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754-758 Analyze two primary sources. Describe the “Great Society”

754-758 Analyze two primary sources. Describe the “Great Society” domestic plan for the U.S. JFK. LBJ. Spoke of a new America Call to end poverty and racial injustice Urban revital - ization Improve education Called for all Americans to work together. New Frontier

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754-758 Analyze two primary sources. Describe the “Great Society”

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  1. 754-758 • Analyze two primary sources. • Describe the “Great Society” • domestic plan for the U.S.

  2. JFK LBJ • Spoke of a new America • Call to end poverty and racial injustice • Urban revital- • ization • Improve education • Called for all Americans to work together. • New Frontier • Help for the elderly • and workers. • Calls for moral • strength. • Upbeat, positive • and idealistic. • Great Society • Focus on the • environment and • help to local gov’t • Generally more • realistic, specific • and detailed.

  3. “Let Us Continue” • JFK visited Dallas, TX, as his • motorcade passed the Texas • School Book Depository • assassin Lee Harvey Oswald • fired three shots. • Lee Harvey Oswald shot • JFK and Governor John • Connally while in Dallas on • 11/22/1963. • Jack Ruby assassinated • Oswald two days later. • Conspiracy theories began • to develop. • Warren Commission investigated the assassination and • determined that Oswald had acted alone. John F. Kennedy Dallas, 1963

  4. President Lyndon B. Johnson • “War on Poverty” – continue • JFK’s policies to focus on • domestic issue of poverty. • “The Other America” – by • Michael Harrington pointed • out the issue of poverty. • Examples? • The Office of Economic • Opportunity was created • in 1964 headed by Sargent • Shriverand operated: • Job Corps • Head Start • VISTA • Neighborhood • Youth Corps Lyndon B. Johnson sworn in

  5. Lyndon B. Johnson and Civil Rights • Civil Rights Act of 1964 • Prohibited segregation in public accommodations • Created the E.E.O.C. (Equal Employment Opportunity • Comission) to prevent discrimination in hiring practices. • SNCC and “Freedom Summer” of 1964 • Was a voter registration drive in Mississippi. • Helped create the “Mississippi Freedom Democratic • Party”, a biracial group headed by Fannie Lou Hamer • bypass Mississippi’s all white Democratic Party.

  6. Lyndon B. Johnson and Civil Rights • SNCC and “Freedom Summer” of 1964 • Was a voter registration drive in Mississippi. • Helped create the “Mississippi Freedom Democratic • Party”, a biracial group headed by Fannie Lou Hamer • bypass Mississippi’s all white Democratic Party. • Selma March 1965 • From Selma to Montgomery, AL for voting rights. • State Troopers attacked marchers in front of television • cameras which broadcast it nationwide. • Voting Rights Act of 1965 • Outlawed literacy tests and sent federal registrars into • southern states to register voters where less than 50% • eligible voters were registered.

  7. The Election of 1964 • LBJ expanded US involvement in Vietnam • per advice from Sec. of Defense McNamara. • 8/2/1964 North Vietnamese torpedo boats • attacked two US destroyers Maddox and • Turner Joy. • Johnson orders more bombing attacks and • asks Congress to pass the “Gulf of Tonkin • Resolution” granting the president the • power to use “all necessary measures” to • protect American forces. • LBJ’s opponent Barry Goldwater strongly • supported it, which made LBJlook like • more of a moderate, not eager for war.

  8. The Election of 1964 • Landslide victory for Johnson with 61% of • the popular vote (largest margin in history) • LBJ began “The Great Society” • “A program to win freedom • and opportunity for all.” • Medical Care Act established • Medicare and Medicaid. • Elementary and Secondary • Education Act. • Higher Education Act

  9. The Election of 1964 • As we watch the following commercials, think • about what issues are being identified and how • the commercial is trying to persuade voters • Commercials • LBJ “Republicans Don’t LIke” • LBJ “Poverty” • BG “Boy on Bike” • BG “On Morality”

  10. Essay Prompt: • Discuss the factors that contributed to the popularity, competence and overall effectiveness of John F. Kennedy as president. • OR • Support the argument made by some that Kennedy’s presidency was based more on style than substance. (In other words, that JFK was not a particularly a competent president).

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