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https://youtube/watch?v=E9wO-NoP7h4 Basic Summary of British Imperialism in India (4 min)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9wO-NoP7h4 Basic Summary of British Imperialism in India (4 min).

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  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9wO-NoP7h4 Basic Summary of British Imperialism in India (4 min) 19th Century British Imperialism in India Key TermsAssignmentAfter watching video clips and listening to explanations of slides, you will be asked to write short definitions & explanations of significance for main relevant vocabulary.

  2. Europeans trade with Indian Mughal Empire dates back to late 1500’s

  3. British expand control over Indiain 1700’s (following Industrial Revolution) by using superior military technology and exploiting internal divisions between religions and castes • Privately owned East India Company (EIC) expands power in India with little regulation by British government. • EIC hires own army in India made up mostly of Sepoys (Indian soldiers) • India becomes Britain’s “Jewel in the Crown” — themost valuable of all British colonies for both raw materials & market for manufactured goods • Indian businesses were not allowed to compete against EIC

  4. Suez Canal completed in mid 1800’s resulting in even greater British imperialism in Middle East and India

  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MV0fYMIvtyU The Sepoy Mutiny/Rebellion (1857) • Underlying Cause of revolt: Growing discontent among Indians towards British rule • Spark for revolt: Rumor among Sepoy soldiers that said their bullets casing were greased in beef or pork fat and Muslim & Hindu soldiers refuse to follow British orders. • Results of revolt: Many Sepoys jailed replaced by Sikhs & more British soldiers. Leads to a lack of unity between Sikhs, Muslims and Hindus.

  6. British “Raj” Expands • After “mutiny”, British took more direct control of India that was called the Raj (into mid 1900’s) • EIC replaced by British government officials sent to “run” India by dividing it into over 200 districts under control of British “Viceroy” • Many middle class British motivated to go to India because perceived adventure and opportunity to live higher class life than in England • More English come for longer periods to India leading to increased distrust with Indians due to British racism/disrespect (“White Mans Burden”) Take up the White man's burden Send forth the best ye breed Go bind your sons to exileTo serve your captives' need;To wait in heavy harnessOn fluttered folk and wild Your new-caught, sullen peoples,Half devil and half child. The White Man's Burden Rudyard Kipling

  7. Imperialism during “Raj” period has both positive and negative effects: • Positive = Modernization of India: Transportation, communication & public health improves, schools & colleges established & less internal fighting among various ethnic & religious groups • Negative = Oppression of Indians: Restricted Indians from competing in business, reliance on cash crops sometimes caused famine & less self sufficiency, hurts Indian culture & sense of pride

  8. Nationalism Grows in India by late 19th Century • Many educated Indians like modernization English bring but want greater equality with English • Many Indians were tired of being 2nd class citizens and want more control and push to unite their own nation (“Home Rule”) • Ram Mohun Roy and other educated reformers lead early efforts to work peacefully with English to expand Indian rights • British continue to exploit Indian religious & class divisions into the 20th Century to maintain control…who is next great Indian nationalist leader??

  9. 19th Century British Imperialism in India Key TermsAlone or with help of a partner, on your paper briefly define & explain the historical significance of: • British East India Company • Suez Canal • Sepoy Rebellion/Mutiny • Raj • Ram Mohun Roy

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