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The diversity and beauty of ocean-life

Explore the diverse marine habitats, from sharks to colorful coral reefs, and learn about fascinating aquatic creatures like the sea otter and the bull shark. Immerse yourself in the beauty of the oceans with this captivating journey.

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The diversity and beauty of ocean-life

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  1. The diversity and beauty of ocean-life Nina van Dongen Pam Ummenthum Bàrbara Carvalho Teresa Alvelos

  2. The North Sea The Northeast Atlantic has a big diversity of marine and coastal habitats. Millions of migratory birds rely on food and cultivated land during their flight along the coasts. The sea is rich in wild marine species: sharks, seals (including dolphins, sperm-whales, imke whales and other whales) and stocks of commercially important fish. There are also very productive varieties of plankton, lamanaria forests, sea grass beds and even coral reefs of cold water.

  3. Dutch fish as pets Zebra Sturgeon – Zebrasteur – Zebra esturjão Rivers of Black Sea and Caspian Sea Maximum length is 220cm Ghost Koi – Ghost Koi - Koi Espírito Donau and East Asia Maximum length is 100cm

  4. Veil tail – Sluierstaart - Cauda véu Asia Maximum length is 20cm Sarasa America Maximum length is 25cm

  5. Sunfish – Maanvis – Sunfiash South-America Maximum length 15cm, maximum heigth 25cm Zwaarddrager Guatemala, South Mexico Maximum length 12cm

  6. Endler Guppy Venezuela Maximum length 5cm Black Molly – Black Molly – Preto Molly South and Central America Maximum length 10cm

  7. Goldfish – Goudvis – Goldfish China Maximum length 40cm

  8. WhenwewereintheNetherlandswelearnedmostlyaboutthesmallfishes. Here, in Portugal, wewent to theOceanariumandwefoundoutmostlyaboutthebiggerfishesand marine mammals. Herethey are …

  9. Name: Lontra marinha / sea otterSize : 101-200 cmHabitat : Pacífico / Pacific

  10. Name: Tubarão-gato-leopardo / shark-cat-leopardSize: 51-100 cmHabitat :Antárctico /Antartic

  11. Name: Manta / Manta birostrisSize: >400 cmHabitat: Global Ocean

  12. Name: Tubarão-touro / Bull-sharkSize:201-400 cmHabitat : Global Ocean

  13. Butwealsosawsmallerfishes…

  14. Name: MandarimSize: 0-10 cmHabitat:Recife de Coral / coral reef

  15. Name: Borboleta /butterflySize: 0-10 cmHabitat: Global Ocean

  16. Name: Moreia dragão/ dragon moraySize: 101-200 cmHabitat: tropical waters

  17. Name: Garoupa-amarela-e-azul /Epinephelus flavocaeruleusSize: 51-100 cmHabitat:Global Ocean

  18. Wealsosawotherkindoflife…

  19. Name: Anémona-piscivora / Urticina piscivora Size: 11-25 cmHabitat: Pacific

  20. Name : Estrela-de-Traschell / star-of-TraschellSize: 26-50 cmHabitat: Pacific

  21. Name: Pinguim-de-Magalhães Size: 51-100 cmHabitat: Antartic

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