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L ouisiana. E ducational. A ssessment. P rogram. 2003 –2004. IT’S STILL THE LAA!. LEAP 21—4, 8 (high stakes) GEE 21—10, 11 (high stakes) The Iowa Tests—3, 5, 6, 7 , 9. LAA — 3rd–11 th grades. Pre-GED/Skills Option LAA OR ITED.
Louisiana Educational Assessment Program 2003–2004
LEAP 21—4, 8 (high stakes) • GEE 21—10, 11 (high stakes) • The Iowa Tests—3, 5, 6, 7, 9
Pre-GED/Skills Option LAA OR ITED
Which assessment does a student take? ? LAA ? ? Iowa GEE LEAP LAA LAA GEE ?
REMINDER: Decisions to participate in the LAA must notbe: * • categorically based on the student’s disability. • based on excessive absences. • based on social, cultural, and/or economic differences. • made administratively.
Check the 1 evaluation.
Study the evaluation. • level of intellectual functioning • level of adaptive behavior • social history • psychological/social worker’s comments • summary • recommendations/support needs • Look for recommendations that the student should address functional and life skills.
Intellectual (Cognitive) Functioning and Exceptionality
Exceptionalities Moderate Mental Disability Severe Mental Disability Profound Mental Disability
Exceptionalities Multiple Disabilities Traumatic Brain Injury WITH Autism
an assessed level of intellectual functioning • adaptive behavior • three or more standard deviations below the mean. AND
Check the 2 IEP.
Study the IEP. • Look for an emphasis on functional and life skills. • Look for significant modifications to the general education curriculum.
3 Check the participation criteria form
LEAP Alternate Assessment Participation Criteria
A student participating in LEAP Alternate Assessment is progressing toward a Certificate of Achievement.
To be eligible for participation in LEAP AlternateAssessment, the response to either item 1 or item 2 below must be Yes.
1. Yes No Does the student’s current multidisciplinary evaluation match one of the following exceptionalities?
Moderate Mental Disability Severe Mental Disability Profound Mental Disability
1. Yes No
(If applicable, place a check by the exceptionality. Check only one.)
Moderate Mental Disability Severe Mental Disability Profound Mental Disability
If you have circled yesatitem 1 and checked one of the three exceptionalities listed, then complete the IEP Team Decision space.
If the answer is yes to either item 1 or 2 above, the student is eligible to participate in LEAP Alternate Assessment. * (NOTE: Although the student is eligible for LEAP Alternate Assessment, the IEP team may decide that the student should participate in the general statewide assessment.)
Sally Student IEP Team Decision: _____________________is eligible for participation in LEAP Alternate Assessment and will participate in LEAP Alternate Assessment. * OR IEP Team Decision: ____________________is eligible for participation in LEAP Alternate Assessment but will not participate in LEAP Alternate Assessment. He/she will participate in the general statewide assessment.
1. Yes No (If no, continue to item 2.)
2. Yes No Does the student’s current multidisciplinary evaluation match one of the following exceptionalities
Multiple Disabilities Traumatic Brain Injury Autism
does the student have an assessed level of intellectual functioning
adaptive behavior three or more standard deviations below the mean?
(If the student meets all three of these criteria, place a check by the exceptionality. Check only one.)
Multiple Disabilities Traumatic Brain Injury Autism
If you have circled yesatitem 2 and checked one of the three exceptionalities listed, then complete the IEP Team Decision space.
2. Yes No
If the answer is yes to either item 1 or 2 above, the student is eligible to participate in LEAP Alternate Assessment. * (NOTE: Although the student is eligible for LEAP Alternate Assessment, the IEP team may decide that the student should participate in the general statewide assessment.)
IEP Team Decision: _____________________is eligible for participation in LEAP Alternate Assessment and will participate in LEAP Alternate Assessment. * OR Sally Student IEP Team Decision: ____________________is eligible for participation in LEAP Alternate Assessment but will not participate in LEAP Alternate Assessment. He/she will participate in the general statewide assessment.
2. Yes No (If no, complete the IEP Team Decision space.)
If the answer is yes to either item 1 or 2 above, the student is eligible to participate in LEAP Alternate Assessment. (NOTE: Although the student is eligible for LEAP Alternate Assessment, the IEP team may decide that the student should participate in the general statewide assessment.)
IEP Team Decision: _____________________is eligible for participation in LEAP Alternate Assessment and will participate in LEAP Alternate Assessment. * OR IEP Team Decision: ____________________is eligible for participation in LEAP Alternate Assessment but will not participate in LEAP Alternate Assessment. He/she will participate in the general statewide assessment.
IEP Team Decision: _____________________is noteligible for participation in LEAP Alternate Assessment and therefore will participate in the general statewide assessment. Sally Student
IEP Team (Signatures) Ms. John Student, Mother Name/Position September 30, 2003 Date
Finally, determine whether or not the student must be assessed with the LAA this year. • A LAA student must be at least 8 years old. • A LAA student must be enrolled in grade 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, or 11.