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EAT 2 WIN Sport Performance Nutrition Ten Easy Tips you can teach today!. Emily Edison, MS, RD, CSSD Sports Nutritionist Director WINForum Sports Nutrition www.WINForum.org. Sport Nutrition is Nutrition Science. VS. Diet or Weight Loss Nutrition. Sport Nutrition.
EAT 2 WINSport Performance NutritionTen Easy Tips you can teach today! Emily Edison, MS, RD, CSSD Sports Nutritionist Director WINForum Sports Nutrition www.WINForum.org
Sport Nutrition is Nutrition Science VS Diet or Weight Loss Nutrition Sport Nutrition
WINForum: FEED YOUR GAME • Washington Interscholastic Nutrition Forum • WINForum.org: Online science-based sport nutrition resource • Sport nutrition clinics for coaches, trainers, student athletes and parents For more information visit www.winforum.org or e-mail questions/comments to info@winforum.org
Did you know? • Sports nutrition can help your athletes: • Play better • Heal faster • Have more energy • Be in a better mood • Get better grades
Sport Nutrition “Cliff Notes”:Top Ten Tips for Coaches • Eat Breakfast- show them how • Eat 3 meals and 2-3 snacks every day • MEAL = three foods Sandwich, fruit, granola bar, milk • SNACK = 2 foods Apple and peanut butter • Add Color (eat the rainbow) add in fruits and vegetables
Sport Nutrition “Cliff Notes”:Top Ten Tips for Coaches Eat before practice or game- when? Drink plenty of fluid during practice or game- how much? Eat after practice or game- when? Rest Repeat
“I heard its not good to eat breakfast” “I don’t have time” “I am too tired” “I can’t get out of bed” “I’m not hungry” “I don’t like breakfast foods” “my mom won’t make it for me”
TIP #1: FUEL UP BREAKFAST IS FOR CHAMPIONS • 30% of calories need to be before lunch • Stimulate metabolism and maintain muscle • Quick ideas: • Whole grain bagel w/almond butter and fruit • Granola and nuts cereal w/ milk and fruit • Toaster waffles w/peanut butter milk and fruit • Microwave egg sandwich • Toaster Waffle “big mac” • Breakfast Sushi TONS more ideas: www.winforum.org or www.pinterest.com/winforum
Tip #2: Eat 3 meals and 2-3 SnacksEat to be LEAN and STRONG • Breakfast • Snack • Lunch • Snack • Dinner • Snack (optional, are you hungry?) **Time meals and snacks no more than 3-4 hours apart**
TIP #3: Eat a MEALMeals = 3 foods • Eating 3 (or more) foods gets nutrition from a variety of food groups • Get enough gas in the tank before practice • Quick ideas: • Sandwich, fruit, yogurt, water • Pasta w meat sauce, salad, milk • Banana peanut butter wrap, fruit salad, granola bar • Baked Potato w cottage cheese, steamed broccoli, chicken • Chili, cornbread, salad, milk TONS more ideas: winforum.org or pinterest.org/winforum
Easy Lunch/Dinners (Pick from each column) Spaghetti Squash, 1 cup Marinara & meat sauce, 1cup Parmesan cheese, 2 T. Green Salad w/Vinaigrette Low-fat milk, 1 cup Chicken Breast, 4 oz Baked Potato, 1 med Cottage Cheese ½ cup Broccoli, 1 c. Green Tea
TIP #4: Pack SNACKSSnack = 2 foods (carb + protein) • Sports Bars that provide carbs and protein (i.e. Luna or Clif Bar) • Kashi and yogurt • Fruit leather and cheese stick • Wrap with turkey and cheese • Fruit and yogurt • Beef Jerky and fruit • “Breakfast Cookie” and milk box • Trail Mix • Boost sport drink • Fig Neutons and cheese stick • Veg and Hummous
Tip #5: Add COLORTools to use: myplate.gov or powerbar.com • Color provides more vitamins and minerals • Enhances immunity • Reduces risk of injury • Reduces risk of overfat • Increases energy
And here! Color goes here! And even here!
Am I eating the right foods? Use this checklist • 3-5 Fruits (tennis ball) • 3-5 Veggies (1/2 cup) • 8+ Grain Servings (1 slice, ½ c) • 2-3 Meat Protein Servings (3-4 oz) • 3-4 Dairy (1 cup or 1.5 oz) • A couple extras (salad dress, oils, avocado, occasional sweets) **Download this checklist at winforum.org**
Where to Go for More Info www.winforum.org www.bestteendiets.org www.eatright.org www.choosemyplate.gov
Tip #6: Nutrition Pre-Practice/Game Breakfast | Snack | Lunch • Choose foods high in carbohydrates, moderate in protein, and low in fat • Allow plenty of time for food to digest • 3 hours for a large meal • 2 hours for a smaller meal • 1 hour for a snack
Talk about it…Fast Food NOT Fat Food • Follow “pick a fat” method • Watch out for sauces • Order baked or grilled NOT FRIED • Try out a salad or fresh products • Frequent “healthier” fast food places • Limit Soda/Pop
Tip #7: Nutrition during exercise • GOAL: Maintain energy and hydration for performance • Drink fluids throughout practice and games • Have a small snack? • 30g-50g CHO/hour = 16+oz sport drink/hr
Tip #8: Eat after practice/game • REMEMBER 3 R’s: Replace (carbs), Re-build (protein), Re-hydrate (water) • Eat/drink carbohydrate and protein within 30 minutes • Chocolate milk • Yogurt and cereal • Energy/Protein Bar • Sandwich and water • Then eat a meal (within 1-2 hour) • High carb, low fat, moderate protein • Include plenty of water
POWER smoothie Makes 2 servings 1 cup plain yogurt 2 cups frozen or fresh fruit 2 cups green leafys ½ cup coconut water or juice Ice BLEND and ENJOY **Add in’s: coconut, peanut butter, avocado, wheat germ, nuts, seeds.
9am practice 7:30 Sports Breakfast (Or 8:30 LARGE power smoothie) 9-12 During Practice- Eat snack (bar) and drink fluids 12:00 Post Practice Snack (chocolate milk works great) 1:00 Lunch 4:00 Snack 7:00 Dinner
3pm practice/4pm Game 7am Breakfast 10am Snack 12pm Lunch 2:30pm Pre-Practice Snack 5:30pm Post Practice Snack 6:30pm Dinner (or after game) 9pm Snack (if hungry) **4pm Game: Move Pre-Game snack to 3pm, add easy to digest snacks as needed during game
6pm Game 7am Breakfast 10am Snack 12pm Lunch 3-4pm Pre-Game Meal 6pm Easy to digest snacks and fluid as needed during game 9pm Dinner **4pm Game: Move Pre-Game snack to 3pm, add easy to digest snacks as needed during game
TIP #10: REPEATFEED YOUR GAME… • EAT frequently through your day • PLAN your snacks and meals even while on the road • DRINK enough fluids to stay hydrated • Plan down time to REST
Let the Game Plan work for you! Find it in Downloadable Materials at www.winforum.org
For More Info www.winforum.org www.bestteendiets.org www.eatright.org www.choosemyplate.gov
Emily Edison, MS.RD.CSSD. Sport Nutrition Coach 206-696-4386 www.momentum4health.com emily@momentum4health.com FOOD.FITNESS.FUN.