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Development of the Central Nervous System Biomedic Dept. Medical School, Unisba. Origin of Nervous System. CNS-The brain and spinal cord ectoderm neural epithelium. Proliferation neural plate neural groove neural fold neural tube.
Development of the Central Nervous SystemBiomedic Dept.Medical School, Unisba
Origin of Nervous System • CNS-The brain and spinal cord ectoderm neural epithelium. • Proliferation neural plate neural groove neural fold neural tube.
Proliferation neural plate neural groove neural fold neural tube. • Neural Tube CNS (Brain&spinal cord) • Neural Crest PNS & ANS(Cranial, spinal, autonomic ganglia) • The rest is neural crest .
Neuralation • Formation of the neural plate and neural tube(22-23 days)region of the fourth to sixth pairs of somite • Two third craniallyfuture brain • One third caudally spinal cord • Fusion of the neural folds neural canalrostralneuropore (cranial)&caudal neuropore(
1. Ektoderm • 2. Neural tube bagian dorsal • 3. Neural tube • 4. Neural tube bagian ventral • 5. Notochord
Gen-gen yang berperandalamperkembangan neural tube • A Sensory Neuron • B Viscero sensory neuron/motoric • C Motoric neuron • Gen PAX3/7 berperandalamperkembanganAlar plate • Gen PAX 6 berperandalamperkembangan basal plate • Defisitdari gen inimenyebabkan Syndrome de Waardenburg
Development of The Spinal Cord • 3 concentric zones: • Ependymal/ ventricularlayer (internal) nucleated , mitotic cells • Mantle/intermediate layer (middle)the cell bodies of neuron and neuroglial cells • marginal layer (outer)fibrous mass, processes of nerve cells.
Development of the Spinal Ganglia • Neural crest cellsSpinal ganglia • Peripheral process(dendrit)pass the spinal n. to sensory endings • Central processdorsal roots of spinal nerve • Myelination of nerve fiber oligodendrocyte
Development of spinal meningens • Positional changes of the spinal cord: • The vertebral column and duramater grow more rapidly than the spinal cordpositional spinal cord does not persist • New born(terminate L2/L3)& Adult (inferior L1)
1 Telencephalon2 Diencephalon3 Mesencephalon4 Cerebellum5 pons4+5 Metencephalon6 Myelencephalon(medulla oblongata)7 Spinal cordI ProsencephalonII MesencephalonIII RhombencephalonA Cerebral trunk
Development of brain • Fusion of the neural folds in the cranial region & closure of the rostralneuropore form 3 primary brain vesicles Primitive brain straight three point of expansion:Forebrain,Midbrain&Hindbrain • fore brain(prosencephalon) • mid brain(mesencephalon) • hind brain(rhombencephalon).
Fourth week :embryonic brain grows rapidly and bends ventrally with the head fold • Flexure : cephalic/mid brain, cervical, pontine
MYELENCEPHALON • -Most caudal part called medulla oblongata • neuroblast(alar plate) marginal zone gracili nuclei medially& cuneate nuclei laterally • -Continued into spinal cord. • -Vascular mesenchymechoiroidplexure • .
Neuroblast(basal plate)medial tp lateral: general somatic efferent(hypoglosal nerve), special visceral efferent(innv. Muscle from pharyngeal arches), general visceral afferent(vagus & glossopharyngeal nerve) • Neuroblast(alar plate)1. general visceral afferent(impulses from the viscera) 2. special visceral afferent(taste fibers)3.general somatic aff. (Impulses from the surface of the head) 4. special somatic aff(impulses from the ear)
METENCEPHALON -From isthmus to pontine flexure. -Dorsal: cerebellum -Ventral: pons MESENCEPHALON -Least modified -Overshadowed by fore and hind brains
DIENCEPHALON. -Epithalamus,thalamus,hypothalamus. -Evagination epiphysis -The wall optic chiasm -Infundibulum hypophysis. TELENCEPHALON -Paired cerebral hemisphere -Three functions corpus striatum, rhinencephalon and pallium.
Congenital anomalies of brain • Anencephaly (Meroencephaly) • Microcephaly • Hydrocephalus
Cranium • Development of cranium • Cranium develops from mesenchyme around the developing brain. • The cranium consists of:Neurocranium • Viscerocranium
Congenital anomalies of cranium • Cranium bifidum • Acrania • Holo-acrania
Vertebrae • Development of vertebral • Mesenchymal cells are found in three main areas: around the notocord, surrounding the neural tube, and in the body wall • Cartilaginous Stage • Bony stage • Notocord expands to form the gelatinous center of the intervertebral disc -- the nucleus pulposus
Congenital anomalies of vertebrae • Rachischisis • Spina Bifida