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Understanding and (Re)Designing Organizational Systems: Final Report

Detailed report on a case study of an ECommerce/EBusiness initiative, focusing on a resource-based view of the organizational system, models, and resource dependencies. Analysis of OpenEC/B impact within virtual organizations. Includes findings, papers, supported students, timeline, budget, and related research projects.

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Understanding and (Re)Designing Organizational Systems: Final Report

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  1. Understanding and (Re)Designing Organizational Systems: Final Report Walt Scacchi1,2 and Kevin Zhu2 1Institute for Software Research and 2Graduate School of Management

  2. Project Goals and Methods • Conduct a case study of an new ECommerce/EBusiness organizational initiative in a commercial enterprise setting. • Capture and model a resource-based view of the organizational system involved in the EC/EB initiative

  3. Summary of Progress • Captured and modeled organizational system and processes for international virtual organization (in US and Europe) for free, open source ERP systems. • Produced model and resource dependencies found in virtual organizational system • Report for case study available, June 2002.

  4. Findings (1) • OpenEC/B: Open source software development being applied by commercial firms to: • Create, deploy, and sustain free, open source • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems • Other ECommerce/EBusiness systems • Customer Relationship Management • Corporate Financial Systems (A/P, A/R, G/L, etc.) • B2B trading system components

  5. Findings (2) • OpenEC/B can arise within (International) virtual organizations. • OpenEC/B services are being deployed and marketed as new business activity. • Tractable resource dependencies exist that shape OpenEC/B organizational systems and process (re)design.

  6. Relevance to CRITO Consortium • New concept: OpenEC/B • First models of OpenEC/B • Identification of resource variables in OpenEC/B models that explain: • What’s involved; How it works; Conditions that shape success or failure • Identification of a set of large and small companies pursing OpenEC/B business models.

  7. Papers and Publications • W. Scacchi, Understanding the Social, Technological, and Policy Implications of Open Source Software Development, presented at the NSF Workshop on Open Source Software, January 2002. • M. Elliott and W. Scacchi, Free Software Developers as an Occupational Community: Resolving Conflicts and Fostering Collaboration, Proc. ACM Intern. Conf. Supporting Group Work, 21-30, Sanibel Island, FL,  November 2003. • W. Scacchi, Open EC/B: A Case Study in Electronic Commerce and Open Source System Development, July 2002.

  8. Students Supported • Mark Bergman (ICS Ph.D. student): engaged in ongoing field research in support of case study and related issues. • Margaret Elliott (ISR Post-Doc): engaged in ongoing field research in support of the case study and related issues • Not funded by the CRITO Consortium

  9. Project Timeline • Case study site selection: 3Q-01 -- 1Q-02 • Field study: 1Q-02 -- 2Q-02, 3Q-02 • Data analysis and modeling: 2Q-02+ • Case study report preparation: 2Q-02 • Preparation and presentation of Final Report: 2Q-03. • Ongoing refinement and publication of project reports: 02 -- 03

  10. Budget and Expenses • 01-02 • Salary and Benefits • Walt Scacchi: $15K (to be paid in July 2002) • GSR (Mark Bergman): $7.5K (1Q-3Q, 2002) • Field study related travel • $2.5K (July-August 2002)

  11. Other Related Research Projects • W. Scacchi: • No other CRITO Consortium grants • DAU/Navy: Exploring Open Software Systems Acquisition Processes (2001-02) • NSF: Understanding Open Software Communities, Processes, and Practices (2000-03) • NSF: Organizational Dynamics of Software Problems, Bugs, Failures, and Repairs (2002-06) • NSF: An Integrated Social and Technical Approach to Development of Distributed Inter-Organizational Applications (2002-06) • K. Zhu: The Effects of E-Commerce on Firm Performance (2000-02).

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