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Paraphrasing. Ms. Mirenda. Topic: Paraphrasing EQ: What’s paraphrasing and what are the steps?. Questions: What is paraphrasing? How will it help me? What are the steps?. Paraphrasing means to put something into your own words . Paraphrasing Helps Me To:. Remember what I just read

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Paraphrasing Ms. Mirenda

  2. Topic: ParaphrasingEQ: What’s paraphrasing and what are the steps? Questions: What is paraphrasing? How will it help me? What are the steps?

  3. Paraphrasing meansto put something into your own words.

  4. Paraphrasing Helps Me To: • Remember what I just read • Shorten the text I read

  5. Steps for Paraphrasing: • 1st: Read the text • 2nd: Ask yourself, “What is the main idea and details of the text?” • Who • What • When • Where • Why • How

  6. 3rd Now put the information in your own words! If you copy the same words, it is called plagiarism. Plagiarism is against the law.

  7. Example: Lines 2 from Last Expedition • (Line 2) So, we are resting in our tents, waiting to start to-night. • Paraphrase: • We are resting and waiting in the tent.

  8. ExampleLines 3 from Last Expedition • (Line 3) Last night the temperature fell to -6° after the wind dropped - today it is warm and calm. • Paraphrase: • It was -6 degrees yesterday, and it’s warm today.

  9. As a group, paraphrase line 6 • The hiss of the primus and the fragrant steam of the cooker issuing from the tent ventilator. • Paraphrase:

  10. In Summary, RAP The paraphrasing steps are: • Read the ___________ • Ask _________________ • Put it _______________

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