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END. The Kurdish Conflict in the Republic of Turkey. Location of Turkey. Turkey: Geography. Transcontinental State Europe (Thrace) Asia (Anatolia) Size: 71 million Land Use: Arable Land: 30% Permanent Crops: 3.4%. Turkey: Population. Size: 71 million (17/222) Age Structure:

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  1. END The Kurdish Conflict in the Republic of Turkey

  2. Location of Turkey

  3. Turkey: Geography • Transcontinental State • Europe (Thrace) • Asia (Anatolia) • Size: • 71 million • Land Use: • Arable Land: 30% • Permanent Crops: 3.4%

  4. Turkey: Population • Size: • 71 million (17/222) • Age Structure: • 0 – 14: 25% • 15 – 65: 68% • 66+: 7% • Population Growth: • Total growth rate: 1.04% • Fertility Rate: 1.89 • IMR: 38.33/1000 • Life Expectancy: • 72.88 (103/222)

  5. United States: Population • Size: • 301 million (3/222) • Age Structure: • 0 – 14: 20% • 15 – 65: 67% • 66+: 13% • Population Growth: • Total growth rate: 0.89% • Fertility Rate: 2.09 • IMR: 6.37/1000 • Life Expectancy: • 78.00 (45/222)

  6. Turkey: Population • Ethnicity: • Turkish (?) 80% • Kurdish (?) 20% • Language: • Turkish • Religion: • Muslim 99.0% • Sunni 74.5% • Shi’a Alevi 19.8% • Urban/Rural Split: • Urban 66.7% • Rural 33.3%

  7. Turkey: Government • Government: • Parliamentary democracy • Proportional representation • Justice and Development Party • AKP 46.7% 341 -23 • Republican People’s Party • CHP 20.9% 112 -66 • Nationalist Movement Party • MHP 14.3% 71 +71 • Leaders: • President Abdullah Gül • Prime Minister Recep Erdoğan • Speaker of Meclis Köksal Toptan

  8. The Kurds: Quick Facts • Approximately half of all Kurds live in Turkey making up around 20% percent of the Turkish population, they number between 12 to 15 million • The majority of Kurds reside in the southeastern corner of the country • The government of Turkey spends $6 billion a year fighting its Kurdish separatists

  9. A Map of Kurdistan

  10. Kurdish Populations

  11. The Kurds: Religions • Islam • Sunni • Sufi • Shi’a • Christianity • Judaism

  12. The Kurds: Society • Language • Indo-European • Indo-Iranian • Iranian • Western Iranian • Northwestern Iranian • Traditional Garb • Music • Tribal Structure

  13. The Kurds: Ancient History • Hurrain Empire • 3000 BCE – 600 BCE • Median Empire • 6th century BCE • Achaemenid Empire • 6th century BCE – 3rd century BCE

  14. The Kurds: Classical History • Greek Empire • 3rd century BCE – 1st century BCE • Roman Empire • 1st century BCE – 641 CE

  15. The Kurds: Medieval History • Arab Rule • 641 CE – 12th century CE • Rashidun Empire (632 - 661) • Umayyad Empire (661 - 750) • Abbasid Empire (750 - 1258) • Fatimid Empire (910 - 1171) • Seljuk Turks • 11th century – 14th century CE • Ayyubid Dynasty • 1169 – 13th century CE • Principalities • 13th century – 1514 CE

  16. The Kurds: Modern History • Ottoman Empire • 1514 – 1922 • Republic of Turkey • 1914 – present • Iran • 1921 – 1941, 1941 – present • Republic of Iraq • 1919 – 1932 • 1932 - present • Syrian Arab Republic • 1946 – present

  17. Relevant Turkish Treaties • Treaty of Paris (1919) • Ended World War I • National Self-Determination • Treaty of Sèvres (1920) • Dissolved the Ottoman Empire • Created: • Wilsonian Armenia • Kingdom of Herjaz • Iraq (British Mandate) • Lebanon (French Mandate) • Palestine (British Mandate) • Syria (French Mandate)

  18. Relevant Turkish Treaties • Treaty of Ankara (1921) • Dropped French claims on Turkey • Dropped Turkish claims on Syria • Treaty of Lausanne (1923) • Replaced the Treaty of Sèvres • Settled Anatolian issues • Settled borders of Turkey • Turkey was successor state to the Ottoman Empire

  19. Kurdish Rebellions • Koçkiri Rebellion (1920) • Sheikh Said Piran’sRebellion (1925 ) • Shaikh Abdurrahman’sRebellion (1927) • The Agri (Ararat) Rebellion (1927-1930) • The Dersim Rebellions (1937)

  20. Turkish Suppression • Recognition • No official recognize of any minority ethnic groups • Kurds called “Mountain Turks” • Turkification • Forced assimilation • Suppression of Kurds • Suppression • Kurdish language • Kurdish culture

  21. The Separatist Group • The Kurdistan Workers Party • Kürdistan İşçi Partisi (KIP) • Partiya Karkerên Kurdistan (PKK) • Created: • 1974 • Leader: • Abdullah Öcalan, captured • Goal: • Independent Marxist Kurdish state in present-day Kurdistan • Strength: • Regular fighters are estimated at 15,000 in and around Turkey

  22. The Separatist Group • Killings • Total 37,000 • Civilians 32,000 • Military personnel 5,000 • Annual Budget • Expenditures 86 million USD • Sources: • Human Trafficking • Drug Trafficking • Donations • Extortion • Ransom

  23. PKK Timeline • Formed: 1974 • Major fighting began: 1984 • Violence increased: 1990 • 1991 • Marxist state no longer goal • February 1999 • Abdullah Öcalan captured • January 2004 • US declares it a terrorist group • September 2006 • Another unilateral ceasefire

  24. Turkey’s Political Response • External Pressure • EU • UN • Post-9/11 and US relations • Turkey steamrolled by US • US support of anti-terrorism • July 2003 Reforms: • Adoption of “Reintegration Law” • Amended the Census Law • Reforms allowing the use of non-Turkish languages • Article 8 of the Anti-Terror Law revoked

  25. And Now • Currently an estimated 1 to 3 millions IDPs • Tens of thousands killed • Hundreds of villages destroyed • Human rights violations • Terrorism by PKK

  26. Conceivable Solutions • Kurdish integration approach • Total secession approach


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