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Bad History

The Bay of Pigs Revisited. Bad History. Current Events As History. Bay of Pigs as an I llustration. Bay of Pigs 50th Anniversary Articles - 2011. The Wikipedia View.

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Bad History

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  1. The Bay of Pigs Revisited Bad History

  2. Current Events As History

  3. Bay of Pigs as an Illustration

  4. Bay of Pigs 50th Anniversary Articles - 2011

  5. The Wikipedia View • On 18 August 1960, President Eisenhower approved a budget of $13M for the operation. By October 31 1960, most guerilla infiltrations and supply drops directed by the CIA into Cuba had failed, and developments of further guerilla strategies were replaced by plans to mount an amphibious assault, with a minimum of 1,500 men • Further development of the plans continued, and on January 4 1961 they consisted of an intention to carry out a "lodgment" by 750 men at an undisclosed site in Cuba, supported by considerable air power • 1/4/1961 • 10/31/60 • 11/29/60 • On November 29 1960, President Eisenhower met with the chiefs of the CIA, Defense, State and Treasury departments to discuss the new concept. No objections were expressed, and Eisenhower approved the plans, with the intention of persuading John Kennedy of their merit. On 8 December 1960, Bissell presented outline plans to the 'Special Group', while declining to commit details to written records

  6. Wikipedia continued…. • 4/15/1961 • 1/28/1961

  7. Wikipedia continued…. • 4/16/1961

  8. Air Support over the Beaches • 4/18/1961

  9. CIA Inspector General’s Report

  10. The Rest of the Story

  11. The Devil is in the Details • there was no evidence that it had ever gone beyond Bissell’s office, and certainly that it was not presented to either President Kennedy or his national security advisor.

  12. Major Disconnect

  13. Single Point of Failure

  14. Most Unacceptable

  15. The Bay of Pigs Revisited

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