EEU): • Duration: 18 months (September 2011 - February 2013) • 3 new use cases - pilot applications: Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia,as complements to former ELLIOT pilots • Focus of pilots: • Logistics PLM: Logistics Product Life-cycle Management (PLM) supported by IoT and RFID technologies • BIBA LogDynamics Lab, Bremen, Germany • SafePay Systems Ltd., Hungary • Extended concept of “Well Being” in a hospital environment • San Raffaele Hospital, Milan, Italy • Virtech Ltd., Bulgaria • Green Services @ ICT Usage Lab • INRIA (Sophia Antipolis), France • InterSoft, a.s., Kosice, Slovakia K. Furdík: The Smart Office IoT applicationdesigned in a Living Lab environment Living bits and things 2012, November 27, 2012, Bled, Slovenia 6
ELLIOT Living Lab in Slovakia • Pilot name: ECOffices - Ambient Intelligence in energy saving • The Smart Office use case: • Integrates AmI-IoT & semantic technologies, with respect to the KSB (knowledge-social-business) aspects of user interactions • Targets the optimization of energy consumption in offices • Focus, goals: • experiment the ELLIOT outcomes and the new semantically enhanced AmI technology in the Energy test case in Slovakia • demonstrate the platform capabilities towards a positive impact on environment (energy consumption, CO2 footprint) • Technology: • AmI-IoT: based on LinkSmart middleware, using outcomes of the FP7 project ebbits. • Semantics: device ontology, fusion of generated events, business rules • Devices: energy consumption, environment conditions, and occupancy sensors - Plugwise, Arduino, … K. Furdík: The Smart Office IoT applicationdesigned in a Living Lab environment Living bits and things 2012, November 27, 2012, Bled, Slovenia 7
The Smart Office concept • From “Smart Houses” to “Smart Offices” • Smart House: • a house that has advanced automatic systems for lighting, heating, air-conditioning, window and door operations, security etc. • many solutions, both commercial and research • Smart Office: • to employ the paradigm of the smart house in a business environment, • inclusion of / integration with business processes, • optimization of existing processes in an organization (or office), • ability to implement new and more efficient business processes, • expected benefits on the user level regarding to more organized and coordinated social interactions. • Challenges: • correspondence of AmI-IoT with business processes, • acceptance and support from the side of employees (and management), • possible solution: AmI-enhanced services and processes should follow the recommendations of IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL, http://www.itil-officialsite.com) and the related standard ISO/IEC 20000:1-5. K. Furdík: The Smart Office IoT applicationdesigned in a Living Lab environment Living bits and things 2012, November 27, 2012, Bled, Slovenia 8
Application partner : RWE IT • RWE IT Slovakia, http://www.rweit-slovakia.com • belongs to RWE group, leading energy (gas, electricity) distributor in Eastern Slovakia • daughter company of RWE IT GmbH, IT services provider for RWE • ECOffices pilot is implemented in the premises of RWE IT: • office type: open space room • 8 employees in the office (administration department) • central heating, air conditioning individually controlled within the office • equipment: computers, monitors, phones, 2 x printers, 1 x scanner / copier K. Furdík: The Smart Office IoT applicationdesigned in a Living Lab environment Living bits and things 2012, November 27, 2012, Bled, Slovenia 9
ECOffices : the Living Lab concept General Goal:a systematic and iterative user co-creation approach integrating research and innovation processes towards the energy efficiency in business environment, using AmI-IoT technologies (enabled by the LinkSmart system). K. Furdík: The Smart Office IoT applicationdesigned in a Living Lab environment Living bits and things 2012, November 27, 2012, Bled, Slovenia 10
Living Lab phases Co-Creation • Analysis of the Energy Efficient Office case • Requirements collection • Interviews & questionnaires • Spec. of scenarios Service Improvement/ adjustment Service Ideas, requirements, initialspecifications Exploration Evaluation • Design and installation of sensors, devices, and infrastructure - test implementations • Identification of data sources, KPIs and KSB aspects • Observation protocols • Refinement of scenarios • Evaluation of KSB aspects • Professionals & expert evaluations • End users evaluation – employees, decision makers • Workshop Service and/or HW-SW Implementation Service / LivingLab Results Experimentation • Testbeds & Trials • Monitoring, collection of data K. Furdík: The Smart Office IoT applicationdesigned in a Living Lab environment Living bits and things 2012, November 27, 2012, Bled, Slovenia 11
Living Lab scenarios • Scenario #1: Exploration of a suitable occupancy sensing device • 4 different types of occupancy sensors identified by IoT experts • Goal: Users exploring, experiments and evaluation - to find a balance between: • Comfortable environment • Amount of saved energy / CO2 emissions • Privacy loss • Scenario #2: Process-based adaptation of the working environment • Uses occupancy sensor as an output of scenario #1. • Template process model given, e.g. predefined work hours, seasonal settings of environment • Adaptation of working environment according to user preferences • Goal: Adapted process model as an explicit representation of the working environment settings in a given time scale • Scenario #3: Competition on energy savings in the office • Users playing a “game” saving real energy • A visualization showing actual consumption and CO2 footprint data, overall ranking, etc. • Ranking provided to decision makers -> e.g. awarding of winners, motivating others, ... K. Furdík: The Smart Office IoT applicationdesigned in a Living Lab environment Living bits and things 2012, November 27, 2012, Bled, Slovenia 12
Indicators for KSB analysis • Knowledge: • Sensing affordances KPI: Frequency of "Power consumption overview" portal page views during a specified period • Conation (Desire) KPI: Number of positive reactions to switch off air conditioning and opening a window • Social: • Mutual goodwill KPI: Number of user profiles with similar settings on temperature and lighting • Community behavior KPI: Number of profiles having the proportion of light / temperature profile settings of particular user to whole group average above a threshold value • Business: • Performance level KPI: Overall amount of saved energy (in a specified period, comparing to an average of consumed energy) • Reliability KPI: Number of errors / exceptions in the log during specified period K. Furdík: The Smart Office IoT applicationdesigned in a Living Lab environment Living bits and things 2012, November 27, 2012, Bled, Slovenia 13
Pilot implementation (1) • Schedule of the pilot: • 1st round: May-June2012 (completed) • 2nd round: end of August • evaluation: end of 2012 • Technology: • Devices installed (see figure) • Data monitored and collected from the 1st round, evaluation is ongoing, use of the data in occupancy sensing • Interface to ECOffices system is a web portal • Arduino-based prototypes (see next slide) • Involvement of users: • Initial user requirements and information about user habits collected by a questionnaire • Smart Office Portal - Web application for gathering user experiences was developed • Success factors and KPIs (focused on KSB aspects) were specified and provided for analysis into ELLIOT platform K. Furdík: The Smart Office IoT applicationdesigned in a Living Lab environment Living bits and things 2012, November 27, 2012, Bled, Slovenia 14
Pilot implementation (2) Arduino-based open HW Xbee, Thermometer, Ambient light sensor SmartOffice Portal – the main user interaction tool • Data - log example: • power usage: 46.00W on 000D6F000072AF09 at 11-07-12 11:17:17 • power usage: 42.00W on 000D6F0000D33655 at 11-07-12 11:17:17 • power usage: 3.00W on 000D6F000076937D at 11-07-12 11:17:17 • power usage: 36.00W on 000D6F00007690CB at 11-07-12 11:17:17 • Log format: [Immediate power consumption in watts] [ID: MAC address of sensor] [timestamp] K. Furdík: The Smart Office IoT applicationdesigned in a Living Lab environment Living bits and things 2012, November 27, 2012, Bled, Slovenia 15
Monitoring and data collection • Datasources: • sensors: power consumption on plugs, outdoor / indoor temperature, light intensity, motion sensors • devices: RFID cards for occupancy sensing, air conditioning control unit, LinkSmart middleware system (provides system logs) • user interface: web based Smart Office portal (user interactions, profiles & preferences, system logs) • Means of collecting the data: • direct measuring - outdoor / indoor temperature, power consumed on a single plug, light intensity on a single place, etc. • a value fetched in a single shot from a sensor, e.g. Immediate power consumption in watts, temperature value in °C, etc. • simple calculation - i.e., CO2 footprint (CO2 emission factor for electricity = 0.527 kg / kWh, http://www.carbonindependent.org), light intensity in whole room, etc. • value calculated by a simple algebraic statement from one or several directly measured values • data series of two dimensions (e.g. indoor temperature for given time period) • data merging - i.e., occupancy sensing (calculated by merging Power consumption data analysis, PIR motion sensors, and RFID cards), average energy consumption of a working team for a given time period, etc. • multi-dimensional data structures, calculated by algebraic statements and rules K. Furdík: The Smart Office IoT applicationdesigned in a Living Lab environment Living bits and things 2012, November 27, 2012, Bled, Slovenia 16
Summary, future steps • Work done so far: • LinkSmart middleware adapted for the ECOffices Living Lab • pilot prototype implemented • 1st round of experiments on Scenario #1 accomplished • Occupancy sensing: simple motion sensor - precision 45-50%,combination of motion sensors, RFIDcards, and energy consumption monitoring - precision 94% • data from sensors collected and provided to the ELLIOT platform for KSB analysis • Next steps: • new types of devices - actuators: air conditioning control, heating control, light switches • business rule / process engine, based on Drools framework, www.drools.org • a generic process model for Scenario #2 will be developed • Scenario #2 experiments, evaluation • the Smart Office portal will be enhanced to enable the “game” on energy savings • Scenario #3 experiments, evaluation • ECOffices Living Lab has an ambition to join the European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL, www.openlivinglabs.eu) in its next wave. K. Furdík: The Smart Office IoT applicationdesigned in a Living Lab environment Living bits and things 2012, November 27, 2012, Bled, Slovenia 17
Thank you for your attention! Questions, suggestions, ...? • Contact: • e-mail: Karol.Furdik@intersoft.sk, Karol.Furdik@tuke.sk • web: http://web.tuke.sk/fei-cit/furdik/index-a.html Acknowledgements: The presented work was supported by the ELLIOT project, http://www.elliot-project.eu, co-founded by the European Commission within the contract No. 287560. K. Furdík: The Smart Office IoT applicationdesigned in a Living Lab environment Living bits and things 2012, November 27, 2012, Bled, Slovenia 18