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- Change in climate Why it changes - The sun emits sunrays - The Earth absorbs the energy - Infrared rays are radiated from the Earth - Greenhouse gases thickens the atmosphere. Climate change. - Heat (infrared rays) is trapped - 'Climate change' or 'global warming'?. Natural activities
- Change in climate Why it changes - The sun emits sunrays - The Earth absorbs the energy - Infrared rays are radiated from the Earth - Greenhouse gases thickens the atmosphere Climate change - Heat (infrared rays) is trapped - 'Climate change' or 'global warming'?
Natural activities - Animals and plants decomposing - Volcanic activity - Vaporised water Human activities - Greenhouse gas emissions Causes - Interventions with natural activities
In cold environments - More habitable land - More arable land In high mountain landscapes - More drinkable water Postive consequenses
In general - Imbalance in animal and plant population - Land erosion Low land environments - Higher water level Negative consequenses
Confronting the primary causes - Humans - Greenhouse gasses Confronting the secondary causes - Human interventions with natural activities - Activities involving the use of fossil fuels or biofuels Preventing climate change - Activities involving plastic - Volcanic activity - Animals and plants decomposing - Water vaporisation
Text: Tellus 10, chapter 8 Knowledge from past grades Images and pictures: http://jcwinnie.biz/wordpress/imageSnag/468_pollution.jpg http://www.uib.no/imagearchive/produktbilde_shishmaref_fig.png http://www.treehugger.com/alaska-glacier-coast-01.jpg http://images.switzerland.isyours.com/images/big/dead-tree-jura.jpg http://www.kidspedia.net/images/2/28/Jun15pinatubo.jpg http://www.regjeringen.no/Rpub/STM/20002001/042/HFIG/fig13-4.gif http://www6.worldisround.com/photos/3/325/200.jpg http://www.texasescapes.com/TexasRivers/Images/Austin1935FloodHouseOverDamOPC22A-21.jpg http://blogs.reuters.com/china/files/2008/02/driving.JPG http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1244/681474226_d7c63356c2.jpg Sources