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Chapter 1 The Environmental Dilemmas We Face

Chapter 1 The Environmental Dilemmas We Face. A World In Crisis. How long have humans been on the planet? Humans increasingly impact the environment: how? We can’t ignore environmental problems. Human Population.

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Chapter 1 The Environmental Dilemmas We Face

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  1. Chapter 1 The Environmental Dilemmas We Face

  2. A World In Crisis • How long have humans been on the planet? • Humans increasingly impact the environment: how? • We can’t ignore environmental problems

  3. Human Population • Overpopulation: how many people live on Earth? • About 43% of humans live in extreme poverty • How big will our population get? • How big can our population get? • Consumption & economic growth

  4. Rich & Poor • Highly developed countries: ≈ 20% of world’s population • Poor countries • Moderately developed • Less developed (LDCs)

  5. Characteristics of LDCs • Cheap, unskilled labor • Economy agriculturally based • Hunger, disease, illiteracy common

  6. Rich vs. Poor • Developing countries • Rapid population growth is overwhelming • Natural resource depletion • Developed countries • Slower population growth • Higher rate of consumption

  7. Types of Resources • Nonrenewable • Limited supply • Once they’re gone, they’re gone • Examples? • Renewable • Virtually unlimited • Replenished over relatively short periods • Examples? • Easy to overexploit ---> nonrenewable

  8. Population & Resources • Economic growth tied to exploiting natural resources • Developed countries have utilized many of their resources • Use of natural resources tied to poverty

  9. Population & Consumption • People overpopulation • Environment getting worse • Too many people • Consumption overpopulation • Environment getting worse • Use far more than necessary: why?

  10. Too Much Stuff! • Highly developed countries • 20% world’s population consume: • 86% aluminum • 76% harvested timber • 68% energy • 61% meat eaten • 42% fresh water • Developing countries are starting to consume more: why?

  11. Ecological Footprints • Productive land and ocean needed to supply person with her/his needs • What if we all had the same footprint?

  12. Population, Consumption, & Environmental Impact • I = P x A x T • I: Environmental impact • P: Population • A: Affluence per person • T: Technology used • Interpret results with care! • Ultimate goal: make consumption sustanble

  13. Environmental Sustainability • Sustainability: environment will function indefinitely • Based on: • Effects of our actions on the environment • Earth’s resources are finite • Understanding impact of consumption • Shared responsibility

  14. Does This Sound Sustainable? • Nonrenewable resources being rapidly depleted • Many renewable resources being used in a nonrenewable way

  15. Does This Sound Sustainable? • Environment is being polluted • Human population is increasing

  16. What is Environmental Science? • Interdisciplinary • Broad field • Ecology is a basic tool • Goals • Establish general principles about how the natural world functions • Identifying, understanding, andsolving problems

  17. What is Science? • Not just a body of knowledge • Dynamic process • Requires collection of data • An ongoing enterprise • Requires reevaluation

  18. The Scientific Method • Used to answer questions • Five steps • Ask question • Develop a hypothesis • Experiment • Interpret data ---> conclusion • Share findings • Does not need to be done in order!

  19. The Process of Science • A good hypothesis makes a prediction • Experiment • Variable: factor that influences a process • Control group: variable isn’t altered • Theory • Integrated explanation of numerous hypotheses • Solid ground of science • Accepted as true

  20. Handling Environmental Problems • Five stages: • Scientific assessment • Risk analysis • Public education & involvement • Political action • Evaluation

  21. Handling Environmental Problems

  22. NIMBY & NIMTOO • Not in my backyard • Not in my term of office • What situations cause people to say these? • How practical are these?

  23. Case Study: Tropical Rain Forests vs. Agriculture • Many developing countries clear rain forest for agricultural land • Environmental consequences? • Reduces long-term potential for local people: how? • What are some potential benefits from a standing rain forest?

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