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Cold War Conflicts. Greek Civil War . Greek Civil War. 1 st stage of civil war began a few months before Nazi occupation ended in Greece Greece was in a state of chaos- hunger, destruction Different forces fought for control, including communists
Greek Civil War • 1st stage of civil war began a few months before Nazi occupation ended in Greece • Greece was in a state of chaos- hunger, destruction • Different forces fought for control, including communists • Great Britain tried to help keep communist forces supressed, but were unable to continue funding • US got involved= Truman Doctrine= CONTAINMENT
Korea ruled by Japan from 1910-WWII • With Japanese defeat at the end of WWII, Korea divided along 38th parallel • USSR occupied North Korea • US occupied South Korea • Always tension along border • June 1950 North Korea invaded South • UN/US sent troops to aid of South Korea • USSR provided material aid to North Korea
North Korean forces pushed South Korea/UN/US deep into South Korea • Eventually US was able to launch counter attack and push North Korea back to the 38th parallel • Should South Korea/US push further? • Who else would get involved? • If they didn’t push further would North Korea come back later? • Aggressive? • US decided to push past 38th parallel • China came to aid of North Korea • Pushed US/South Korea back • Stalemate • Today- Still divided along 38th parallel/DMZ • Why is this a “proxy war?”
Korean War Part 1 • Korean War Part 2
Vietnam area had been a colony of France since the 1850s • 1946 Vietnamese fought against French occupation • USSR supplied Vietnamese • US supplied France • France defeated in 1954 in the First Indochina War • Vietnam was divided along the 17th parallel • North (Ho Chi Minh) Communist • South (Diem) Anti-Communist • 1956 Ho Chi Minh wanted to hold elections to reunify Vietnam • Planned to reunify under Communist rule • US under Eisenhower pledged support to S Vietnam • 1958 Communist led guerrillas called Viet Cong began to attack South Vietnamese government
1958 US sent 2,000 “advisors” to Vietnam • By 1963 16,000 US “advisors” in Vietnam but South was still losing ground • 1964 Gulf of Tonkin Incident • US believed North Vietnamese attacked US Navy ships • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution • “Americanization”- 400,000 US troops by 1966 • Poor fighting conditions: agent orange, napalm, guerrilla warfare • At home people tired of war • “Vietnamization” • 1973 Cease fire
1950s Belguim came under pressure to give Congo independence • Lumumba became the new prime minister and immediately talked about the need for social and economic changes in the country. • USSR sent in advisors to work with Lumumba • US worried about the instability in the Congo- it may lead to Communist uprisings • Colonel SeseSeko Mobutu, with the support of the United States and Belgium, led a military coup and ousted Patrice Lumumba from power. • Lumumba arrested by Mobutu's soldiers and later was murdered
He received support from the United States who helped him develop a one party, anti-Communist, dictatorship. • Mobutu had a TERRIBLE human rights record- led one of the most dictatorial and corrupt regimes in Africa • Once Cold War was over, US no longer supported Mobutu and he was overthrown
In 1970, Chile elected a Socialist candidate- Allende which led to major tensions between the US and Chile • The United States’ CIA funded opposition media, politicians, and organizations, helping to accelerate a campaign of domestic destabilization
US backed a military coup and helped General Pinochet take over • Pinochet had TERRIBLE human rights violations- thousands tortured and killed, 30,000 fled the country
Afghanistan • 1979-1989 • Communist forces seized power in Afghanistan • Anti-communist (theMujahideen) forces fought back, creating a civil war (Afghan War) within the country • Pakistan provided communists training centers • Soviet Union provided “military advisors” to the communists • US organized a covert mission to aid the struggling Mujahideen fighters with money and arms • The Mujahideen were able to overtake the USSR and Afghan communists