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Solar Magnetic Field Observation on December 7, 2003

Explore magnetic field data from NOAA region 0517 captured by THEMIS-MTR. Study longitudinal and transverse components in Hα and Neutral Line emissions.

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Solar Magnetic Field Observation on December 7, 2003

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  1. image: 340x240 arcsec pixel: 0.45 arcsec Neutral Line NOAA region 0517 THEMIS-MTR 2003 december 7 9h08-14h06 I intensity continuum l 6302 Å V. Bommier & A. Eff-Darwich

  2. image: 340x240 arcsec pixel: 0.45 arcsec Neutral Line NOAA region 0517 THEMIS-MTR 2003 december 7 9h08-14h06 I intensity H center l 6562.8 Å V. Bommier & A. Eff-Darwich

  3. image: 340x240 arcsec pixel: 0.45 arcsec Neutral Line NOAA region 0517 THEMIS-MTR 2003 december 7 9h08-14h06 B// longitudinal magnetic field component -2000/+2000 Gauss l 6302.5 Å V. Bommier & A. Eff-Darwich

  4. image: 340x240 arcsec pixel: 0.45 arcsec Neutral Line NOAA region 0517 THEMIS-MTR 2003 december 7 9h08-14h06 B// longitudinal magnetic field component -450/+450 Gauss l 6302.5 Å V. Bommier & A. Eff-Darwich

  5. image: 340x240 arcsec pixel: 0.45 arcsec Neutral Line NOAA region 0517 THEMIS-MTR 2003 december 7 9h08-14h06 B transverse magnetic field intensity 0/1000 Gauss l 6302.5 Å V. Bommier & A. Eff-Darwich

  6. image: 340x240 arcsec pixel: 0.45 arcsec Neutral Line NOAA region 0517 THEMIS-MTR 2003 december 7 9h08-14h06  transverse magnetic field direction -90°/+90° Oy axis l 6302.5 Å V. Bommier & A. Eff-Darwich

  7. image: 340x240 arcsec pixel: 0.45 arcsec Neutral Line NOAA region 0517 THEMIS-MTR 2003 december 7 9h08-14h06 B longitudinal & transverse magnetic field 1dash/10x10pixels l 6302.5 Å V. Bommier & A. Eff-Darwich

  8. image: 340x240 arcsec pixel: 0.45 arcsec Neutral Line NOAA region 0517 THEMIS-MTR 2003 december 7 9h08-14h06 B longitudinal & transverse magnetic field 1dash/5x5pixels l 6302.5 Å V. Bommier & A. Eff-Darwich

  9. image: 340x240 arcsec pixel: 0.45 arcsec Neutral Line NOAA region 0517 THEMIS-MTR 2003 december 7 9h08-14h06 B longitudinal & transverse magnetic field 1dash/3x3pixels l 6302.5 Å V. Bommier & A. Eff-Darwich

  10. image: 340x240 arcsec pixel: 0.45 arcsec Neutral Line NOAA region 0517 THEMIS-MTR 2003 december 7 9h08-14h06 I intensity H center l 6562.8 Å V. Bommier & A. Eff-Darwich

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