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WebEx. Trainings and Meetings. What you’ll learn. How you will be invited to a WebEx event How to join a WebEx event- hosted by Perkins ADHE. How to participate in the event How to view a recorded WebEx session or training. To consider. Users vary in online expertise

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WebEx Trainings and Meetings

  2. What you’ll learn • How you will be invited to a WebEx event • How to join a WebEx event- hosted by Perkins ADHE. • How to participate in the event • How to view a recorded WebEx session or training

  3. To consider • Users vary in online expertise • Web conferencing will save time and money. • Meetings can be held “on demand”. • Users can share knowledge. • “Experts” can be handed the presentation. • Can use iphone to participate

  4. What we can view during meetings • Desktop/applications • Files

  5. Summary • Support from WebEx for technical difficulties • Training center recordings for when you miss a training • You can check your system prior to the first meeting • Email notification of meetings- link for participation


  7. Doodle Why use Doodle? • For Polling… • For setting up meeting dates and times

  8. For setting up meetings…

  9. The End

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