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A Quality Certification Model for Grid Research Projects the ETICS feasibility Study

A Quality Certification Model for Grid Research Projects the ETICS feasibility Study. Adriano Rippa ( adriano.rippa@eng.it ) - Engineering Ingegneria Informatica s.p.a. On behalf of the ETICS Project. Summary. Introduction to QA concepts The starting point of the study

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A Quality Certification Model for Grid Research Projects the ETICS feasibility Study

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  1. A Quality Certification Model for Grid Research Projectsthe ETICS feasibility Study Adriano Rippa (adriano.rippa@eng.it) - Engineering Ingegneria Informatica s.p.a. On behalf of the ETICS Project

  2. Summary • Introduction to QA concepts • The starting point of the study • The proposed Grid Quality Certification Model (GQCM) • Comparing GQCM and other QA standards • Timeline and pubblications • Conclusions ETICS 2nd Review - CERN 15/02/2008

  3. Quality Assurance refers to several concepts • Quality of the implementation process • High level steps of the software production cycle suggesting what the organization must do (not how) to have effective development processes that “may lead” to good software. • Quality of the requirements management • Correct collection/management of requirements and relation with the customer and stakeholders, to reduce the percentage of failures due to misinterpreted requirements. • Quality of the service • Performances and correctness of the service • Finally quality of the software… QUALITY Quality of Product Quality of Process CMM GQCM ITIL ISO – 900x ETICS 2nd Review - CERN 15/02/2008

  4. Some QA Terminology • According to ISO 9126 documentation we can define: • Measure: the number or category assigned to an attribute of an entity by making a measurement (sometimes used as synonymous of metric) • Metric: The defined method to measure an attribute and the scale • Measurement: The use of a metric to assign a value (which may be a number or category) from a scale to an attribute of an entity) ETICS 2nd Review - CERN 15/02/2008

  5. Quality is a matter of measure! • State-of-the-art provide hundreds of metrics • The most common • Cyclomatic complexity • Lines of Code • Function Points • Mean Time Between(to) failure • Bugs density • … • Other approaches (Goal Question Metric - GQM) promote user defined metrics • Anomalies distribution • Effort used to solve anomalies • Cost of not founded anomalies • … ETICS 2nd Review - CERN 15/02/2008

  6. Quality Standards • There are many standards to asses the quality of the processes of an organization • CMM • ISO family • ITIL • AQAP • But QA means initial investments and managing QA means devote resources to it! • Several studies show that lot of companies (e.g. many Small/Medium Enterprises) can’t afford the initial effort and don’t recognise the promised increase of value. ETICS 2nd Review - CERN 15/02/2008

  7. e.g. CMM-I • CMM-I levels: • 1 Initial: Processes are low managed and controlled. There is a first tentative to look at the quality • 2 Managed: Processes are specific, controlled, applied, replicable • 3 Defined: There is homogeneity in the processes between all the projects. They are defined by the organization • 4 Quantitatively Managed: Processes are measured and controlled • 5 Optimising: Focus on the continuous improvement process • Only ~70 companies in the world are certified at level 5 • 50 of them are in India • Only 25% of the companies in the world are level 2 or above ETICS 2nd Review - CERN 15/02/2008

  8. QA in research project is missing! • Current quality assurance standards are useful but • They need lot of time to be applied. The organisation need to be structured and certified. What for the short-live consortia? • They provide only theoretical guidelines which need to be adapted and realised. What for the objectivity? • It’s hard to systematically verify goodness of results: managing tools needed • They need resources to be devoted to • People need training and certification needs inspections and time to be achieved ETICS 2nd Review - CERN 15/02/2008

  9. QA in grids: ourproposal • GQCM is amodelforquality assurance that is • fully automatable in measuring and verifying activities to reduce investments and management effort, • not subjective, to certify the object not the process nor the organization, • product oriented, not process oriented, • …easily adoptable within (Grid) Research Projects ETICS 2nd Review - CERN 15/02/2008

  10. GQCM: Preliminary Remarks (1/2) • GQCM is independent from the ETICS tools • Any GQCM implementation needs just “automation” • GQCM has been developed within a Grid project and to asses the quality of grid software research projects but it can be used for any software applications ETICS 2nd Review - CERN 15/02/2008

  11. GQCM: Preliminary Remarks (2/2) • GQCM has been developed according to several standards: • GQCM has been described according to several ISO standards (e.g. ISO/IEC 25000, 14598) • GQCM has been restructured according to ISO 25041 • Quality attributes has been named using the same terminology as ISO 9126 ETICS 2nd Review - CERN 15/02/2008

  12. GQCM: Structure • GQCM is structured in Evaluation Modules (EM). • The set of evaluation techniques are grouped in families. Every family is an EM • 5 EMs: • EM: Static analysis • EM: Coding style • EM: Structural testing • EM: Functional testing • EM: Standards compliance ETICS 2nd Review - CERN 15/02/2008

  13. Evaluation Modules 1/5 • EM Static analysis • Quality characteristics: • Reliability – maturity • Maintainability – analysability • Maintainability – changeability • Maintainability – testability • Technique: • Static analysis of classes. Statistics on measures are used as predictor of quality characteristics. • Applicability: • Object oriented programming languages. • Input: • source code, each class of the code is analysed ETICS 2nd Review - CERN 15/02/2008

  14. Evaluation Modules 2/5 • EM Coding style • Quality characteristics: • Maintainability – analysability • Technique: • Static analysis of the source code. • Applicability: • Most programming language • Input: • source code ETICS 2nd Review - CERN 15/02/2008

  15. Evaluation Modules 3/5 • EM Structural testing • Quality characteristics: • Functionality – accuracy • Reliability – maturity • Technique: • Structural testing. The intention of this EM is to test specific classes that are identified by static measures as being statistically more likely to have many errors. • Applicability: • Object oriented programming languages • Input: • source code ETICS 2nd Review - CERN 15/02/2008

  16. Evaluation Modules 4/5 • EM Functional testing • Quality characteristics: • Functionality – accuracy • Functionality – interoperability • Reliability – maturity • Portability – adaptability • Portability - installability • Technique: • Functional testing • The purpose of this EM is both to check platform compliance and to check to functional abilities of the software product. • Applicability: • General • Input: • compiled code • user documentation ETICS 2nd Review - CERN 15/02/2008

  17. Evaluation Modules 5/5 • EM Standards compliance • Quality characteristics: • Functionality – standards compliance • Technique: • Functional testing • This EM has a good potential for automating the test. • Applicability: • Standard specific • Input: • compiled code ETICS 2nd Review - CERN 15/02/2008

  18. GQCM: Final Score • Final score should be provided according to the following schema. The items which should be available for the users are: • A table summarizing the results • A list of passed and non passed tests • All the important information as: • Software product (e.g. name, version, executable code, documentation..) • Platform (name, version, date) • Quality characteristics (name, evaluation result, evaluation module identification) • Standard compliance (for each standard: name, version, date) • Identification of evaluation report (organization, report number, date) • Identification of certification body (organization, contact information) • Certification data (dates, certification number) • Electronic signature of certification record ETICS 2nd Review - CERN 15/02/2008

  19. GQCM: Summarizing Table example G = Good M = Medium P = Poor ETICS 2nd Review - CERN 15/02/2008

  20. GQCM: FAQ • I can’t add any overhead to my project • This model (and the capability of automate) will reduce the effort in performing continuous build and test activities (e.g. coverage tests) on different releases • How much costs adopting it? • Nothing, the model will be discussed publicly and the final version will be released under open license (e.g. Creative Commons) • The ETICS framework is provided as a service running on a dedicated infrastructure, free of charge for Research Project • My organisation is certified ISO/CMMi so I…? • See next slides… ETICS 2nd Review - CERN 15/02/2008

  21. GQCM integration in an ISO 9126 certified organization • Facts: • ISO 9126 define quality attributes • GQCM support the measure and evaluation of quality metrics • Why are they compatible each other? • Many ISO9126 aspects can be evaluated by GQCM GQCM apply what ISO 9126 asks • Any tool implementing GQCM and can be integrated as supporting ISO9126 adoption • So • GQCM can be both an independent quality model and a “tool” to be easily compliant with ISO 9126 ETICS 2nd Review - CERN 15/02/2008

  22. GQCM integration in a CMMi certified organization • Facts • CMM is process oriented (it gives guidelines). • GQCM is product oriented. • Hypothesis: • CMM2 • asks to “control and value” • CMM3 • asks to “use internal standards and have a reference model” • CMM4 • asks to “have measured and controlled processes using quantitative and statistical techniques” • CMM5 • asks to have an “improvement process and quality based on measurement”. • Our Thesis • GQCM is not in contrast with CMMI and can be integrated in organization as a tool to support CMMI adoption ETICS 2nd Review - CERN 15/02/2008

  23. A first “implementation” • Currently we implement partially two evaluation modules • EM: Static Analysis • WMC: looks at the complexity of classes • EM: Coding Style • Only some measurement but we can have a realistic value from it • The first implementation will aim at the programming languages Java and Python. […] ETICS 2nd Review - CERN 15/02/2008

  24. The timeline EGEE ’07 1-5 Oct Budapest (Hun) OGF 21 15-19 Oct Seattle (USA) OGF 20/EGEE UF 7-11 May Manchester (UK) Now EELA 3° Conference 3-5 Dec 2007 Catania (IT) OCTOBER DECEMBER FEBRUARY MAY QUALIPSO Conference 16-17 Jan 2008 Rome (IT) ECHOGRID/EUChinagrid Conference 24-25 April Beijing (CHINA) Belief Conference 25-28 June Rio de Janeiro (BRA) ETICS 2nd Review - CERN 15/02/2008

  25. GQCM: publications • 2 papers submitted and accepted • When/Where • EELA third conference • 3-5 December 2007 • Catania/Italy • QUALIPSO first conference • 16-17 January 2008 • Rome/Italy • A quality oriented conference ETICS 2nd Review - CERN 15/02/2008

  26. Conclusions • GQCM is a certification model • Automatable • Free • Not in contrast with classical standards • Ready to interact with classical standards • Not limited to the ETICS build and test tool • Not limited to research projects • Not limited to grid software • GQCM require less human effort to be used because it is almost fully automatable • ETICS tool is ready to implement GQCM ETICS 2nd Review - CERN 15/02/2008

  27. Q&A http://www.eu-etics.org • Acknowledgements: • Many thanks for his contribution to • Andrea Manieri ETICS 2nd Review - CERN 15/02/2008

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