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Building a Resilient Geoscience Program: Insights from a New Program at a State Undergraduate Institution

Discover how Concord University established a new geoscience program in a rural setting with declining population. Learn about programmatic strengths, recruitment strategies, and retention efforts tailored for success.

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Building a Resilient Geoscience Program: Insights from a New Program at a State Undergraduate Institution

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  1. Building a Strong Geoscience Program from Scratch: Perspectives from a New Program at a State-supported Primarily Undergraduate Institution Joseph L. Allen David L. Matchen Dept. Geology and Physical Sciences Concord University Athens, WV 24712

  2. Outline -Institutional profile -Characteristics and demographics of regional service area -How a new geoscience program was founded at Concord -Programmatic strengths, recruiting, and retention in a rural setting with declining population

  3. -Geologic Setting Valley and Ridge St. Clair Thrust Fault Appalachian Plateau Athens, WV

  4. Institutional Profile •3000 students •16% Science/math •liberal arts focus •public funded Quick History: •1872–1931 State normal school for teachers •1931–1943 State teachers college •1943+ (especially 1960’s) shift in focus to liberal arts 4-yr college •2004 change to University status; limited graduate degrees (educ) •Little history of geology instruction until mid-1990’s

  5. Characteristics of Regional Service Area -Demographics -Economics & resources

  6. -Demographics [~10% statewide population decrease 1950-2000] Source: US Census

  7. -Demographics 62980 = Current population by county % = Population gain or loss 1950-2000 = University geoscience programs WVU MU 79720 12999 25708 -18% -32% -32% +11 % 13583 -72% -16% 27329 CU 62980 Source: US + WV Census

  8. -Demographics Source: US Census

  9. -Demographics High School College Source: US Census

  10. -Demographics 6.4% more production, transport, construction, extraction, service jobs 5.7% less management/ professional jobs Source: US Census

  11. -Economics & resources Source: US Bureau of Labor Statistics

  12. History of Geoscience Program 1974 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Failed Proposal IDS I IDS II New Program (S04) Foundation grant GEOL 101 Earth Processes, Resources, and the Environment IDS program revised/re-implemented

  13. (2000) WV National average Data from Directory of Geoscience Departments 38th ed. (1999-2000, AGI) and 1990 census. WV was in the lowest 18th percentile with a ratio of 1.1 departments/million residents compared to a national average of 4.6, with a range 0.5 (WY) to 18.4 (NY). WV is now ~36th %-ile.

  14. -Departmental SCH/enrollment trends CU Headcount x100 Geol majors IDS IIDS IINew Enroll Budget Geol graduates

  15. Program Focus: Geoscience fundamentals for graduate studies and employment in energy and environmental services Geoscience Core 101 - Earth processes, resources and the environment 202 - Evolution of Earth systems 205 - Environmental geology 370 - Earth materials and minerals 371 - Optical mineralogy 380 - Sedimentary geology 385 - Structural geology 404 - Field geology One of three elective concentrations: •Geography & GIS (16 hrs) •Ecology and Life Sciences (16 hrs) •Physical sciences (16-20 hrs, 1 yr physics and calculus required) Cognate Geog 311 - Computer cartography/Intro GIS 1 yr general chemistry 7 hrs math past algebra/trig (most take calc + stats or 2 calculus)

  16. Programmatic Strengths Field skills -Traditional Mapping -Linked to assmt

  17. Field skills -Applied Geophysics

  18. Collaborative Research Opportunities

  19. GIS Optical Petrography

  20. Student Centered Environment Successes in geology have mirrored re-invigorated chemistry program

  21. Recruiting/Retention •Selective suggestion (Geol 101+) •Geol 101 careers discussions; examples of geoscientists at work •Flexible curriculum (concentration area; math; physics) •Presentation of geology as a liberal arts science degree option FUTURE: •Coal in the Schools Program •HS Recruiting Poster

  22. Lessons Enrollment, budgets, intangibles Retention, publicity, visibility Retention + Longevity •Role of GEOL 101: •Role of external student-faculty collaboration/research: •Fostering a student-centered learning environment: •Link field work/field camp to programmatic assessment: •Role of flexible curriculum •Role of institutional freedom: Recruiting/retention All of the above

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