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Wilson High School. TIGER PRIDE. 2014-2015 School Year Woodrow Wilson High School. Homeroom Orientation. Word of the Day. redundant- (re ‘dun dent)- (adjective)- exceeding what is necessary or normal
Wilson High School TIGER PRIDE
2014-2015 School YearWoodrow Wilson High School Homeroom Orientation
Word of the Day • redundant- (re ‘dun dent)- (adjective)- exceeding what is necessary or normal • Because my teacher had the words welcome to a new school year on her door, on the promethean board, and on the top of her syllabus, I thought opening up the class with the words, “Welcome to a new school year,” was redundant.
Academic Student Support Teams • Last Name A-C • Assistant Principal Ms. Bowser • Counselor Ms. Sargent • Last Name D-He • Assistant Principal Mr. Haith • Counselor Ms. Bright
Academic Student Support Teams • Last Name Hf-Mc • Assistant Principal Ms. Clemmons • Counselor Ms. Blitz • Last Name Md-Sl • Assistant Principal Mr. Bargeman • Counselor Ms. Maites • Last Name Sm-Z • Assistant Principal Ms. Waits • Counselor Ms. Flowers
Behavior and Attendance Student Support Teams • Last Name A-D • Dean of Students Mr. Hernandez • Attendance Counselor Ms. Martinez • Last Name E-J • Dean of Students Ms. Ricks • Attendance Counselor Ms. Stephens
Behavior and Attendance Student Support Teams • Last Name K-Q • Dean of Students Mr. Barnes • Attendance Counselor Ms. James • Last Name R-Z • Dean of Students Mr. Martin • Attendance Counselor Ms. Clemmons
Other Members of the Administrative Team • Peggy Peagler Assistant Principal • Alex Wilson Academy Director • Mitch Gore Athletic Director • Brandon Hall Assistant AD
Other Members of the Administrative Team • Linda Wanner Instructional Coach • David Thompson Instructional Coach • AjibadeDaSilva Business Manager • Kendric Hawkins Extracurricular Director • Seneca Surles Lead Security Officer
Doors open at 8:00 AM • 8:25 AM: Tiger scholars need to arrive at school - classes start at 8:45 sharp.
8:30 AM The day starts by passing through security at the main entrance.
8:40 AM Time to go to class!
MONDAY • All seven periods (45 minutes each)
Every Tuesday/Thursday • ODD DAYS • Periods 1 (45 minutes) • Periods 3, 5, 7 (90 minutes each)
Every Wednesday/Friday • EVEN DAYS • Periods 1(45 minutes) • 2, 4, 6 (90 minutes each)
6 minute passing periods between classes – Students need to walk AND talk!
3:15 Classes end It’s time for Student Activities
Wilson Scholars Will • Dress for success in an educational setting. • Be on time to school and to each class. • Not use electronic devices during class or transition time. • Carry their School ID at all times. • Not wear hats or headgear in our school building. • Only eat food in the cafeteria, stadium seating, rose garden and atrium
Policy for Food and Beverages on the Wilson Campus Scholars are allowed to eat: • Cafeteria • Atrium • Stadium seating • Rose Garden Scholars are NOT allowed to possess: • Food and beverages (except water) in: • the halls, stairwells • gymnasium, stadium field • media center, or auditorium.
Policy for Food and Beverages on the Wilson Campus • Scholars may not : Take cafeteria trays into the stadium seating Take bag lunch and other food or drink into a classroom unless invited by a teacher Scholars with off campus lunch privileges may not bring outside food or drink into the school campus • Wilson High School, as part of DCPS, is a drug, alcohol and tobacco free campus.
Policy for Food and Beverages on the Wilson Campus • Let’s Keep Wilson Clean ! Scholar’s are expected to: • Clean up after themselves by putting all waste into the proper receptacles and returning their trays to the tables indicated for tray return in the cafeteria. • Keep Wilson clean and green by disposing of breakfast and lunch waste into the proper containers: • compostable food waste bin • recyclables bin • trash bin
External Door Policy on the Wilson Campus Scholars are not allowed to Leave school without permission.
External Door Policy on the Wilson Campus • Scholars are not allowed to open unauthorized doors to let other scholars in the building without permission:
External Door Policy on the Wilson Campus Scholar’s are not allowed to prop the door open so that other scholars can enter the building without permission: These Behaviors are Tier 3 offenses and will result in a Suspension
Off Campus Lunch 2013-2014 SY
Who’s Eligible? Must be a senior (have earned at least 18 credits and passed English 11) Must be a junior (have earned at least 12 credits and passed English 10) • Earn honor roll during the previous advisory (3.0 GPA or better) OR • Demonstrated a .5 increase in their GPA from previous advisory Must have parent permission (a signed and verified permission slip that is handed in to Ms. Tamara Clemmons by the deadline.)
Sophomores May leave 4th advisory if: You have earned at least 6 credits and passed English 9 You have earned honor roll ALL THREE Advisories prior to the 4th Advisory You have parent permission (a signed and verified permission slip turned in by the deadline.)
The Important Fine Print Must have ID with a special sticker on the front of the ID; show it to administrator on duty. Stickers will not be issued to students without a student ID and contact with a parent/guardian. All scholars must be re-screened when entering the building No outside food or drinks permitted in the building Must re-enter the school by 12:40 on Mondays and by 12:00 noon Tuesday-Friday.
Entering Wilson High School What is REQUIRED in order to enter our building.
Entering Our School • When entering Wilson High School please remove all jewelry, belts, cellphones, mp3 players and any other item that may slow your process down of getting through security. • The reason we ask you to do these things is so that the time that is wasted by getting to the machines and trying to take all of these items off do not prohibit you or another student from entering the building on time.
Entering Our School • School starts at 8:45am. When you enter the building around that time, it makes you late to class. • Be in the front door by 8:25am at the latest and be prepared to go through the machines by putting all items that could cause the machines to go off into your bag. Never place items on top of the machines or on the side of the machines.
DC One Card Upon Entering Our School • Entering without your DC One Card will slow you and other scholars from getting to class. • Two things that happen when we don’t possess our student ID is that: • 1. We must type in your name which causes the line to back up. • 2. $0.50 cents will be charged to you for every time that your name has to be typed into the CAASS machine and you will have to be pay this obligation before you graduate. • PLEASE POSSESS YOUR STUDENT ID CARD AT ALL TIMES WHEN ENTERING THE BUILDING.
Zero Tolerance When Entering Our School • Woodrow Wilson High School will have a Zero Tolerance for the following: • 1. The smell of Marijuana (Chapter 25 Rules will apply) • 2. Inappropriate Dress (Chapter 25 Rules will apply) • 3. Disrespect to any staff or security personnel will not be tolerated (Chapter 25 Rules will apply) • 4. Entering through inappropriate doors (Chapter 25 Rules will apply) All of these items must be followed in order to enter our school building. All rules must be followed in accordance with Woodrow Wilson High School’s rules. Chapter 25 Rules will apply
Grade Policy • Assessments = 75% • Classwork = 15% • Homework = 10% • Try your best on every assignment, no matter the category • Good faith efforts will earn at least a 50% • Read your course syllabi closely for policies on late work • Log on to Edline each week to check your current academic status in each class.
STEP IS A TRADITION • Student Teacher Enrichment Period (STEP) is an opportunity for all students to enhance their academic experience at Woodrow Wilson HS. • STEP is a tradition at Wilson where students, teachers and other staff member can focus and interact to enhance the academic environment at Wilson.
MAXIMIZE YOUR TIMEWE WILL …. • Participate in at least one extracurricular activity, club, or sport. • Address bathroom needs • Throw away all garbage in trash cans • Do not hang in stairways or bathrooms • Remain in authorized areas in school.
WHAT ELSE IS STEP FOR… • Meet with teachers for extra help with written authorization from teacher • Make up assignments and tests with prior approval from teacher. • Utilize computer labs and media center for academic purposes in the Media Center. • Participate in extracurricular activities. • During inclement weather the following areas will be open during STEP: Atrium, Media Center, Auxiliary and Main Gym, and all Student Service areas located on the 1st Floor. NO ONE WILL BE ALLOWED OUTSIDE.
RESPECTTHE OFF LIMITS AREAS • 2nd, 3rd, and 4th floors unless student has written permission to see a teacher. • All stairwells, landings, steps, etc. (No sitting or loitering) • Locker rooms —unless with a coach or teacher • All bathrooms are off limits except those on the 1st Floor • Main GYM • Staff parking garage and outside parking lot.
TIGERS ALWAYS RESPECTTIME • There will be 2 bells at the end of STEP: • Warning bell at 11:58 pm (Tuesday-Friday) • End of STEP is at 12:01 pm • Please Note:Fourth period (on even days) or Fifth period (on odd day) begins at 12:09pm
Wilson High School TIGER PRIDE
Wilson High School TIGER PRIDE