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Present Tense of -ar Verbs

Present Tense of -ar Verbs. P. 84 Realidades 1. VERBS. A verb usually names the action in a sentence. We call the verb that ends in - ar the INFINITIVE. VERBS. The INFINITIVE is the form you would find in a Spanish dictionary. In English it means “to + (verb) ”. Enseñar = to teach

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Present Tense of -ar Verbs

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  1. Present Tense of -ar Verbs P. 84 Realidades 1

  2. VERBS • A verb usually names the action in a sentence. • We call the verb that ends in -ar the INFINITIVE

  3. VERBS • The INFINITIVE is the form you would find in a Spanish dictionary. • In English it means • “to + (verb)”

  4. Enseñar= to teach Estudiar= to study Hablar= to talk Bailar= to dance Cantar= to sing Dibujar= to draw Escuchar = to listent These are some INFINITIVES you already know: • Esquiar= to ski • Jugar= to play an instrument or sport • Montar = to ride • Nadar= to swim • Patinar= to skate • And several more!

  5. IN SPANISH: • The last letter or letters of the verb tell you who does the action.

  6. IN SPANISH: • To change an INFINITIVE to a form that tells who is doing the action, remove the -ar and add the appropriate ending.

  7. IN SPANISH: • This action is called CONJUGATION

  8. I study You study He She studies it We study They study To study = estudiar

  9. Yo(I)estudio Tú(you)estudias Él(he)estudia Ella (she) Ud. (You formal) (We) Nosotrosestudiamos Nosotras Ellos(they) Mestudian Ellas(they) F Uds. (you all) ESTUDIAR = to study

  10. STEM / ENDING • For every infinitivein Spanish there is a stem and an ending.

  11. STEM / ENDING • For example, for “estudiar,”…”estudi” is the stem. • “ar” is the ending.

  12. STEM / ENDING • So, the endings for -ar verbs are: • o, as, a, amos, an

  13. THE VOSOTROS • Verb forms ending in áis, such as estudiáis, are used mainly in the country of Spain only. It is the informal way of saying you all do an action. We will not be using this conjugation in class, however it will be introduced occasionally in class, just for recognition.

  14. Let’s CONJUGATE Some more -ar verbs!

  15. Yotoco Tútocas Éltoca Ella Ud. Nosotrostocamos nosotras Ellostocan Ellas Uds. Tocar = to touch, to play an instrument

  16. Yo enseño Tú enseñas Ud. Él enseña Ella Nosotrosenseñamos Uds. Ellosenseñan Ellas Enseñar = to teach

  17. NEGATING A SENTENCE • When you want to say that you do not do something, use no before the verb form

  18. NEGATING A SENTENCE • Yono canto en la clase de educaciónfísica. • I don’t sing in physical education class.

  19. ASKING A QUESTION • When we ask a question in Spanish, we usually put the subject after the verb or sometimes at the end of the sentence.

  20. ASKING A QUESTION • ¿Canta Juan en la clase de ciencias? • ¿Estudia mucho Paulina? • Verb Subject

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