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WASTE SEPARATION AND RECYCLING in Třinec, the Czech Republic

WASTE SEPARATION AND RECYCLING in Třinec, the Czech Republic. Our project activities on WASTE SEPARATION and RECYCLING in Třinec. We tried to find out as much as possible about waste separation , recycling …

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WASTE SEPARATION AND RECYCLING in Třinec, the Czech Republic

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  1. WASTE SEPARATION AND RECYCLINGin Třinec, theCzechRepublic

  2. Ourprojectactivitieson WASTE SEPARATION and RECYCLING in Třinec • Wetried to findout as much as possibleaboutwasteseparation, recycling … • Welearnedhow to sort outthewaste. WevisitedWasteCollection Yard in Třinec Oldřichovice. • Wetooksomepicturesrelated to ourtopic. • Wemade a presentation on thistopic - weused thedata wefound in thelibrary, on the internet, in ourtextbooks, in magazines, in newspapers.


  4. Wasteseparationisnecessaryifwewant to saveournatureandourenvironment. In Třinec wehave recycling binsofdifferentcolours. Eachofthemcontainsdifferentkindofwaste.

  5. Recycling bins in Třinec

  6. Blue recycling bins in Třinec Theycontainpaperwaste such as: • newspapers • magazines • office paper • leaflets • books • exercisebooks • boxes • paperbags • paper drink boxes

  7. Yellow recycling bins in Třinec Theycontainplasticwaste such as: • plasticbottles • plasticbags • plasticboxes • foil • plasticproducts • Polystyren

  8. Grey recycling bins in Třinec Theycontainothercommunalwastethatwecannot put intoyellow, blue, whiteor green recycling bin.

  9. White recycling bins in Třinec Theycontainwhiteglass:

  10. Green recycling bins in Třinec Theycontain colourfulglass:

  11. And wherecanwe put largecommunalwaste thatcannotbeplacedintobins? Hereistheanswer: • Wetakeit to ourWasteCollection Yard.

  12. WasteCollection Yard in Třinec • isalso “ a recycling yard“.

  13. Thepurposeofthewastecollection yard is to collectwaste. Citizenscanbringtheirmunicipalhouseholdwaste free ofchargehere. Mainly, thisapplies to bio waste, hazardoussubstancesand bulky wastegenerated in particularwhenmoving house or clearing flatfurnishingsafterthedeceased.

  14. Thecollection yard isalsotheplacewherecitizenscanbringtheirconstructionwastegenerated by buildingadjustmentsoftheirflatsorhouses (windowexchange, bathroomadaptations, etc.).

  15. TYRSKÁ WASTE COLLECTION YARD • serves as the transfer station - communalwasteistransferredfromcollectionvehiclesintocontainers.        

  16. Nehlsen Třinec, s.r.o. • wastecollection yard collectwastefromcitizensandcompaniesandalso run • a collection point • for recycling discardedelectricalappliances.

  17. Theaverageweightofelectricalandelectronicappliancescollected in 2009 • was 6.41 kg per citizen per year.

  18. CompostingSite Theindustrialcompostingsite in thepremises oftheRegionalLogistics Centre forWaste, Material, andWastewater Management in Třinec in Tyrskáis an establishment forwastereusespecialised in bio wastecomposting.

  19. Nehlsen Třinec, s.r.o. FINISHING WASTE SORTING LINE OF SORTED WASTE IN TŘINEC – OLDŘICHOVICE processthewasteintosecondaryrawmaterials forfurther use (e.g. recycling oralternativefuel)

  20. Garbagesorting line in Třinec - Oldřichovice

  21. Pressedplasticbottlesready for recycling.

  22. Thankyou for YOUR ATTENTION

  23. Source: • pictures: Clipart • photos: project team

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