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The Nile River: Lifeline of Ancient Egypt

Discover the significance of the Nile River in ancient Egyptian civilization and how it shaped the culture, settlements, and buildings of Egypt. Learn about mud brick constructions, limestone pyramids, and the fertile soil of the Nile delta that sustained life. Explore the religious beliefs, economic life, government, and influential figures like Isis and Anubis. Unravel the mysteries of the Egyptian pyramids and the Sphinx, while delving into the advanced science, technology, and inventions of this remarkable ancient society.

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The Nile River: Lifeline of Ancient Egypt

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  1. ANCIENT EGYPT Walk like an Egyptian www.ancient-egypt-online.com

  2. Egypt today

  3. Settlements / buildings • mud brick buildings • limestone pyramids Geographical features • Nile River • Flows northward • Delta empties into the Mediterranean Sea • Surrounded by desert • Climate • hot, dry summers with moderate winters

  4. Nile River The Nile River has played an extremely important role in the civilization, life and history of the Egyptian nation. One of the most well known river Nile facts is the river's ability to produce extremely fertile soil, which made it easy for cities and civilizations to spring up alongside the banks of the Nile. The fertile soil is contributed by the annual spring floods, when the Nile River overflows onto the banks. This waterway also provided a source of drinking water, and source of irrigation for farming as well as papyrus reeds that could be used for a variety of purposes such as paper and building materials.

  5. The Nile delta is irrigated by the Nile and its many distributaries and has some of the richest farm land in the world. It is home to some 45 million people, over half of Egypt's population. Cairo is at the apex of the delta. Just across the river from Cairo you can see the three big pyramids and the sphinx at Giza. The Suez Canal is just to the right of the delta.

  6. Buildings • Wood was extremely scarce, almost non-existent in ancient Egypt. The two construction materials that the ancient land of Egypt seemed capable of producing in multitude was sand and papyrus reeds; with some stone quarries. Therefore, for the most part, the majority of ancient Egyptian houses were constructed of mud brick. • Ancient mud houses in Egypt were made by first mixing a compound of mud and straw. The mixture could then be formed into bricks that were allowed to bake and dry under the hot Egyptian sun. • While the mud might be plentiful, it was not particularly sturdy. In a very short amount of time, usually just a few years, an ancient Egyptian house constructed of mud brick would begin to deteriorate and crumble. • Ancient mud houses in Egypt were primarily constructed and lived in by the commoners on the lowest social strata in Egypt, who could afford little else.

  7. Buildings Wood was extremely scarce, almost non-existent in ancient Egypt. The two construction materials that the ancient land of Egypt seemed capable of producing in multitude was sand and papyrus reeds; with some stone quarries. Therefore, for the most part, the majority of ancient Egyptian houses were constructed of mud brick. Ancient mud houses in Egypt were made by first mixing a compound of mud and straw. Mud model Stone foundations

  8. Buildings In ancient Egypt temples were constructed to house the numerous deities, both male and female, that were at the center of Egyptian mythology and religion. The beliefs held by the ancient Egyptians were more than just the foundation of a religion, these beliefs were central to the everyday life of Egyptian citizens.

  9. Buildings The Egyptian pyramids remain one of the most beautiful and complex mysteries of the modern world. Set against the exotic backdrop of the Egyptian desert, these stone temples hearken our memories back to the days of pharaohs and mummies. Throughout history there have been many theories regarding the exact manner in which the Egyptian pyramids were built.

  10. Buildings One of the most profound mysteries relating to the ancient world of Egypt regards why was the sphinx made. No one seems to be quite sure why this great statue was constructed, however; theories abound. It is believed to have most likely been constructed during the Fourth Dynasty. Located in the same proximity as King Khufu's Great Pyramid, many scholars have hypothesized that the Sphinx was constructed in order to guard the great pyramid.

  11. Economic life • agriculture • river trade Important Cities • Memphis • Thebes • Alexandria • Cairo

  12. Religious beliefs • polytheism • pharos held god-like powers • afterlife – hearts are weighed Government / rulers • dynasties • theocracy – gov’t by religious authority • theocracy

  13. Isis Isis the goddess of magic, was also considered to be the goddess of fertility. One of the most famous legends involving Isis putting the body of her husband back together after he was killed by Seth the Egyptian god, impregnating herself with his body and giving birth to their son Horus Egyptian falcon god.

  14. Anubis Among all the ancient Egyptian gods Anubis is the one who was chosen to be the god of death and dying. He is also considered to be the god of the underworld. His image is often seen as the guardian of tombs and the bodies held within.

  15. Science / technology • canals • medicine • mathematics, geometry Writing system • hieroglyphics – pictures stand for words

  16. Inventions • Black Ink • First Ox-Drawn Plows • 365 Day Calendar and Leap Year • Paper from papyrus plant • First Triangular Shaped Pyramids • Organized labor • Hieroglyphics as an early system of writing • Sails

  17. Hieroglyphics The ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics are a fascination to many people. The term hieroglyphics refers to a system of writing using ancient Egyptian symbols. The hieroglyphics involved a series of 'picture' words. Consisting of several hundred words, this system of writing was intensely complex and very labor intensive. The first hieroglyphics were used on buildings and tombs. It is believed that the Egyptians first began developing this system of writing about 3000 BC.

  18. Hieroglyphics One of the most famous discoveries containing hieroglyphics is the Rosetta Stone, which was discovered in 1799. The Rosetta Stone is dedicated to Ptolemy V and also contains the king's cartouche. This discovery proved to be historically important because it helped to unlock the key to translating ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics.

  19. Famous leaders • Rames II • Tut • Cleopatra Social Classes • pharaoh • land owners, priests, govt officials, generals • merchants, artisans • peasants • slaves

  20. Ramses II Ramses II, during his 67 year reign of Egypt, seemed to do everything over the top. He is probably the most prolific of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs, siring over 100 children with more than a dozen wives. He is well regarded as the builder of more temples and statues than any of the other ancient Egyptian pharaohs.

  21. King Tutenkomen Perhaps the most well known of famous Egyptian pharaohs is Tutankhamen, commonly referred to as King Tut. The mysterious death of this boy king has interested the world since his tomb was first discovered in 1922. Only 18 when he died, it is speculated that both is wife and grandfather might have played key roles in the mysterious and probably fatal blow to the back of his head.

  22. Nefertiti Nefertiti, the wife of Akhenaten, is also one of the most famous of the queens of Egypt. Renowned for her beauty, numerous busts and status have been found bearing Nefertiti's likeness. It is believed that Nefertititi was the chief queen of Egypt during her husband's reign, at least up until the twelfth year. The mummy of Nefertiti remains missing. To date, only jewelry bearing her insignia has been found.

  23. Cleopatra Commonly referred to as the last of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs before the nation tumbled into the hands of the Roman Empire, Cleopatra has been the subject of many novels and movies and is often portrayed as extremely beautiful and seductive. While her affair with Mark Anthony has become legendary, Cleopatra's intelligence and political astuteness may be the most interesting pieces of information of all regarding this female pharaoh.

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